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[F4M] Soaking in Power [Guided Meditation][HFO][Pure][Pleasure][Fdom][Brainwashing][Layers][Cult-like Mindfuck][Shibbycentric][You would do anything I command][Spread My Word][Slave][Snaps][Anchors left behind][Binaurals][Special effects][Long][Hour]

Feel the strings of my power as I anchor them inside of you.

Pulling from you, sucking from you, your power. All those choices and responsibilities- they are all a form of power and I want them all, want to feel that bit of you deep inside of me as my strings control your body and mind.

You will feel pleasure as I luxuriate in in the intoxicating sensation of soaking in the power of all my fans, followers, and slaves. As I take that sexual energy and let it build inside of me, until the looping wave of intense pleasurable feedback is so very strong- and I pour it into your mind.

Enjoy. But be warned- The more powerful I become, the more powerful the effects of this file.

The more I will take from you.

But also the more you will enjoy it...



Love your hypnosis recordings


All power to Shibby! You are always amazing but this one hit home with me... You can have a thread in me any day.. :)


Haven't listened to this one yet but really looking forward to it. Love these files where you remind us how in control you are. Thanks <3


After years of listening I placed this on loop and i have to proclaim Every one should listen to this on loop one night and you will be where i finaly at whenre i was always ment to be enslaved totaly! DDominaaa


Watched this while listening, and I swear the timing is PERFECT. Now I have to figure out which file fits the second half of that video so I can listen back to back.

Hartmut Koerner

What a strange experience. You created this place months before I got here. It’s all so intricately constructed, I see what you are doing, yet the parts I recognized and wanted to work actually seemed to work, although I saw right through. The parts I found unacceptable flowed through me with much less resonance, but I wasn’t thrown out of trance, as happens normally. - The triggers felt new to me and did not work, I didn’t get that unstoppable wave you often build up in me. But I got those strange Battlestar Galactica vibes:”All of this has happened before, and all will happen again!” As if I could change the past and remember the future. A Nexus beyond space and time. “But you and I, we’ve been through that...” All along the watchtower (Bob Dylan) There must be some way out of here Said the joker to the thief There's too much confusion I can't get no relief Businessmen, they drink my wine Plowmen dig my earth None of them along the line Know what any of it is worth No reason to get excited The thief, he kindly spoke There are many here among us Who feel that life is but a joke But you and I, we've been through that And this is not our fate So let us not talk falsely now The hour is getting late All along the watchtower Princes kept the view While all the women came and went Barefoot servants, too Outside, in the distance A wildcat did growl Two riders were approaching The wind began to howl Edit: when I think of it more, I begin to understand the confusion I was in: On the one hand I knew that this was recorded in May but listened to by me in July. But on the other, I felt so totally absolutely there in the situation, so my faulty emotional conclusion was: I must have been there with you from the beginning! I felt I was there! - That seems to be the origin of this time-travel-illusion. Logically there is no paradox, but emotionally there was! I was fucking there with you in that room! But since the recording was made in May I must have time-travelled... “All of this has happened before, and all will happen again.” - (Wo)man, I’m so lucky my brain works again... - so much for that illusion that I was seeing through your machinations while in trance, when in reality I was so profoundly confused that it made me write a comment afterwards, and an “edit” a day later...

Hartmut Koerner

My conclusion after listening a 2nd time: so much wrong, yet so much right! Here is why: (CAVE: spoilers!) Before I start: the time-travel confusion (see my last comment) is gone - it was only an artifact, which got introduced the first time around I listened to this, because I had focused my attention on the date of the recording immediately before starting the audio, and then I went so fast so deep under, that it somehow got trapped and incorporated into the story (- or at least my first interpretation of it once awake again). Now here is my feedback: I returned to this hypnosis file because of its extremely strong induction! I think this is due to its main theme exactly fitting my main motivation (the transfer of my energy and agency to you, almost resulting in the annihilation of the “self”), and the way it is executed (me breathing and blowing it out, while you breathe and suck it in - practically incorporating my essence into you.) I also liked the other visualization you used before: that out-of-body experience with my body just laying down and my energy hovering above / rising up to you, although it alone would not have worked for me. But here are the problems I have with this file. Two technicalities / wordings ahead which threatened my trance: when you first describe the (MJ-)“Shotgun”-procedure, you talk about me exhaling, while I think you meant inhaling (- I’m inhaling the smoke that you exhale. Although in preparation I would have to exhale first, that was not how I understood your immediate command). And then later you talk about your “dark energy”: Sorry, but the word Dark Energy is already taken by physicists! It is the cause for the accelerated expansion of the universe. It is a placeholder-word, but such words tend to stick (- like Black Hole or Big Bang). Don’t laugh, currently Dark Energy is more than 70% of the energy-content of the universe, and the physicists are still discussing, wether it is a constant of nature (“Cosmological Constant” / Einstein already once introduced it for theoretical reasons), the energy of the vacuum (whose “natural” value for other reasons would expected to be more than a hundred levels of magnitude stronger than it actually is, and therefore would require “fine-tuning”), or simply another quantum field (“Quintessence”). - Please do NOT use this word in trance! But here is my main problem: instead of simply perpetuating that desired, blissful state you brought me into, where I have no attention left for my “self”, because it is so strongly focused on you, you start adding layers of objectionable stories. Why, oh why my goddess?! Let me just stay here and adore you, for you being the archetypical woman, the alpha and omega of my desires and needs, the way, the truth and the life. (Sorry Christians, that was introducing objectionable content in already strong connotated language). All could have been fine, even arousing. But instead I get a dark puppet-master leeching on the energy of its subjects, that at the same time wants only the best for the world, but is always ready to play dirty games. Just cut it! Make it two or three different stories, if you must. (Maybe you have some “white” magic to make the world a better place. Maybe you are the first conscious and omnipotent global AI, that is tasked to safeguard humanity from its darker impulses but has a computer virus that makes it act as its own arch-nemesis. Maybe you have some “black” magic to arouse all sorts of deviant desires. Whatever: there was no need to cram so much into one story, and why did it have to be after the best induction I ever experienced?!) Sorry, if I compare to Nikki Fatale’s “Because 2 / Surrender” file again: Its induction (being lead down stairs) is not as strong and visceral as the one here. Then giving up of the “self” is done by the trigger-word “dissolve” (introduced by identification with a dropping snowflake that in the end dissolves), which again is not as visceral as here, as the transfer into another being, who I desperately (and lovingly) want to give it to anyways is easier for me to imagine, than the dissolution into the impersonal environment. But then there is the perpetuation of this state of bliss (- by continually focusing on obedience, surrendering and going deeper, which has a natural sexual connotation and arouses me). While the corresponding follow-up in this file simply does not work for me: sorry, but you can say “tug” and “pleasure” all you want: this has nothing to do with my main motivation of giving in, letting go of my “self” or going “deeper” with you.


That was pretty damn amazing. I really loved the visuals you put in there and not gonna lie giving all of myself to you through a shotgun and that jello tube thing looking deeply into your eyes was extremely hot and just overall felt so good! I'm discovering so many new things with you Shibby!


I get this completely, that's a slave no bells and whistles just the way it should be.


Domina, after listening to this file you could have called it a “transfer of power” since that is what will happen if one is truly devoted to you and your prerequisite(s) to being a discipline devotee. I have already surrendered my power to you as you described some time ago, and very willingly. Doing so only increases the pleasure you offer and with a firm and clear understanding of my role. I like the various ways you suggest transferring the power (shotgun and the jello tube) to you as well during this experience, very stimulating and creative in many ways. As always, your soothing voice, the way you take the experience to different levels during the experience was as always, a very stimulating, dreamy arousing journey. Thank you Domina.