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And the huge PDF is finally HERE, exclusive for you my patreons :)

Many many thanks to Dashole for the fantastic work he put into the writing and lettering of this and sharing this with us :)

Enjoy my friends :)




Sydney looks *amazing* on the cover!


thanks my friend ! Dashole and I put everything we had in this pack :P and part 3 is already under production !! :PPP

Ed Wood

Weird, I keep getting asked for a password


If you try to print or screen cap it, it will ask for a password. Its content edit restricted. You should still be able to open and view it.


Can't wait for part 3! ;)


It'll be great, that we can guarantee! We'll be releasing our second volume with Chapters 3 and 4 at some point, which will include Sydney's Bonus Gallery! Stay tuned! BTW, I offered this PDF for release on Pirrate's Patreon as a way of showing my support for his art. Thank you for doing the same thru your continued patronage!!