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October's been a bitch month so far, and it seems it won't stop until it gets my life, or my familly's one. After all the time lost in urgent repairs and nasty sickness, it's now my son that was hit by a terrible fever this night. 40,5°C !!!   

As no one of my familly's available to help, i have to keep watch on him alone. Needless to say I will not be able to work as I usually do, which won't help on the overall delays i already piled up this month. So, i'm gonna try to finish as much things as possible but the monthly comic/set will surely be completed in November (i will post what's already done later today), and so will some other monthly rewards i usually produce.  I apologize for such delays but sometimes you just have to wait for the shitstorm to end >_<'

Thanks for your patience once again my friends, you are true friends



Take care of the important things first ... family and self.