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Adding the little patreon icon here because I had someone steal and repost a previous picture on the internets. I'm hoping that'll deter theft or at least make them advertise for free. 

FYI, if anyone does that kind of thing again - stealing and reposting elsewhere (even if it has my name on it) I will block them from my Patreon. Don't be a dingus. 



The Phoenix King

Man, art thieves are a pest, aren't they? Been dealing with one guy who's been pinching entire chapters of my work wholesale over on FF.net, to little success. Hope the problem doesn't persist for you. In any event, the pic is turning out really nicely. I'm loving Sam's outfit, and how the bondage elements are integrated into it, and there's a delightful sense of snugness to it overall. Keep up the great work!