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Hello everyone!

Now that this decade is coming to an end, we thought it was an appropriate time to give you guys some news regarding us, Room of Swords and this Patreon.

For the past couple years (since we started RoS), Tara and I have been working very hard to dedicate ourselves to writing web comics full-time. To get to that point though, we had to work on both Room of Swords AND our day job just to keep up with the bills... To give you an idea of our workload.., it was around 90-100 hours a week per person. This gave us virtually no time to go outside, socialize, play videogames ( ok, we're both Kojima fans so squeezed some time for DS hehe X)),  or hang out a decent amount of time with our baby.  Our health also deteriorated quite a bit. We both gained a bunch of weight and developed some anxiety issues. It was.....bad, lol.

As you probably can tell, making a living out of webcomics is very difficult. There's literally thousands of great (awesome?! comics coming out every single year,...so competition is high and work is relentless. Writing stories like Room of Swords also adss to the challenge-- many characters, arcs, plot points, lore, etc....so juggling RoS and working in the game industry full-time proved impossible to manage. Looking back I honestly don't know how we managed it...

We HAD to make changes this next year....so we had to prioritize what's important to us: our family, our mental and physical health, Room of Swords and our readers. 

The bigger change is that we have finally decided to quit our day jobs. We have no doubt is the right choice (but ngl- its a bit scary!) and wanted to let YOU know that we LITERALLY wouldnt be able to follow our dream without your support. It sounds cheesy, but we do mean it. Without patrons, fast passers or merch, this note would be a little different....

So what's coming up, now that we're full-time on this?

We want Room of Swords to improve both in art and story telling. Animation panels will be a little more frequent. We'll be more active on patreon and social media. And  if possible, we'll start writing a second comic- as long as it does not take a toll on our health/life quality.

Again, Thank you for letting us get to that point- we owe you guys so much T_T...

Please take care of yourselves this 2020 and beyond, we love you!

Julian and Tara




Good work


You will always have my support for RoS. Good luck