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For some reason I always forget to announce these when they first come out!

Return to Me, My Sweet Boy

Do You Wish to Be Mine, Puppy?

Snap Into It, Snap Out of It

Edg*d And Br*inwashed Into A Better Toy

Ultraman vs Latex

Harvested for C*m

If you've ever wanted your favorite file getting haptic support you can commission it here: https://shibbydex.com/custom



Are there instructions for how to connect the haptic toys properly? I've tried but I can't seem to figure it out

Allen Pickledick

In the about or FAQ questions there is a quide, and if youre still uncertain the discord server can point you in the right direction for more specific details.


Well I don't know what this is, but haptic doesn't work anymore for me. It always did until like 2-3 Months ago. Now there is the Button and it tells me, that haptic is available, but I can't click it, just nothing happens. As if the button wouldn't even be there. On my Phone and on my PC.


I'm not sure when the change was made, but haptics now require a seperate app called initface central, that app acts as a middleman between the toys and the website. A bonus is that much more toys are now supported.