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Sit back and relax as I prepare you for your examination.

Cleaning up a little bit here... and here....

 This is a check up on your response to external stimuli using electrodes. However, I throw a few little things at you that you may not expect. Let's just say these naughty little surprises are all in the name of science. 


ASMR Electro Sticky Examination


Hartmut Koerner

No Latex allergy. In fact I think those blue Nitril gloves we’re now getting are less elastic / more prone to rupturing than the old latex gloves we had when I was starting on the job (- I’m a nurse). As for my feedback on this file: I would probably have stopped listening, if it were not for your voice / you being the one making it. Ear-licking and breathing so close to my ear was nice though. Some random personal acoustic associations I got from it: Using that wash-cloth made me think of work (- I had a blind, helpless patient who’d need her face cleaned multiple times per shift, as she salivated so much and could not help herself, having an early childhood brain damage, being epileptic, spastic etc.) - thinking of work is not really why I come listening to your files, although in this case it just made me a bit sad, which is not all too bad. Some other sound made me feel I was back at home as a kid in the kitchen, laying down and relaxing after lunch while my mother was washing the dishes (- we had no dishwasher), which was making me feel good / at home / relaxed and peaceful. (Few years later we changed roles: me washing the dishes while she laid down to rest.) Then some of the licking / mouth-sounds made me remember an occasion when I was playing with the neighbors daughter when we were kids (maybe 10 or 11? - she’s 4 months older than me), when she was eating / biting into a whole orange and I remarked to her that it made “kissing sounds”, she started playfully doing it more on purpose. So here you got me smiling for remembering my childhood days. When you started splashing water, started laughing, you for a moment seemed to be surprising yourself, and then enjoying it to exploit the situation immediately for giving me dirty thoughts. That was fun mostly for getting to watch you through a genuine moment and playful motion. And because it kind of worked for a second or two... Overall: First I’m always drawn to everything you make, because you make it. And then because it allows me to post my feelings back to you. Which might not be of ultimate importance to you, but I really enjoy sharing some emotions, as I’m a loner, and when I’m not at work, I sometimes don’t speak to someone for days, which in turn makes me comment stuff on the internet.


❤️ Neuroscience and hypnosis are news way of médical rolepiay


I love your brainwashing

Hartmut Koerner

Yes, I suppose we are lucky that she is not into lobotomy! But her going beyond “show me yours, I’ll show you mine” in most files is actually quite enjoyable. Sometimes she’s treating a fine line, and other times she’s violating borders not only on purpose but also to her own delight. We’re always in for a treat and often for some extra surprise in style or content. If one actually watched out a little for the right tags, one can’t go too wrong with her files, and quite often gets rewarded with the most amazing experiences.


As someone who absolutely loves ASMR and has a huge medical fetish, the combo of the two like this is just fantastic! Please, keep up the great work! :) -P.S. Love the glove sounds!


Thanks! There is another file with gloves as well- "taking off the gloves" or something