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i've paused december billing as of today, i've been having some health issues, mainly pains in my hands and arms by strained joints (building up carpal tunnel and tenniselbow).

work isnt helping either with the temperatures outside(i work as a postalworker). 8 hrs outside in temps below 4 degrees does tire your body out and christmas being the most stressfull time of the year.

i'm thankfull to anyone subbing and commenting, drawing sexy womens is the dream.

i'll still be posting of course, just cant finish the stuff on time that i want to, also made a list from the prompts from the post and i've been working on some of those.

currently wanna finish maid outfit Junker Queen lol, hoping i'll have it done tomorrow




Get well soon! We will be here when you are ready to return 🥰


Gesundheit geht immer vor! Hoffentlich gehts bald wieder besser <3