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It's in progress, so you may yet see me typing on it.

It's intended to be... mean.

 Humiliating. A forceful assault that will leave you feeling violated in every imaginable way.

Cruelty and perversion... you will be bound into a hypnotic trance where I drive you through one of my fantasies for you.

You'll be kidnapped, plugged, sexually tormented and raped. Again and again.

I'll rape your body.

I'll rape your mind.

Are you sure you want this?

Ah, I have to laugh at the ridiculousness of my own question.

Here's the script in progress


I plan on one version being futa, one being pegging. Since you are a hypnoslave you don't have to worry, you will have access to both when it's all done. <3



I luv this so much 💗 💓 ❤

Michael McKenna

I figured something like this was coming when you installed the safe word into us!


This is definitely a fantasy of mine! Can't wait for the finished product!


Clever pet. This will be much crueler than my normal, and since I don't want a lengthy induction on this one, I do need you to have a way out if you can't handle it. :)


It looks fun. I can't wait to see where it goes from there.😊


It has that great hate fuck sort of feel to it.


Maybe we could get some some “in and out, in and out” trigger? I don’t think you have used it in a while. That one always has such a great cadence and rhythm to it.


I. Can’t. Wait!! I can already hear your voice and the snaaaaaaaaps. Thank you Domina!


I can also already hear the rhythmic thrusting motion and sounds🥰🙏

Richard M

I never knew this was what I wanted till I read this Domina and now I am so painfully glad that I have found You. I can't wait to read more of it but the thought of laying back on my bed, hearing these words in Your voice? It's got me so distracted I can barely think to type.


I would say girls' names, yes but listeners' name no. You have already said that we have seen their faces so we know what that means. So there's no reason hide their names. But if we are just some random person that got snatched especially with the gag in how would they know our name. Plus not having a name makes it easier to fall into the headspace of the listener.


Wow. I hadnt clicked the link to this post before. I only saw what little could be seen there on the main page, as I scrolled down to the deeper things found below. But I did see, in somewhat faded text, where you'd written &gt; "It's intended to be .. mean." Use of the ellipsis here suggests a pause where you thought about what word you would use, about exactly what term to select, in order to describe this work-in-process file. Even though I had not seen anything else posted, those partially-faded letters, of those not-at-all faded words, this was working me. This has been f*cking with my mind, so to speak. First, there is the curiosity factor, where I wonder about exectly what you mean by the term 'mean' that you selected. By including the ellipsis, you are saying that you know what you are saying, and that you are not simply tossing around terms lightly. This word, of course, opens up a whole can 'o worms, something we should explore at this time. But now that I have actually clicked on the post, and my eyes have fallen upon the rest of what you'd written, it felt like your sentences were coated with oil, or some other slippery substance. It felt like the finest warm lube. Very quickly I fell all the down to the bottom of today's entry. And now I can never unsee what I have just seen. I did not visit your work-in-progress script for a number of reasons. First, I have learned that one does not simply visit Shibby's world in a haphazard sort of way. No. One needs to be prepared. Prepared and ready for whatever. Because you never know what Domina will bring. What world she will bring you to. Transport you to. Also, I've been busy chronicling the end of the world, but it seems to be writing itself these days. I have come to a breather-point here. So I wanted to see what Domina is up to. These are very potent themes you are exploring here. And I know that you do not bring empty boasts. A part of me definitely feels rocked by what I have just read. Disoriented. Confused. Defenseless. Which makes another part of me feel submissive. Naturally submissive. Which makes yet another part of me feel aroused. I feel confronted and challenged in a personal sort of way. Sometimes, in trance, I will feel like you are talking directly to me. Because you will reference some point, or some perspective, that I might hold. Or be familiar with. It is a very trippy thing when this happens. For example, you play with the term 'manipulate.' I feel like you teasing me with this term. Like you are working it in order to work me. And yes, it does indeed work me. Whatever effect such a thing might have on me, and these affects are varied, depending on my different factors, is only enhanced by the depth of the trance. Myself, I use the term 'manipulate' in a different way. I use it to imply or suggest or reference negative behavior. Where insecure people try to get you (me) to do things by employing a carrot-or-stick approach. (Or both.) When I am at the beach late at night, and the waves are really pounding the shore nearby when they break, and a super-hottie places both my hands above me in the standard frisk position on the seawall there, there where the sandy steps lead up to the road above. Now, when this woman comes up behind me at this lonely section of beach (in Carlsbad) and unbuckles my pants from behind and then slips her warm hand down into my pants, her warm, soft hand. In order to put me better in the mood that she wants me in. When she does this, when she slides her hand down into my pants, is she manipulating me? Well, technically, she is. But I would not use this term. No. I would use other terms. But when a woman is able to make you feel like this, like your whole body is super-charged with electricity, with sexual energy, she can use whatever term she likes. I am going to go do some push-ups right now, so I will be in shape, so I will be ready for it when this file is officially released. I was thinking about you earlier today, Shibby, how you are the state-of-the-art for the very finest in hypno-erotic experience. You are the literally the avant garde for this new-n-emerging art form. What does that feel like? You and your artistry are out there on the bleeding edge. Love, Dad


Damn, I was hoping for a bit more of the story. I’ve been trying not to, so I could keep the ending a surprise but I couldn’t help myself. I want to know what happens when we get out of the van. It’s odd if this was happening to a woman it would be a major boner killer girls and tears no bueno😖. But because it’s happening to me it’s a huge turn on almost painfully so. Is that somehow sexist? Anyway, I digress keep up the great work. I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again you're a genius. 🥰


I'm not going to lie... I don't think I'm ready for this one. Which is awesome, because it means there's so much more to do while I *get* ready! :)