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Join us in celebrating New Year with a mixture of Russian, Argentinian and Danish specialities!


PATREON New Year's Eve at Lalande!



Eeeek right family go to bed so I can watch this in peace hahahahaha xxx


Happy new year everyone!

Jeanie Allison

That was lovely. Happy New Year!🎉🎉🎉


Perhaps it’s just me, but I would have loved too see more on the Murder Mystery and group interaction and less of the detailed food prep and discussion. Love Murder Mystery games!


Similar to Huzarensla from NL. Many different ways to make Huzarensla, some make with herring, my mother made with diced beef


I'm here recovering omnicron, watching your New Year's Eve preparations, with glee, on January 05. Nattie, you are glowing with Joy! Thank you for sharing your New Year's. Wishing you All Goodness and Joy!

Kelly S Larson

So who was the murderer? What fun you all had and so much food. I don't know how you all keep so slender.


Who was the murderer?!


Happy new year 🎊🎆 🥳


Looks so fun. Great to see you all. It’s hard to go from daily advent to January!! I hope you’re enjoying a well-deserved rest❤️

Leah Hamdaoui

Happy New Year to you all. Everyone looked fabulous especially Marie who looked ravishingly beautiful. I'm off to eat something after watching all that delicious looking food presentation !!! 🏰🥂🦘


“HAPPY NEW YEAR” everyone! 💕


Our preference for several years is to celebrate East Coast (of the US) New Year's at our West Coast 9 pm by watching the excellent London fireworks show on YouTube. Anyone else? Lalande New Year's looks super fun!


Happy new year! ❤️


Love ❤️ Love ❤️ Love ❤️ Happy 2022 to you all at Lalande Wishing you all the best Stephanie you make life so enjoyable just as it should be ❤️❤️❤️


Happy New Year LaLanders! So excited to see the Oilliekuckens (not sure of the spelling). My Grandmother and aunt made them every year when I was a child. No one seems to know about them here in the U.S. I started to think they made the name up. They are so yummy, a great memory. Thanks


Thank you for sharing some of your evening.Who was the new Dutch Lady who did the deep fry cooking? Hope everybody keeps safe. Happy New Year to you all 🥂🥂🥂🥂🥂


That looked like a fun night! Maria’s dish looked very interesting. And Micah’s comparison to the trifle from Friends was on my mind 😆 as Maria described it. I’m sure it was delicious as I believe she may have been the one who suggested marmite in the Yorkshire pudding, which I did and they came out really yummy!


OH MY Gosh what a wide variety of tastes and flavours. You are an amazing New Years Crew All! Well done cooks! Happy New Year to the Lalanders !!


I loved hearing about the New Year food traditions from around the globe. Maria certainly is a woman of many talents. Thanks for sharing and Happy New Year!

Denise Behrends

Love the intrigue of a Murder Mystery party on New Year’s Eve!


Thank you Kelly for info. I just wondered as Stephanie didn’t introduce us to her or I missed it.Happy New year 🍾🍾


Happy New Year! Team La Lande, all the best in 2022. Much love xo


Oh that was so interesting and fun! Thank you for this extra treat. I loved learning all about the different food traditions. I had to go and fill a plate of food halfway through Maria's explanation!! I could have watched another hour of that!! But the big question is "Who dunnit??"


I wondered as well. It’s possible she may have requested not to be introduced.


Lang may your Lumb reek...... Scottish phrase. 🙂


Hi Steph! I was wondering if you would ever do a walk through of the interior & explain how it relates to the exterior. The drone shots of the entire building have made me so curious. I think I understand where your apartment is, where Nick & Marie live, sort of where Mummy’s apt is, & I think I could find the kitchen. But what is the layout of all the rest? I think I have seen some floor plans on your website? But it would be fun if you walked us through the front door & said, “if you go left, there’s this & this.” Unless that messes with your privacy, then don’t do that! Love to you all from the heart of the US to the heart of France!


Happy New Year everyone! Thank you Stephanie for the wonderfully entertaining vlog! ❤️


Aarh-you brought back memories of my dad Myra ❤️ Translation-long may your fireplace be lit. Many times l was shoved outside on NY to be the “first foot”. 😊


Happy that you ended the year having such a wonderful party.


Just adore Marie and Sabina’s sense fun and humour. What a fun night. Great job to all the cooks! 🕊💕


Perfect recap to keep the holiday going here in the early new year, thanks. It reminded me of celebrating with both Dutch and Russian friends—such a nice spread!


Happy new year to you all! Thank you for another year of viewing pleasure. much love ❤️


Happy New Year! Who was the murderer?


Happy New Year🎉 What was Nati wrapping the tuna and ham/cheese with? Pastry or egg omelet? Looked delicious. Pretty soon we’ll see a cook book of LaLande. Thanks again and best wishes to everyone.


Those looked so delicious and I’m going to have to find a recipe and make them!


If you go way back, I think the vlogs were called Sundays at the Chateau and they had a pink header, Stephanie gave tours of all the apartments - guests, volunteers, private, etc. I loved those and they were very informative especially as for figuring the layout.


But who was the murderer? 🗡️🔪


Thank you Kelly I see Stephanie has given us the answer, all will be revealed next vlog. It is like Nick not wanting to be filmed and Michael Potts wife or girlfriend, which is fair enough.


Happy New Year everyone!!! May it be a better, kinder year to all of us. Fun fact, Maria’s “Olivieri” salad is called a French salad in Transylvania where I’m originally from and the ingredients are pretty much the same - cooked carrots, celery root, parsley root, green peas, potatoes, all chopped into small pieces, then some kind of meat (beef or chicken), lofts of pickles and mayo. Yummmm.


Was that a ring I saw on Nati's finger? 👀🥰 Lovely video as usual!


Happy New Year! 🥂


This was so delightful to watch, beginning to end! I love seeing all the different cultures contributing to the night, it’s so interesting. And Maria’s dress was gorgeous!


what a wonderful celebration, the contribution from all the different cultural backgrounds is amazing!! happy 2022 everyone!!


Hi Stephanie! Any update on the last vlog from Cambodia/Vietnam?


This was the perfect way to start the evening after going back to work today following a five-day break! I will hold on to, and enjoy, every last bit of holiday celebration that comes my way! Thank you to all of you beautiful people for sharing your life with us! Happy New Year to everyone ❤️


Happy New Year! Wishing you all the very best for 2022 ❤️🇨🇦


You seriously have the best parties! What a glittering, global event (Woah Nati!! Happiness becomes you) Thank you for these glimpses into your world xx


Nati and Amaury! What a beautiful, glamourous couple they make. Happy New Year, everyone.


Everything and everybody looks lovely! What fun! (Wish I could sample all the food!!)


Haha Marie the murderer! It’s always those sweet and innocent folks that snap the most…,never let the guard down… 😉


What a fun night! The food looked sooo good and everyone were dressed wonderfully including Antoine and Sunday. Happy New Year everyone!


Me too! But just a sandwich for lunch unfortunately! Hi from South Australia! 👋🏻👋🏻


So much fun. Philip's "ice bucket" and the story behind it was so nice to see and hear of. Such a great group of people this year at Lalande! Happy New Year to all.

Daniel Hammond

Happy New Year and the cuisine looked magnificent! Thank you for the video.


Wishing all the fun festive LaLanders good health and happiness in 2022. So great seeing love in bloom at the Chateau. Beautiful couples and it warms my heart to see you glowing and grinning! Love to all the wonderful, talented, interesting people in the house. Thanks for sharing with us.

Julia Cobb

Finally found it!! Wow, the interesting food from different countries. Think I’ll stick with Holland & Argentina (fish allergy so no Russian) & of course champagne! The game sounded like fun. Was the recording also in the Cadeaux gift? Who did it?? Everyone looked fabulous, wish we’d seen a little more outfits. Happy New Year all Lalanders!


All of the food everyone makes in your videos always looks so good! It is currently -17°F / -27°C where I live. What is the temperature where you live?


Happy New Year to all lalanders! x


Happy New Year to all the mad wonderful people at the Chateau, looking forward to another year of gorgeous, crazy, wonderful, mad, inspiring adventuresxxxx


How do you function? I don't think you will be eating salad! X


A very happy new year to you all


Wonderful celebration! AMAZING and varied foods! Glad to see Nati changed her mind about never, ever, cooking again! Everyone looked BEAUTIFUL!! I wish we'd seen more of the Murder Mystery goings on. Wishing all of Lalander's, there and not, a Very Happy, Healthy, Prosperous New Year! Thank you so much for sharing it all with us!

Olivia Bakke

Thank you for sharing your New Year celebration. I hoped that we would get this treat, but also know it’s past time for a vacation from editing for Stephanie and crew. Have a very good year!

Alton Condra

Happy New Year Lalanders


How fun! I love a good murder mystery!


Thank you for sharing your preparations with us. It's a delight to be part of your lives. I wonder if you could include a welcome or introduction in your Patreon videos. The cold opens leave me a bit . . . cold. A greeting to those who are supporting you financially would feel more personal. Just a thought on something that has been bothering me for some time.

Anne Green

Loving all the international foods 💕 Happy New Year to all the LaLanders across the world 🎉 🥂xx


May all Your wishes come true In 2022 ❤️🏰❤️

Tina Winther

Just saw the years renovation highlights video on YouTube ( not uploaded here yet, but I can’t resist saying thanks for including all tiers on the back of the paneling and the fantastic overview of works moving forward with perspective on discoveries over the past year! Those recipes Marie and Sabine prepared were perfectly alchemical for a grand celebration - and the mysterious comic relief was most welcome! Here’s to dreaming big, restoring and sprucing up all over the world 🌎🌍🌏🥂✨


Try and keep Marie and Sabine.


They rock


I really enoy seeing these two ladies on the Vlog.


I’m a bit late to the New Years party as I was sick with the flu. As mentioned in so many comments already, wow what a great assortment of foods you had from so many different parts of the world. I love it! So Lalande ❤️ Happy New Year to you all! Stay healthy and keep positive.

Anna Ibarra

Gosh everyone looks so beautiful, handsome and Antonine so adorable. What fun and the food amazing.


Many years ago in our greek Christmas table I introduced my greek family the "rosolli " ( that is how we call this salad with herring in Finland ) ...As you can guess they didn't like it , no, no way you can eat this thing ! What a shame greeks can't open their minds for something new ! But ...I don't eat either everything they serve me , that is for patsas which is traditionally made from tripe, legs of pig or cow and many also add pig intestines to the recipe...OMG ! Horrible !


Happy New Year from Scotland and as they say here “Lang may yer lum reek” ❤️ 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Happy New year all 🥸 is it possible to get the murder mistery somehow? Would love to try it

Jane Nunn

I do not know how people can behead little quails.. :-(

Jane Nunn

Nattie you look absolutely stunning!

Jane Nunn

Thankyou for sharing Happy New Year! all.. what a lovely party! NOW YOU MUST TELL US WHO THE MURDERER WAS!


Wow :) I am Romanian and we have the same salad! We also make it with peas and I love it with peas. In fact it is my favorite "salad"!


Hello. My name is Janet and I live in South Australia. Can you tell me how I can send the videos to my television to watch (I don't have any sound on my computer). Thank you.


Thank you Anna, I will give that a go. 🙋‍♀️🙂


Love it