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Hello lovely patrons of Lalande!

I want to remind you all that this week's Patreon video will be on Friday instead of today, as on Friday I'll be able to reveal a secret project that we've been working on for tv. It's only a small project but it's one that I'm very, very happy with, and I can't wait to share it with you all.

I wanted you to be the first to see it, but as I'll be reusing a lot of the footage from this your Patreon reveal in the public reveal on The Chateau Diaries on Sunday, I thought I'd also give you a little extra video tonight, with a sneak peek into the planning taking place in the grand salon this week. Amaury has (once again!) cleared the room, and has moved all of the wood in to start the stud work. He and Philip have been putting the last touches to the plans before a single piece of wood gets screwed into place!

Also, in tonight's little extra video, you'll get to meet Angela, our new volunteer, for the first time. She'll be introduced in tomorrow night's Chateau Diaries.

Lots of love to you all,




Annie Davis

are you still going to put the names of all of your Patrons on the back of the panelling? That would be fantastic for all of us,


Would love to be able to see this!!!