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[F4M] Mine [Hypnosis][Brainwashing][Fdom][Restraints][Addiction][Devotion][Psycho Mind Fuckery][Confusion][Restraints]

Hypnosis is the only weapon where the more you know about it, the more effective it is against you. In this file I am telling you, logically guiding you to the only conclusion... Every time you listen to me you start out by pretending... playing along. Some of you go into trance when I say the triggers, or lead you there with an induction. Some of you just play along the whole time... or just part of the time. In this file I make you realize that pretending and playing along lead to the same result as falling into trance- you are here, listening and obeying me.


This file is on the purer side of hypnosis, using a confusion induction to catch your mind off balance and quickly take you down into a spiraling of logic and loss of control.

Not very overtly sexual, this file is about my control over you, and the conditioning you are a willing participant in.




Amazing mind trip!


Loved this. These are my favorite files. I really loved the way this ended. I went directly over to Acceptance which has a similar ending which allows you to stay in the trance longer.

Hartmut Koerner

So many files I have yet to discover. This one really works great for me, as wanting to belong is probably the main reason I ended up here in your refuge. I’m pretty sure I already mentioned Stephen Fry’s wordplay on “nature vs nurture vs Nietzsche”. I wonder why you think Subs are born Subs (genetically preconditioned) rather than as an effect of early childhood conditioning (acquired condition) as I would assume for myself. I had hoped for some insights from other listeners, but nobody answered when i asked why people think they ended up here. Nobody answered, when I asked if anyone else was born pre-term like me (- having spent time in an incubator as newborn). Obviously the capability to follow authority is life-saving for humans, as humans are probably the species that is born in the most “unready” / “unfinished” / least “pre-programmed” state concerning their brain functions, but then their ability to learn after birth makes more than up for it. The inclination to follow authority must be there in every human, considering how dependent newborns are (- and considering the role of traditions and religions in human culture). There might also be something to learn from the later stages of a child’s development, as children gain independence step by step: so probably there’s further steps on the ladder to adulthood that imprint on our brains capability and lust for independence, where a Subs brain took the other road or decided to stay in an earlier stage. Now I wonder wether Günter Grass novel “Die Blechtrommel” (and the film by Volker Schlöndorff (english title “The Tin Drum”)) might be worth a revisit, as the main character literally refuses to grow up - but on the other hand the character Oskar Matzerath doesn’t seem to have an issue with his own will: he’s exceptionally strong willed (- his own will prevents him from growing up!). But let’s face it: he is a character in a book. Nobel prize for literature or not - I’m pretty sure he is not suited for a case study. Edit: There’s so many conflicting feelings in my head: admitting to my “Subby” feelings in your trance is such a bliss, it all feels so right - I never felt so good before. Yet I still consider it a kind of deficiency in the analytical part of my mind. On the other hand I don’t really believe in free will in the strong emergent sense anyway (- and there is definitely no room there for free will at the foundations of physics - sorry Roger Penrose), so that the middle ground could be a somewhat uneasy peace: my “willing acceptance” for however it will turn out, because it was meant to turn out that way anyways / could not have come differently in my branch of the multiverse / has come out every way possible over all the branches of the multiverse.