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Hey guys! It's Friday so that means I get a chance to post a cute pinup for everyone. This is just a character design I came up on the spot and named her Sophia for no real reason, thought it fit and went with it X).

I've been asked how I come up with the poses on these. It really depends on which illustration but for this one in particular it's a combination of making it up and matching two different reference/sources. You can kind of see it on this one with the top and bottom half and figuring out the transition between the two. Most of the illustrations I post here don't use reference at all, though. I want to have as much fun with these and I feel that reference kind of take that away. I did a bunch of Life Drawing in school so that kind of reference practice triggers boredom to me XD

Anyway hope you enjoy this post and the weekend. Love you all <3 !




Oh this ones really cute. She looks like a beautiful and well organized lady. I like her clothes and expression especially.


Ah, thank you so much! I'm quite happy with the expression on this one. Glad you like it!