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Starting in mid December, I decided to live stream a work day here and there for the sake of conversation, feedback, and defeating that lonely fog that often rolls in during the "work at home" experience.

So far, I'm loving it! I realize I'm quite awkward attempting to focus on what I'm making while holding multiple conversations- and the feeling of hearing my voice alone for hours on end is unnerving... but again- I'm getting the hang of it!

In addition to having great company, some of the people present during this weeks stream drew their own renditions of the "helpful scorpion" that came up in the chat. Which is AWESOME! I was so tickled by this, I had to draw my own too. :)

With that being said, I'm going to try and stick to a more regimented stream schedule during the week. I'm thinking Sunday or Monday will become a dedicated drawing day... and Wednesday will become "Walking Wednesday" where I'll work on getting Noodle mobile... come hell or high water. Additionally, I will stream my other misc projects when I'm ready to make progress on them.

If you are among those who keep me company during the Robohemian ranting hours, thank you for being there! :) It's been great getting to know you! If you haven't stopped in yet, I welcome you to. The party seems to be on youtube rather than Twitch, and can be found here:

Robohemian! on GravityRoad 

Keep doing awesome things out there and thank you for being here!




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