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I'm already working on the masks, and with all of my other backlogged stuff it seems like I've got enough on my plate. BUT this project that I started brainstorming back in February is my passion right now, and the thing I enjoy developing the most... therefore important =P

Hopefully the sexual nature of "SHE BON" doesn't turn too many people off. The uncomfortable squeamishness is what I am actually trying to combat by creating this project. In the end, I want to have a good, honest dialogue with the world about our perception of intimacy. I know I have personally combatted misconception and false representation many times throughout my life, all due to lack of communication....... so lets communicate!

If you want to talk to me or throw out thoughts or ideas, feel free! =) <3 I'm glad you're here!


SHE BON : Personal Augments for Sensing and Indicating Arousal!

New wearable project for the spring! =D In how many fun ways can I sense and announce an aroused state of being? The possibilities are endless for sure! I'm building an interface infrastructure for supporting a whole "body" of sensing and sensual indicators called SHE BON! Learn more about the projects on my tech blog here: http://roboticarts.zoness.com/2018/04/11/announcing-she-bon/


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