Bob, Do Something! - Beta (Patreon)
[F4M] Bob, Do Something! [Guided Meditation][Ashe]from[Overwatch] [Forced][Brainwashing][Immersed][In a pod of filling liquid][Transformation][Into an Omnic][MY Omnic][SFX][Script Fill]
You wanted to join the Deadlock Gang, right? We are an illustrious organization. You wanna be part of the legend? I've got an opening for you. Well, not exactly you.
You see, BOB took a beating in that last dust-up. More than a beating, actually. Irrecoverable, they call it.
Well, I decided I couldn't live without BOB. The strength, the loyalty, the obedience... Those are harder to replace than just getting another Omnic. We had a connection. A history.
How do you feel about a bit of a change in name... change in body... change in mind...
It don't much matter how you feel, really.
I need Bob back.
Sound effects from
Hatch -
Background hum - - with a bit of spin
Water noises come from a mixture of two sources-