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This file is a lovely audio made for me by lurkinfortrouble.  He is way better at editing then I am, and has already taught me a trick or two. 

He is currently working on a full file for me, that is going to be called "Yes Domina" Since he wrote the script and is doing the editing, everyone gets to see this file when it's done. 

He wrote it just for me, with my style in mind... so I think you'll like it ;)

But this is the brainwash loop he sent me, and I think you want to hear it.

I want you to do a challenge for me though. I want you to pick a nice long article, or be playing a game when you listen to it your first time. Just have your mind focus on something while you play the whole thing through. And then see if you can remember anything about what you just read or played.


And then tell me about it!

Exclusive bits are only for when I am doing the work exclusively. Which I am working on, right now! Next in the series HFO: Indoctrination, 

HFO: Recursion, it will be using a recursive induction, which is great for analytical thinkers.

HFO Fractionation was a lie, because I just fell in love with the recursive induction I saw done by nimja.

However the script is almost done so don't worry, fractionation is still in the works.



Just played it on a 45 minute loop while I was playing hearthstone. I know I won all the games I played...but Im not really 100% sure why I did, which is usually pretty easy to remember.


Listened to it while messing around on my computer at times I forgot what i was doing. Tried to enter a password a few times knew what it should've been but just couldn't concentrate enough, kept typing in odd combinations was very confusing eventually I got it :). I really like this file Domina. Your submissive good boy.


I just listened to this on loop while playing Hearthstone. I won my games but it felt like I was playing on automatic. I really love this kind of file and the suggestions that I remember. I'm going to put this on loop during work and see how it goes...


I wouldn't say I forgot what I was doing but my brain just stopped in the last section of the recording.


I've been on a halo kick recently and it goes without saying that my ability to play diminished to, sayyy, Christmas noob status by the third or so loop


Listened to it a few times most of what I remember is the word Domina telling me something. Don't remember what it is but I will keep listening to it to find out.


I first tried to listen to the file whilst reading but found it too hard to think after only a few words. So what to do? Instead I started Minecraft which apparently requires less of a working brain. For a few minutes I ran around but I can't really place my finger on what I specifically did as only a few glimpses is left in my brain. Then I came upon a different part of the file which really scrambles my thoughts: I could no longer figure out how to move in the game. I was a bit aware that I only stood there but I lacked both the will and intelligence needed to move the character. I have listened more to the file and effectively it shuts my brain off, removing all coherent thoughts and leaves me laying like a frozen vegetable.


I listened to this playing angry birds. I breezed through the first four person and then started to get light headed and I couldn't concentrate. The 5 puzzles I repeated 6 times and then I just wanted to lay back and listen.


This made my head fuzzy. I'm not complaining


2 of July 2021. I listen 6 minutes while reading something before going to the hairdresser. I stopped because my alarm warned me about my appointment. In fact, I no longer remember what I read. I couldn't even remember what this challenge was about. And I was nauseous. I had to rinse my face with cold water before leaving for my meeting. And while walking towards I had the word domina which kept coming to my mouth ... I went straight ahead, I had to retrace my steps, and when my hairdresser asked me a question, I felt my mouth was going to answer yes domina and I had to be careful what I said. A little unsettling, honestly.