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Edit in to change 7pm to 7:45 PM on Wednesday.

Lots of fun and pleasure for the good boys and girls who stay in this week!

*Here are my plans so far:


Recording F4A content starting at 11am


Recording F4M starting at 10am

Recording F4? starting at 7:45pm

Recording F4A bedtime Story starting around 9/10pm

I will be continuing where I left off, reading "Kushiel's Dart"

Part 1 (actual recording starts around 48 minutes) 

Part 2 

(If anyone can find the link to part 3 lemmie know)

Part 4 


Starting at 10am I will be recording F4F

Starting at around 11am I will be recording F4M


Starting at 6 I plan on holding an AMA and guaranteed hypnosis event- More information and a place to put questions will be coming up later this week. 

*As always, these plans can be changed on my mood, whim, or be completely destroyed by lawnmowers

Watch out for edits, I will add in scripts and intents as the week goes on.



May I ask what time zone is attached to these time listings?


self-isolations not so bad with you in my head, thankyou domina

marty mcfly

Thank you Domina!

sangit Trital

Which one is the best effective pleasurable hfo so far? Please suggest shibby.


Everyone's mind and imagination is different so the hfo that works best for one person might not be what works best for another. So question is an impossible one to answer. All of Shibbys work is ridiculously well done. You should try a bunch and decided for yourself. Two states of mind is very popular but don't really work for me. Both the buzz word and burst are really fun and if you haven't tried a powerful women's plaything I highly recommend it even though it's not an hfo.