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Hello everyone!

Hope you all are doing awesome :)

Wanted to show some work that gets unnoticed all the time which is Storyboarding/drafts. Before we do work on any panel, we make sure we establish everything in a rough state. This helps with writing, establishing shots, acting, staging, and other important elements to tell the story, in a quick rough manner. The purpose of this is to change things easily (throwing away drawings) and not feel bad about it. The last thing you want is to finalize a drawing and then toss that out, so the most efficient thing is to always do that in a rough/draft state.

Having said that, we have actually tossed finalized drawings (sadness), but thats OK. As long as we minimize it, it's all good XD.

This character is named "Kodya" one of the most mysterious characters in Room of Swords. Hope you guys find this interesting!


