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PATREON LIVE Q&A from London!

Live from London



Hello 👋


Wowowow what a treat!!!

Julia Cobb

I’ve been in a panic! Looking everywhere for the link. Whew-didn’t miss it.


Hi! This is a wonderful way to start my day! Thank you for making time for us!!


Hello from Devon, Chateau DIY was a triumph!!


Hi there Steph 🧡


Good morning to all "virtual La Landers"


There’s no link


Hello 👋


Happy birthday to me! What a wonderful gift!


Hi! Very much looking forward to this :)


where is the link?


Hi from Prince Edward Island, Canada 👋


What a treat to be able to listen while working😁


Yes, it works! So great to see you Stephanie <3


Hello from California! Stephanie!❤️❤️


I hear you, and see you fine :)


Hi! 😃


Can hear and see you


Hello everyone

Janese Carstens

Hello! I can hear you and see you. It's a little blurry!


hello from Utah


My tea is hot. Hello from Central California!


Video is poor


rather blurred


Hi Stephanie & Philip !

Anna Ibarra

Hello not sure I’m in?


I saw Six in London just before covid. It is fantastic!!


Be careful Stephanie with breathing mould - its very hard to rid yourself of it and can be toxic. Be safe


Are you going to Decorex at Olympia - great place for inspiration


Hello everyone, my first time taking part!


I love that Chateau DIY is back, are you and the other Chateau owners planning on getting together for a party any time soon?


You have such a passion for objects and their story in interior designs. How and when did that start?


Hello, First time watching live.


Been to Fortnums yet on a Tea pilgrimage ?


The video.....for me anyway, it s a bit blurry and stops and starts.....but I’ll keep with it


Hello all! So happy to have made the Live :)


Hello Stephanie and Philip 😘


Have u got any tips for buying at auctions?


I can't hear the questions very well


Can we have a tour of your London flat? 😘


Aloha everyone ❤️ It’s early here and I’m off to the gym. Can’t really join in but know that I will be watching. Love this very much❤️❤️❤️


That's better thanks


When does the lake return??


The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream is my favorite quote of Eleanor Roosevelt . Keep Dreaming Stephane! Never stop😁


Hello all


Have you named the peachicks yet ?


greetings to both of you from Texas.... It is great to see you live.


William Morris wallpaper in Nick and Marie's cottage would be gorgeous! I'd love to use Willow Boughs in my home :)


The book I would really like to see from your pen would be an art book of your father's paintings. Any chance of that happening?


Has the Foundation been finally established for the YouTube funds?


Bonjour from Evian-Les-Bains xxx


When will your mother be coming back?


Hello Phillip lovely to see your face


What an amazing treat - thank you so much for this - coming to nourish at a particularly challenging time - there still remains somethings so magical about a live-even though watching all the vlogs feels like i am there with you - you keep bringing the joy - thank you


Stephanie, have you decided on names for the peachicks yet?!


Hooray for keeping the kitchen ❤️❤️❤️


We need a tour of Phillips room now :)


Love Dishoom!


Try to get to a Firmdale (Kit Kemp) Hotel for afternoon tea


Would you ever buy a professional camera to record the vlogs?


Was Stephanie aware that Dan was filming her talking to Amaury when she was doing the Patreon vlog?


Would you make a video about your clothes collection? I love your style!


I’m glad I was able to join for a few minutes. Fingers crossed I’ll be heading to Paris and then on to Italy for our 25th wedding anniversary next May (fingers crossed).


Hi Stephanie and Phillip! This is my first time sending a question and I joined the live chat late. Just wondering if you have plans to see Marie or is she too far away and busy? 💕 Love all the updates. You keep us so well informed I don’t have any other questions. Thanks for all you do! ❤️


Just saying Dan plasters very well. Give him another hat.


Happy Birthday Cat !


Have you started on the fig jam?


That would be amazing!


Yeah yes please to Monthly lives


Did not catch the live but nice to get caught up! Thank you Stephanie and Philip


This made my day!


Thank you Stephanie and Phillip ❤️❤️


Hi Stephanie 👋🏼 Hi Phillip - Great to see you “Live”. Enjoy your time in London and a Happy Birthday 🎂 to Cat 🥳 Cheers 🥂 Frank and James


question to other Patrons - how/where were you able to watch this live and see and write in the chats?? i could only watch it here (whilst live but not see the other comments that were being referred to - ie not the ones here on this stream - thanks


How does one become a volunteer? I don't get a real reply! Thanks!


Happy Birthday Cat, and hello all!!


send an email to Nati at volunteers email - i think the reason you didnt get a real reply is that Steph really does not have anything to do with volunteer stays anymore - it is Nati who manages all of that now


Happy Birthday Cat. Hi Stephanie! Just driven up from Lyon and I’m down the road in Weybridge! Big hugs and kisses to you all. Have fun in London 🥂😘😘


Poor video reproduction.


Nothing can be done about that its the signal where they are.


Marie is living in the North of England now. So they probably dont have time


This was amazing! I'm so happy! You answered every question that I had been wondering about! It's wonderful to be a long time Patron. Stephanie you give back so much with your positive, generous spirit. 😊💜🇨🇦


Sorry to have missed the live, it looked amazing 🌟 So excited to hear that you plan to visit Scotland in the spring! I live in Edinburgh, would be so amazing if you had any time for a gathering up here! 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿❤ lots of love!

Jason Dubey

Sorry to have missed the live chat. I was catching up on Cadeaux


Your questions and answers programs are out of this world. We all learn so much about the chateau - and even more fun - about you, Stephanie, and Philip. You both light up our lives! You make us feel like we're numbered in your 17 cousins! Thanks so much!


It is a ground penetrating sonar that would scan for any voids under surface. Love from Toronto


Loved it !! I hope to come to la lande next Year😘😘


I wish you could make your own advent calendar as a collaboration


Sorry I missed it:( But enjoyed the posting wQ&A. There is always a next time! Have a great and safe trip!!! Let us know how the play is.


Stephanie, you look wonderful.


Love these chats.


In the USA, we use Ground-Penetrating Radar (GPR) to detect subsurface objects, materials, and of course: secret tunnels 🤓 THAT would be such a fun (and non-destructive) project at Lalande! It would also be YouTube GOLD ⭐️💰 It is expensive to acquire the metal detecting license in France? I hope not, because we would love to see that, too. Thanks you as always for allowing us into your home and sharing this journey with us all 💖 🏰 xo


Is anyone else ready for Advent Calendar series 2021?? I just saw the most incredible Christmas Advent Calendar on DIOR.com! It’s $550 USD, so a bit beyond my budget, but WOW 🤩 So magical 💫✨🎄


Six is the most incredible show. My daughter introduced me to the music on Spotify! If you like Six, you should also listen to Come From Away, a musical about the planes that had to divert to Newfoundland during the 9/11 attacks! So very moving as well!


Thanks Stephanie and Philip. Great questions everyone. Thrilled to hear the possibility of the once a month Q&A. Lots of projects are the way to go Stephanie, when one stalls out, you always have another running. It may seem to others that things aren't moving forward but all of the sudden you will have consecutive completions. Take good care on your travels and have a fabulous time!!


For future question/answer sessions, does Gerry's family have a specific tartan? So, we can send the right gifts for doing up his apartment.


Thank you for giving us an exciting update on what will be happening at the chateau. Stephanie your enthusiasm and can do attitude is so inspiring. Its a pity I am in Australia as I would love to spend a week or two in the gardens at Lalande as a volunteer gardener. Keep up the great work everyone. Cheers👍🏻😀


I live a close 2 hour train ride from NYC, and I'll definitely go into the city to see SIX. It's selling out here, and only just opened. Come From Away is amazing. I highly second the recommendation!


Thank you for the Live Chat, Stephanie and Philip. It was fun and enlightening. I do hope to get to the Chateau next summer.


Monthly lives would be such a joy! Thank you for taking this time for your supporters :-)


I am new at Live Chats, better luck next time for me :(


What is the brand and color of your lipstick you're now wearing?


Thank you Stephanie and Phillip a fantastic live you answered some great questions it was nice to here all that will be going on HAPPY BIRTHDAY Cat have a great break while you are in London

Heidi Panella

Thanks for the Q&A, great questions and answers. Enjoy London and good luck with the damp issue. And Happy Birthday Cat! I hope you sang to her several times :) XOXO


Is it possible to watch chateau DIY on YouTube ? If so, what is the season with the wallpaper done by you and Gerry in the entrance hall? It’s very behind here in Oz Thanks 😊


Thank you Stephanie! 😘I love these live chats!! Love being your Patreon.

Christine VR

I am hoping the secret project is either Amaury’s apartment (since he’s made it clear he plan to stay) OR Gerry’s apartment - as I am hoping he plans to stay at LaLande. I’ll be excited for whatever happens but seeing these 2 dear family members of Lalande make a permanent home at the Chateau would be so lovely.


Nati will travel with us during the winter (we have plans for Venice!) but in season she looks after the running of the bed and breakfast at Lalande.


Love you all!!


Truly dreadful that I didn’t get a question answered.🤦‍♂️😂😂❤️😘


Bummed to have missed the live but it's a pleasure to catch a replay! Thank you Stephanie and Phillip!

Daniel Hammond

I think it was Babe Paley who said 'you can't be too thin or too rich'. I loathe Mrs Simpson, though I do have a lot of fun despising her. And she is no longer with us, so we must not speak ill of the dead! I am so glad that you are able to post the Live for later viewing. Thank you so much for creating it. Much appreciated. Loving the new wallpaper, which I wasn't keen on when you showed it. But it looks smashing on the wall!

Daniel Hammond

PS: Could you make a video about Georges Sand's chateau, which I think is near Lalande? TY!


Thanks for recording the live chat. It was a treat to catch up later and hear the updates. :)


Stephanie, we would love to know how your cousin spells his name. We have guess 'Emery' and 'Amory' but probably neither of these is correct. The suspense is killing us.


Loved it. Would love to see a tour of “the flat” maybe next time? Love from Down Under 🇦🇺


Hi Stephanie & Philip -- About the name, "LaLande" -- last year sometime I sent an envelope to Philip -- it had a page of puns and a scan of a page that showed that there is a STAR named LaLande -- I will look to see if I can find it again -- does Philip remember receiving it? Did you already know about that Star in the sky?


Stephanie! When you said that you don't pick up on ghosts there was a loud noise in the background -- it's the ONLY time there was sound other than your voices up to that point.

Ana Maria Sierra

Hi Stephanie, I’m excited to be on the Patreon team. I’ve enjoyed Chateau Diaries throughout the pandemic and so admire your chutzpah and can do attitude. Thank you for helping to make the world more beautiful inside and out. 💕💕💕


Are you planning to build a theatre at Leland?


I saw Six at the ART in Cambridge….loved it!


You can. buy David Austen Roses in France.


YES, PURSUE AN ENDOWMENT! I'm late to the conversation, but PLEASE investigate diverting some of your current income stream into an endowment! Basically, a lump sum is set aside, the principal of which is not touched, but the income of which is available as a future source of income.


You have a digger now and Dan already has experience building a swimming pool ,pretty sure with all your workers that could be achieved 🏊👙🩳


I believe it is Amoury. People often get Selmar wrong with the British accent - dropping off the “r”


Dear Stephanie, We hope that you and all the LeLanders are well. We just got notified by the US Postal Service that the French Postal Service attempted to deliver a parcel from us to you.  The notice stated they "Attempted delivery at 2:36 PM on 18 Oct., but could not deliver due to the addressee not available at time of delivery." They will try again tomorrow.  Just in case the parcel is held up at the post office, here is the information on it. The parcel is addressed from Thomas and Carmelita Ginivan, Surprise, Arizona, USA.  The Tracking Number is: CH145676774US.  Warmest regards,Tom and Carmelita Ginivan  


Sorry. I forgot to add our email accounts to the above parcel posting. Tomginivan@hotmail.com, Caginivan@hotmail.com. Thanks.


@Kirsten hendry. I have watched all season 6 episodes on YouTube. I think Stephanie was in E13 or 14. I just typed Chateau DIY 2021 in the search . They put a new episode up after it has shown in the UK.


would you two consider singing a duet, maybe a


maybe a Christmas song for Advent