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Bulma Pinup for today!

I'll be uploading the NSFW version tomorrow! Was hoping to get around it today but something came up to my attention:

There's this dumb app in the Google store called "Cartoon Photo Editor" that stole my artwork and are using it for their Promo material. Supposedly their App turns photos into drawings and they're using my art to trick people into trying it out. The app is very popular (Currently #8 Trending Apps on Art).

I seriously have no time for this (keeping up with Room of Swords 70 panels a week, Freelancing and Patreon posts is insane as is). So dealing with this kind of shit is basically a nightmare, but I have to squeeze it in my schedule -sadly it has to get done somehow :(

I wanted to also take the opportunity and THANK EVERY SINGLE ONE OF YOU for your patronage and support. I'm extremely lucky to have you on my side and do not take you for granted.  You're willing to give part of your paycheck to support me and that means so much T__T You guys are amazing <3

See you on tomorrow's post! 



Flagged the app as well! I even tried to mail the app's owners, but of course they're using a fake email address, because why would Google even check what garbage people put on their services...


Aw man thank you! Yeah Google is kind of shitty with letting anyone post an app without much control. The apple store is much better on that department XD

Frog Dimples (Jesse)

Just flagged/reported twice. The second time I did "Other" so I could write out a complaint w/ link to your Twitter.