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I've woke every morning this week with loud and clear thoughts regarding where I'm at in my life and where I need to go from here. So, I'm choosing to ride the thought wave, to see where it takes me.

I'll publish these thoughts and what's to come on my ranting blog, Red Star (yes, that is an analog for a sore butt-hole, but that is the point of the blog: venting about things). To be a little more descriptive of what I mean, I've been meditating on:

who I am...

how this effects my quality of life...

how to connect with people who I relate to...

so I can find a place where I belong...

if I can't, how I can create one...

because I would like to restore balance in my life.

(don't worry, I'm not going to stop making robots and things, this just means I'll be more prolific in other areas for a while) I hope you enjoy the fresh draws and spur of the moment philosophy that will occur as a byproduct of this headspace!

Thank you for being here <3


I'm Writing a Manifesto

I attended a magnet school for the arts called Las Vegas Academy back when I was in highschool. All I'll say is, every sort of nonsense occurred here during my teenage years. It was my spawning ground, and an integral part of me becoming me. At some point I walked into my core art class...


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