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Here's the YouTube upload of yesterday's patron video as I had technical issues leading to many of you being unable to see it. Vimeo is new to most of you - and to me! - so I'm still having teething problems. Hopefully, together we'll be able to work it out!


PATREON A Perfect Day Out with Ollie!

A very special thank you to all of you who have become Patrons of the Chateau de Lalande. You have made The Chateau Diaries one of the top 400 Patreon accounts in the world, and have transformed not only our lives here, but the future of this beautiful chateau! I’m overwhelmed by your kindness and generosity. On behalf of this beautiful chateau that will continue to survive and flourish because of you, thank you!!!



Hi Stephanie, I’m not sure who Oliver is. Can you help me? I’m thinking he might be in earlier vlogs that I haven’t gotten to watch yet. Thank you! Ps Love watching Dan and Amaury!!


Oliver went to University with Stephanie & either Nick or Stephanie‘s other ex boyfriend-sorry I can’t remember his name. Actually they met at University


Not Stephenie here 😉, but if I remember correct they are friends from university. He has been in many vlogs in the past. I'm jealous of anyone who get to watch the vlogs unseen.. It is a really lovely journey! 🥰


Ah. Thank you Kerry and Anna!


Brilliant thank you for the new upload ❤️


I have been thinking about having a far fetch patreon target for the restoration of the mill and the towers like 50k and 75k. It is not that you won't do them if you don't reach the target, but it shows that there are things in the future that you are working towards eventhough it's not realistic to do it now. Seeing that you and Oliver planning and working with many ideas is wonderful. Keep dreaming big and don't do too much so you burn out. Take care


Ollie cracks me up He is the epitomy of a fine English gent and kinda reminds me of Hugh Grant Great to see him back again and I’m looking forward to seeing what you guys come up with ❤️🇦🇺


Thankyou for this, was noy able to see the vlog on the other platform


Wonderful! It inspires me to also start planning for exciting things in the next year, So lovely to see a dear friend for a gorgeous lunch!!

Kathleen B Schmidt

I get tickled every time I see you in the dress I made decades ago.You apparently love it as much as I did. It is pleasure to see it in its new life in your daily wardrobe. My husband pointed out to me that it is older than you are. LOL.


It works now 🥰


Oliver is definitely the right mix for you to combine with, great friendship going back all those years, dependable, enthusiastic as well as so talented, together you make a fantastic combination, looking forward to seeing the future, onward and upward Stephanie. Ps, called in Howarth to see Marie, she is so happy and embraced by great friends in the village, her studio is CHARMING X love Josie miss you all.


I loved learning about the Tantalus and seeing the lovely countryside on a sunny day in autumn. Mercie!


Cannot wait to see all your ideas come to fruition and Ollie is so right that every new venture starts with a small step or in this case one email. Good luck xxx


I loved this day out. Oliver is self deprecating but so smart and grown up. He makes you sparkle, Stephanie. How great to have an action plan for your dreams- especially directed by a pro like Ollie! I'm all for that!! Just don't let the necessary, urgent (and slightly more boring) chateau repairs and renovation fall by the wayside.


It's delightful watching two kindred spirits interact with each other. You are blessed with good friends! I'm looking forward to seeing what you do with the new channel. Happy Thanksgiving from the US 🥧


What a wonderful auto concept. I learn something new every video. Thank you! And, happy Thanksgiving!

Anne Green

Brilliant to finally see Oliver again 😎


What fun! Loved this video and Ollie’s sense of humour 😀. Can’t wait to hear about all the future plans. I watched this in a break at work during a difficult week and felt lifted out of the stress of the day☺️


Lovely to see you and Ollie together again, you make a great team. Can't wait to purchase some of that new Lalande merch!!


Such a nice day Stephanie! Oliver's new car has it's own personality, I laughed along with you two. Tantalus, a new 'objet' and new historic details from you. Looking forward to the future projects and plans at Lalande! 💕


Thanks Stephanie! It's playing now. Gonna make some coffee and watch it while I get ready for Turkey day! Happy Thanksgiving from the USA *gobble *gobble


I love Oliver’s humorous self awareness and self deprecation . He has no difficulty stating that he is not very good at certain things. No difficulty at all. It is very refreshing, and an indication he is actually overall very confident in himself.


I am confused, I do not see another video. Did I misunderstand?


I so miss the beautiful countryside in France. Thank you for sharing your day and exciting plans for 2022 with us. Can’t wait!!


So glad to see you get together again. Stay safe and healthy.


Was watching this on my iPad and when Oliver started calling Siri...my Siri came on..lol. Great video. Can’t wait to see the results of your plans.


I loved it! I am grateful to Camilla for pushing you guys to do this. Can’t wait to see her and the girls again. Ollie has a precious family!


Oh Steph! I can totally relate to tech troubles. No worries at all. Your video was wonderful as usual!

Sabine Goetz

I am looking forward to your new endeavours in 2022!!


Great start to the day! You two never fail to put a smile on my face :~)


This is a question to Ollie (Nice to see you again! I really have a similar car experience when first driving a hybrid this summer...): I recognise the pad you use in this video. I have considered getting one of those myself, but have not come around to it because I wonder: is it worth it?!? I seem to have a hundred writing pads lying around, I loose track of my notes so I get that aspect -- but I also use a lot of coloured pens, and as an artist you do so too. How do you 'survive', notewise, with only the grey-to-black scale?


Ollie seriously reminds me of a young Alan Rickman!


i dont like the videos being on vimeo . when it was on you tube i could watch it on my tv . now that its through vimeo i have to use my computer or phone. its kind of annoying.


I have problems watching the videos on vimeo too.


Tuning the radio is a bit boring😐


Wonderful seeing Ollie again!


Ollie has a nice sounding voice. Beautiful scenery in France. I noticed you put up some stands to give perspective of what the lime trees in the courtyard will be like, and the Christmas tree both good ideas! Happy Thanksgiving!

Denise Behrends

Ollie is someone who would be fascinating to engage in conversation. He is authentic and centered, with a cultivated aura of glamour. A dreamer who takes action. Love how you both rock your sunglasses. So looking forward to your upcoming endeavors. When the two of you are together as a creative team, magic happens!


I am so happy Michael came and Oliver came also, they both love and care for you genuinely...You are forever blessed Stephanie, keep on smiling and take care always<3


So happy Oliver was able to come and plan with you. I am looking forward to that new channel!!!


Just a “lurker” Patron here but wanted to say that this video totally resonated with me with the biz planning and all of the things that need to happen to make a vision a reality! As the owner of a small, online biz, I’ve found the book Rocket Fuel to be super interesting and thought I may recommend as it talks about Visionaries and Implementers. It seems that Stephanie is SUCH a Visionary with all of the brilliant ideas for new channel, products, etc but may not feel as though you can implement as needed. Ollie may be your Implementer, or perhaps there’s someone like Natalia in your circle of influence that can implement Stephanie’s vision? I, myself, can’t stand it when there’s an idea that’s not being implemented and everything Stephanie and Ollie seemed to be meeting about really lit my fire which is why I decided to post! Best wishes and look forward to seeing what 2022 holds both in business and this growing biz relationship…let’s see those amazing visions put into action…woohoo!


So nice to see Oliver back again; he has such a nice face. It sounds like you and he are going to be doing wonderful things together. Wishing you huge success and satisfaction in all your ventures.


Hope your well.Waking up to learn the world has lost Stephen Sondheim,we looked for Send in the Clowns,to find the Liz Taylor,version,where she seems to be singing in a room with your French Paneling on the walls!


I. WANT. TO. SHOP. IN. FRANCE!!! Stephanie, this is one of my favorite parts of your vlogs; I get all the fun of browsing those beautiful shops and seeing all of those gorgeous things, but none of the expense! (Ok, admittedly not ALL the fun… but, how would I bring everything back to Illinois, anyway? 🤷🏻‍♀️)


Whilst it was fun to see you having lunch out. I am very concerned that as you said yourself you have lots of ideas…. Perhaps it would be wiser to focus all your energy in the restoration for one year . Patreon are investing heavily in you….. I am surprised Ollie did not suggest you focus on what is a huge and important project at Lalande and the responsibility of being donated so much funds and not dally in other things No doubt you will say you need inspiration but I really wonder if you are going to burn out…. I sincerely hope not!


I thoroughly enjoyed this and I’m looking forward to 2022 and all the La Lande surprises❤️❤️


Our Thrift shops in the US are not nearly as nice as those in France! Someday I will make it back to France and find some shops! Good Luck to you and Ollie!


I ❤ when you guy's film together 😊


Well, that was joyful! That town was beyond beautiful! What was the name? I feel like i need to explore it more, if only online. Cheers to dreams and the little things that move them forward!


You two are so fun together! Thanks for sharing. I love the idea of making one small step that brings you forward. The year of action sounds amazing!


Please have T-shirts available for sale.


Loved this . . . Ollie is such fun!


Stephanie and Ollie. So happy to see you together after the 18 months apart. I loved your earlier vlogs together and cannot wait for further collaboration. Travel..yeah, a very different scenario in these pandemic times. The very best of luck for the new venture. I can’t wait personally and know you’ll inform us ever so wonderfully, do it all in fine style and all with your good-natured and infectious sense of humour. I have loved all your out and about videos, with South Africa and your visit to Priory of Notre Dame d'Orsan bring very memorable for me.

Anna Ibarra

Did Oliver move to Spain? He’s such a wonderful person, a great friend. Such a humble man, but so funny more toward himself. Stephanie you have such a beautiful circle of friends, long time friends and new ones.


Every project starts with one step. Break it down into sizeable chunks, list what’s needed and just work your way through and before you know it, it’s done! Good luck with all your creative visions. Looking forward to seeing what exciting treats you have in store for us next year. Thank you x


Love this video! Beautiful scenery, great people...

Anita Atwell

I would love.to hear you sing the song that was playing when Ollie started the car! You and Phillip would sound great ☺️ in fact a contemporary concert would be lovely with the two of you.


It looked like you had so much fun