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Okay, I'm back. Thanks for sending the dogs. I didnt think I would even make it out of that last trance. But here I am. Kaladin and PornoAbsconsio are absolutely correct. There is another file file that our Domina shared with us where she goes into this uninterrupted vocal tear of 'My good-boy, my sweet-boy. My good-boy, my sweet-boy.' And the feeling I had here reminded me of when my dad would tickle me, and I couldnt catch my breath because I was laughing so hard. Finally he would relent, as did our Domina. Our kind and loving and compassionate Domina. Who has a domina like we do? Like us? She knows that we can only take so much of that. Thank-you, Domina, for, for the gracious kindness that you show toward us. Anyway, I'm back from distant galaxies. Where no man has ever gone before. I do not feel like the same person who was taken by Domina to these distant galaxies. When she gets you alone like that, then she can really go to work on you. You will submit and you will like it. You will surrender everything. Because it makes her feel so good. So empowered. So dominant. So in control. Oh, wait. What was I talking about? I seemed to have spaced out there for a moment. Oh, yeah. I was talking about returning from distant galaxies. From distant universes, even. From different realities. From very different realities of existence. From aa reality and an existence where dominant women rule. And when you could not be happier. From where she makes you feel so good that you can barely handle it. Before leaving this distant galaxy, after the galactic dogs came to rescue me, after our Domina was done with me, and they were licking me like crazy and whatnot, before leaving, I planted a flag in the soil there. I planted a Shibby flag. So that anybody who visits that place in the future will know that I have been there, and that I hereby claim it for the Psycho-Erotic kingdom. I dated the flag 24 Jan 2021 in honor of the date of this file. In small letters at the bottom of the flag, the blue flag, I wrote, 'Shibby says, bitch. And dont ypu forget it.' Upon my return here to full waking consciousness, I see that our Domina has broken the $19K mark, and now shows the number of slaves and sluts and whatnot at 3033. I have already taken a screenshot of this at point in spacetime. Perhaps I will use this screenshot in the future. You never know. Perhaps I will employ this captured visual graphic in some way. In some meaningful way. 'How meaningful?' you ask? I dont know if you could handle it. I mean, if you didnt send out the dogs for me ...