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So, five years ago I started this blog... which was my way of holding myself accountable for changing my own life. At that point I had been out of college for a year and I felt like I was stagnating. I just didn't know what to do. I suffered for a while thinking I was going to be stuck forever, but once I committed to taking tiny steps and documenting them, no matter how small and insignificant they felt, that's when things started to move in gigantic strides towards where I'm at now.

The reasons I stopped:

1. back then the blog was hosted on Wordpress.com and I ran out of free storage space to upload images... yuck.

2. I was documenting stuff with video more often and writing didn't seem necessary anymore.

I feel I need to take up that old tradition again. It seems I'm in the same state as five years ago, even if I'm in a different place now.

To fix this, I copied the blog to a sub domain of my main landing site, zoness.com (I can post as many pictures as I want there). The old blog will still live on, I just won't be posting to it any longer. 

Enjoy the new build logs to come :) I spent most of the weekend/week preparing the documentation for my current coin cell battery project which I will also be cross posting on hackaday.io !

<3 sleep well


Robotic Arts

for those who've ever wanted to take over the world, this ones for you


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