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Hey y'all! I've got some good news and bad news for y'all! 

The bad news is that the COVID measures have put a rather big dent in my tutoring business, since 100% of my students meet face to face and that's hard to do during a pandemic. I hate asking for help in this avenue, but y'all have always been really generous and supportive, so here I am. 

With that -  I'm going to be opening up several slots for 1 hour sketches.  They're $30 each, and will be done on a first come-first served basis.   (I'll also be opening up for more actual commissions soon, but I can't accept more of those until I wrap up the ones I have.)  

So if you'd like one, please shoot an email to me at d4phnaie@gmail.com 

And if you have an open commission, please bug me for updates!  

(April's Poll pic should be up in a day or two, and we'll get the May poll up after that!) 

Thanks all! Stay safe, wash your hands, and practice good social distancing! We got this <3



Just sent one in!