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for Patreon censorship !!


As I told you some time ago, unsurprisingly, I just received an email from Patreon telling me to remove all sexual content along the lines of sexual violence, non-con & bestiality among others.

Which is 99% of what I do !! XD

So, I cannot emphasize enough how lucky I am to have YOU as followers and patrons!!


I encourage you once again to subscribe to studiopirrate.com, and also to my discord channel if you haven't done so already : https://discord.gg/daPxQMs,  where such nonsense won't happen, and where you'll be able to enjoy my artworks in a much more easy-to-browse environment.

I won't close my patreon page, because YOU can use your $5 or $10 accounts to access some of my new content on studiopirrate.com, as I've been testing with success so far those past weeks. 

Hence, most of my content here on Patreon will disappear in days to come, but the pinups and a couple consensual artworks.

Sorry for this long wall of text and I hope you'll keep on enjoying my art as much as I do producing it, be it here or through studiopirrate.com!!



thanks amigo ! I see lots of fellow artists like me being slowly pushed out of patreon... by patreon itself! Thankfully I opened my own site soon enough and now I can only invite my fans to follow me on this new adventure as the patreon days are slowly fading into darkness :)