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If you ask me, I’ll tell you that the SHE BON project is a series of wearables that senses and indicates arousal. That’s the low impact description.

If I were to be completely honest though, I can admit that the project is an elaborate coping mechanism that has followed a period of self discovery prompted by unpacking emotional baggage from my youth.

I suppose this cause and effect relation between my life and the project isn’t unusual or surprising. The function of art is to reflect that which is too complex to express in any other way. I’m just doing what artist have always done… 

So, SHE BON: sometimes I describe it as a representation of my identity as a sexual being. The devices themselves are abstractions that attempt to embody ideas and feeling that are a whole lot larger than what is on the surface. Over the past year, I’ve struggled to find an adequate way to express this side of the project; the part that lead to the quirky device I’ll wear over my pelvis… or that read my nipple diameter.

After no small amount of contemplation I’ve decided that the best way to supplement the augments is with a little bit of writing in the form of illustrative narrative……. or, in other words, a comic!

So starting with this “Hickey Choker” augment, I’ll be prompting some thought, and divulging some vulnerable parts of myself using those drawing abilities that I’ve honed throughout my life as a visual artist.

I suppose the goal in doing this isn't just to communicate what I'm thinking more articulately. It is to hopefully created another layer of reliability around the project.

I hope you all can dig that.

This first of which will be coming soon. I’ll release it along with the usual video introducing the augment and its technical details. I’ll also be backlogging all of the augments that I’ve made proof of concepts for so far- although they might not get published until I get around to developing the second iteration of them.

Get ready for an influx of poorly drawn little naked women.




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