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Hey all!

Edit: I was going to turn my page back to a per-work basis, but I can't change that setting without messing up a bunch of my founder status stuff (which will affect payout rates in the future etc). 

So the TLDR now is that postings will be pretty inconsistent until I can find a groove again, and that may be awhile. If you'd like to edit your pledge or remove it until I am able to start posting more often, please feel free to do that. 

If you want to stay more up to date on what all is going on, check out the discord HERE 

Longer Info Dump: 

Back in April I moved to Colorado with a long-time IRL friend. She's recently lost her job for super BS reasons, but it also means that the stability from her income is gone. So for the time being, I'm going to head back into my old retail stint (though obviously in a new town) at least until she can find something else. 

For those of you that have open commissions with me, please rest assured that I will be working through them as I have the time and energy to deliver the quality y'all know and love. 

If y'all want to help out or make any kind of donations, my roommate's Paypal is HERE. Of course, I don't want anyone to feel obligated to give more, but I also know the community here has been hugely supportive in the past. 

Thanks again for everyone's support. <3



Ack -- that's a heck of a twisty turn there, but I hope that you BOTH can find some good options and good solutions here to get things under comfortable control. Take all the time you need, of course -- and here's hoping for some good news to come here in the future! :)


I hope things can even out for you both

The Phoenix King

Sorry to hear that things are going rough for you both, here's hoping that the situation improves. If it would help, I'd be up for getting a commission from you. Let me know!