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Patreon: An Autumnal Walk!



Ah, can't watch yet because Youtube is still down 😭


Yay! Looking forward to this when the youtube peeps get things moving again. Thank you Stephanie! Edited to add, absolutely show Selmar's interview on YouTube


Oh no. How long has it been down?

Michelle Morrison

YouTube's been down for over an hour. They claim it's a small error, but there's been no word since they last tweeted an hour ago about it.


It’s down in Hawaii too😩


Was thinking it was down for me only! Glad to see i am not the only one 🙂


Gahhh...I want to watch this but YouTube us down...when has this ever happened before???


Thought it was just me! Will try again in a bit. May have to save it till tomorrow, early shift in the am


It works now❤️❤️❤️❤️ Thank you Stephanie ❤️😍❤️


❤️Hope everyone else gets theirs working soon❤️

Maria Soberanis

I'm sure this lockdown feels different than the first with everyone there. Missing Mummy!


There was something on the news about it. They have no idea why, but it is widespread 😞


Steph, you should show Selmar's interview because we are going to be spoiled in December!!


Stephanie I am a project manager by trade and have some things you could employ to help you manage your huge backlog of work. Anyway if you read this and are interested just ping me!


Loved the very relaxed walk in the forest, It looked stunning. YES, share Selma's interview, I think that would be really lovely and it really helps you out too. I received my Lalande postcard this week. Thank you so much, it really made my week and I absolutely love being part of this community.


I watched it on the Patron app. Had no problem. Thanks Stephanie for another wonderful vlog and the beautiful walk in the forest. YES to sharing the Selmar interview with the rest of the world. I’m sure everyone would love to see it.


Love love love it - thank you Stephanie & Philip!!! Absolutely use the patron videos for a Sunday at the Chateaus!!! Plus it might convince people to join Patreon- “wow, that was a cool behind the scenes extra, maybe I should join too”! Outtakes would be awesome and I can’t wait for the Advent Calendar Vlogs. Thanks so much Stephanie!


I wouldn’t mind at all if you were to share Selmar’s interview with your YouTube audience. I think it’s a grand idea. 👍


Yes, please feel free to share Selmar’s interview ... he is such a soft spoken, gentle soul with so many talents ...


Lovely roam around the forest. You and Phillippe 'work' well together in your vlogs. And absolutely, yes! Use the Selmar interview. It may even inspire new patrons when they see what they are missing :)


Please share Selmars interview and any other older videos. I think it would be awesome for oomthers to see and for you to get breaks and get ahead for the future.

Georgette Jones

Oh Stephanie you have no idea how you have brightened my day, you are wearing my Dads hat and it looks so cute❣️It has been a hard week here and I needed this❣️ I was just talking with Reinette and she is so excited too. He would have loved you, he was a Scottish patent lawyer who did his own drawings for the patent office, the father of 4 girls, he was the boss but we loved him ❣️ I would love to have you post Selmars interview , it was so good❗️Again thank you so much for more then you know ❣️


Yes yes yes! Share the old stuff to save your sanity while getting the advent vlogs ready! I know I would watch them again gladly especially knowing what else you and the elves are up to ;)


YES YES YES YES! Please do share the old interviews! It'll save your sanity and your stress! We want you to have a happier life, not a more stressful life!


Yes for Patreon Costume Party - that will be grand!! I am totally fine with you sharing on YouTube any of the interviews or any videos we have already seen here. I think that showing Selmar's interview will be very well received. But everyone's was really fab! Thanks for sharing the magnificent forest walk! I live in a very urban area, and it's lovely to see the leaves changing and hear the songs of the forest inhabitants and nature itself.


Please share the Selma interview, I think others would enjoy it, and patrons have already seen it first. Thank you for the beautiful, autumnal walk in your lovely woods. The sound of the stream is very peaceful, during the crazy covid lockdown year.


Gorgeous place to be in lockdown! Share away with the Patreon videos. I think it would be great to share the interviews you have done in the past and may even encourage others to join the Patreon community!


Have you ever considered restoring the bricked up window/balcony door on the ancient exterior wall, facing the moat?


What a lovely chat and walk in the woods. It looked like a perfect afternoon there and the fall colors are gorgeous. I think everyone would enjoy seeing Selmar's interview. Looking forward to the advent series :)


I find To-do lists or Kanban/Trello boards easier to update and move about than spreadsheets for backlogs of tasks https://apps.apple.com/us/app/microsoft-to-do/id1274495053?mt=12 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/todoist-to-do-list-tasks/id585829637?mt=12 https://apps.apple.com/us/app/trello/id1278508951?mt=12


The Forest is so magical , loved that mushroom! Stephanie, when you were sitting on the rock there was a Ray of Sunshine glowing over you, I feel like this was your Father shining down on you xx Very happy for you to share the Selmar interview!


I think once a month has gone by since the video is posted then share away! Random question are there any pictures of the old lake?


yes please use the interviews!! I think everyone would L.O.V.E them!! Selmar, Mummy! Nattie! All of them please do❤😁 I think it would make lovely Christmas gifts to your rabid fans ❤❤🥂(moi included🤣🤣😜)


BTW - our daughter is an only child - and while technically you are not with the lovely Jerry - I do hope that our daughter is able to create as lovely family around her as you have. It really gives me hope that she won't be all alone after we have gone❤💙❤💙❤💙❤


wonderful stroll and yes use the patron video to give you some extra time. and I enjoy Philip more and and more, his energy is so complimentary to all that is going on.


I don’t feel cheated in any way by you posting a Patreon video on the YouTube channel. At least we get to view it early! I’m looking forward to the advent episodes!


I think its a great idea to share the Selma video. I'm sure most everyone will enjoy it. The walk in the woods with Philip was wonderful.


I thoroughly enjoyed the walk. Didnt you interview Selmar in the bathroom?🤣😂 I say release all the interviews on the sundays leading upto xmas. That should release a good chunk of time for you. 👍


Please share Selma’a questionnaire with the YouTube audience! I know I for one am a patreon to support the chateau restoration! The additional content is an added benefit, but not something I want exclusively! We love the la landers!


I've been dreaming of yurts in the woods and by the restored lake. This video makes me wish for it even more!


I. Agree with Andrew. Both apps mentioned are intuitive and super versatile


Hi Stephanie! Thank you for a stroll through your woods. I enjoyed it very much. Please go ahead a share the video of you asking Selmar the famous 10 questions. I think the viewer will live it! Thank you for sharing LaLande with us.


Why is it called Poo Sticks? Or is it Pooh as in Winnie the... ?


I think it would be great to put the interviews on YouTube. I know Mummy's was put in both places, but can't remember if any others were. I think people would love to see Gerry's as well. Please, please use any of the content here for YouTube to give you a breather when life gets crazy!


Love your hat and jacket.


Also, if Cat is willing to do an interview, I think that could be one of the funniest ever! She's hilarious and so very charming.


No problem with you sharing any Patreon videos Stephanie. Good luck for December its going to be full on for you 🥰


Yes Stephanie. Put the interview with Selmar on a regular vlog. We’ve all been privileged to see them and the rest of his fans deserve to view it as well. Today’s Pateron vlog was very enjoyable. Loved seeing how the woods have changed with the forestry management Dan is doing. Writing from Illinois USA. I’m usually in Georgia but am traveling around the states visiting family and friends. Hope the Covid doesn’t cause another quarantine here. Take care of yourself and that the others stay well too.


Natie HELP. I'm trying to figure out how to post a question for future question and answer vlogs. Do I just put the question in here? Or is there a special place to post a question. My question is, has Stephanie ever discovered a strange image among the toile fabric? I purchased some vintage toile and made a lovely blanket only to find while snuggling that it had a poor sad donkey tied upside down to a post and being carried off by two men. It was so sad, I had to make up a story to go along with it so I could continue to use my blanket. So now it's the donkey being taken to the vet for treatment, and it gets well and lives a long happy life.


I think everyone of your viewers would love to see the Selmar interview. I really enjoyed Gerry's interview too. They are all great. Would love to see you interview Marie W., Philip, and Cat...especially Cat! She is so funny and would love to learn more about her. Oh, and Hanni too!


I was able to view with no problem on Youtube here in California. Loving seeing the grounds of LaLande. Beautiful Fall Day. And I think posting Selmar's interview for all to view is a sweet idea as he is so loved. ✨💛✨


The Selmar special interview would be wonderful for other fans of the Chateau to watch, not worried about it being shown to the rest of the viewers. It would be like a early Christmas present :D


Autumn is my favorite time to be in France. Thank you for sharing this peaceful walk! Do you ever forage for mushrooms? They are always a delicious part of French cuisine in the autumn, simmering in a wine and butter sauce. I think Natalie's interview is also worthy of a repeat.

Kelly Douglas

You should feel free to show any video you want to. I think everyone over on YouTube would love to see Selmar's interview. 😃 I really enjoyed your autumn walk.


P.S. I never did receive an introductory postcard since I joined in July. Would love to get one.

Michelle Morrison

You should definitely use the Selmar interview on the main channel! Any chance of a projects update video again soon? I'm sure many things are on hold again because of lockdown.


Thank you for sharing the forest with us! I think sharing the interview videos with everyone is a great idea! For me, I don't mind if any of the Patreon videos get shared publicly. I think it's enough just for us to see them first. But the interview videos especially I think the public would love.


Absolutely share the interview with Selmar! He's a treasure.


What a fantastic walk in the woods. Charming as always! Please share Selmar’s interview. What a fine gentleman that your YouTube viewers would love to see. Thank you!


Yes - share the video of Selmar with the world. Please do!


Yes! Please feel free to use Selmar's interview as one of your regular vlogs to help "ease your workload" and get on with the Advent vlogs which we SO look forward to and appreciate you doing! So yes....that's my vote! Go forward with that plan! :)


Just so you don't lose hope : ) I joined in May and received my post card about 10 days ago. It is lovely with a hand written message from Stephanie. My daughter is also a faithful viewer and she took my card but... I got it back. lol


I’m wondering if I’m missing it but do patrons at the Vicomte and Vicomtesse level get mentioned on the video? I don’t mean verbally...I mean in the written credits. It only says “lords and ladies”


That was such a lovely talk and walk and it be great to see the Selmar video up, he's such a lovely human being. I hope Kat is ok, from what you said, I see she's not in your footage much anymore. Thank you so much for your answers. It's funny about self care as I feel most of us talking time to watch your videos are our self care, which puts a lot of responsibility on you. We love every bit of it though ❤


Thank you for answering the questions-we are so lucky 😁 the crunch of the leaves whilst you were walking is such a lovely sound. Oh I do love autumn. 🥰 I agree with previous comments, use any patron video you like for the main channel; all you would probably have to do is give a brief introduction; this would free you up so much for other creative content for both patrons and general viewers. Could they be the rest of the 'Sunday's" blogs from now till Christmas?


This Q&A was truly splendid!!! More relaxed and enjoyable, not that the others aren’t, being outside and actually being asked the questions by someone else makes for a more relaxed vlog.... It was also great to have one of my questions ask, believe me, it makes you feel special lol.... Stephanie, you should feel free to use the Patreon vlogs in anyway you want. I personally would put a few guidelines in place for doing so though. 1) there should be a delay of around month before putting them onto YouTube. 2) maybe edit them down just a little, so we still get the full version. 3) make it clear they are Patreon vlogs and edited/delayed. So it can be seen that there are extra benefits to being a Patreon, but needless to say any support is welcomed. Once again just my thoughts and 2 pennies worth and will always respect your choices...


Yes! Share the Selmar interview as a Sundays at the Chateau vlog. The CD viewers would enjoy it and free you up to work on the Advent Calendar which I am looking forward to helping put me in the holiday mood. Thank you for the lovely walk in the woods.


Dear Stephanie,


Totally agree on the one month delay, just to keep it special for us


I agree share the video. What beautiful land around the La Lande!


I, for one, am very happy for you to use the Patreon vlogs however you would like to. 💕


Definitely feel free to share an interview! Excited for another year of advent vlogs. <3


Thank you, Stephanie and Phillip Beautiful walk and interesting Q & A. Totally OK with sharing Selmar with everyone, and if it helps you then all the better!!!


Yes, please share Selmar’s interview.


The nice people you live with comes from the top down. A boss or host who values niceness, cooperation and kindness is what makes the ground fertile for good people to become even better. And, as an aside, there should be more female bosses in the world.


Just curious about what happened to the patron postcards? I’ve been a Marquis for about six months and never received one. Months ago we saw Stephanie and Mummy laboriously writing out stacks of postcards to thank patrons. Did they just drop that idea when it became too much? Not judging, just curious.


Thank you so much for answering all these questions sharing so much about yourself with us. I am glad that you can live a normal life in your own lovely Acedia surrounded by your tribe. What surprised me but maybe shouldn’t have is that viewers have the nerve to criticize someone whom they don’t know and know nothing about. I think whomever lives with you at Lalande is amazing. I am Dutch-German and really enjoy Selmar and Philip. However everyone in your tribe has so much warmth and personality. You with your own warmth, charme and passion about your chateau attract likeminded people. Thank you for sharing so much with us. Your walk in the woods was wonderful!


James, I joined in August and got mine in mid-October. So, they are still doing it. Perhaps yours fell through the cracks?


Lovely to share in your walk about. Yes please share selmar’s video. Also, how many new bedrooms could be created in the future?


Hi Stephanie, loved your walk and the forest setting for your Q&A. Philip did really well as your interviewer/cameraman, too. Yes - please share Selmar’s interview on YouTube. It should generate good income for both your channel and for his. :)


By all means use Selmar's interview I'm sure it will be a hit,in fact all the Lalander interviews were great. Enjoyed your relaxed walk in the woods .Outtakes and updates - looking forward to them.


Wonderful walk in your glorious woods. The colours are spectacular. I'm fine about showing the occasional patron vlog Stephanie, whatever you need to do..do it.


Beautiful scenery on y'alls walk. Thank you for the joy ur life/work brings to me 😘 as a Patreon member I think it's a Wonderful idea that u use Any of these videos to fill in on Sundays.. Many Blessings to you & Everyone at Lalande, Stay Safe, Love Lady Sarah XoXo


Yes, please share as much as you feel you can with others beyond Patreon. We are blessed to be able to give and support your good efforts and passing it along is another added blessing to all of us. ❤️


A lovely Autumnal video. Very interesting Q&A also. It will be lovely for all to see your interview with Selmar. I also think your interview with your Maman was wonderful and would be lovely to share. Your relationship is so special.


Lots of love to you 💕


Whew. That was a great vlog Stephanie. I thought I knew a reasonable amount about you by now but I love to continue to be surprised and you do that very well. Here are some thoughts and comments: 1) I am really glad you do not do sponsored videos like other vloggers do. Like you, I think it would spoil the channel. Yet I do love it when you get sent stuff from spode, 100 stars and salisa, to me that is a compliment. 2) The same as the other patrons, share selmars video, it makes it easier for you and I know all your youtube fans love Selmar. 3) You do have a self care routine, you just have not named it as such. Your love of beautiful baths, your love of lovely dinners and parties. These are part of your personality but also part of your self care as they reenergise you. But I like your idea of what you are saying about trying to separate your job and your life when your job is your life. 4) Finally, I love your sensitivity with those living with you and being in the vlogs. I know it is a different genre but came across a family vlogger doing a vlog on her daughters puberty. How horrible would that be, hard enough going through it anyway without the whole world knowing. Eewwwhhh!


I fully support the idea of sharing the Selmar interview on a Sundays video and in fact I think all of the interviews are fair game to be posted in the future if you need a little slack in the line. Think of it as part of your self care!


Please do share the Selmar interview!!! Lovely walk and chat. Thank you!

Terrie Powell

I too support sharing the interview with Selmar!!! Definitely a great one and you getting a break is certainly worth it!❤️


Absolutely you should use the oldest Patreon videos to make more "space" in your work life and fill in to keep you well ahead. Everyone would appreciate them on YouTube, and it will give patrons a sense of helping all over again! Sounds amazing.


Please share the interview with Selmar! :)


Thank you for including your patrons in whatever decision you make about YouTubeing patron videos. You've been the work horse in all the vlogs and should be able to cross them over whenever you feel the necessity. I know for sure your viewers would love to see Selmar's interview. It was great.


your're right- everyone would love the interview with Salmar. YOU do whatever you feel is right with the patreon vlogs Stephanie. x


Yes please share Selmar’s interview video. Thank you


No probs with you using the Selmar vid


Yes everyone should enjoy a few patron videos, we must share the joy! My ears really perked up when you mentioned a patron reunion/get together at Lalande! It’s my dream to see everything /everyone, in person. What a joy to look forward to that when this virus is over.


I’d have absolutely no problem with you sharing the Selmar interview with Youtube. I think you should! :)


YES to using the patron videos on the main channel as needed! I think the gift in them is that we get to see them first. A self-care routine might be.... before going to bed each night you take a nice bath, make some tea and read or watch your favorite TV show. Or on Sunday mornings you sleep in, read the paper in bed, and have a late breakfast. Anything that is all about making you feel good & pampered, with out any guilt!


Love the walk in the bush. Thank you. I get a better orientation of the property whenever you show the exteriors. I did notice that the end of the wall of one of the last shots at 37.22 seems to have a walled up door or window? I wonder what happened there. And definitely share the Selmar vid. Looking forward to the Advent vlogs. Anne from Downunder. xx


I love this video of you walking through the forest while answering questions. And yes please share Selmar’s interview on a Sunday at the Chateau. We got first dibs to watch it so I don’t feel as a patron that our perks have been diminished. AND the interview with Oliver was so much fun to watch that it also could be a Sunday video too in December or January whenever it helps you due to all the extra work with the advent videos.


Yes please go ahead with selmar's video on youtube. In fact you can maybe make it a monthly thing. Maybe one of the sunday vlogs each month can be an old patreon video. It might free you up


Everyone will love the Selmar interview, please share.


Yes, please share Selmar’s interview


Only the highest tier is mentioned by name, i think. you can see in the tier descriptions.


Yes please share the interview with Selmar! It was so fun✨


I think it is a great idea to share the Selmar interview and a few of other older ones too so you can concentrate on your new project.


Consent to use patron videos - fine with us! 🥂


Sharing Selmar’s q&a would bring so much joy! I think your self care is laughter, and your laugh is cheering a lot of people up around the world. Please do a w&a with Phillip and Cat if you can 💐


Please share the Selmar interview. I loved this walk with you and Philip. Such a special place. I am looking forward to the advent vlogs I enjoyed last years so much! Be well and stay safe. The court yard looks just so lovely and the lighting is exquisite


So glad I became a patron. Love LaLande and all its inhabitants. Love to you all from Australia.


Stephanie!! You do know, that on your receipt from Royal Copenhagen, there is a one year breakage warranty to every product? If you are not able to use this time for some reason, maybe remember for the next one 🙂 https://www.royalcopenhagen.com/us/en_us/customerservice/breakagewarranty I had a hard time hearing Philip, so I don't know if there was a problem with the mic? But what a lovely walk 😁 I would suggest, that you set up working hours for editing, to escape guilty feelings. I know, that it will not always be possible, because a lot is going on in the Chateau.


Heavenly to see lalande woods in the Autumn. Selmar's interview would be amazing for everyone to see. Long luxurious baths are part of my self care, so relaxing! Stay safe and take care all of you.

Janese Carstens

The peaceful walk through the woods was refreshing to my soul. I agree with the other patrons that the Selmar video would be great to share with the CD community. I also think making your own stipulations regarding when and how often you’ll use patron videos for the CD channel will help you when your almost 100K subscribers (!!) ask for more of those videos...because they will since the interview videos are so good. I greatly appreciate getting to know you more though the Q&A videos and your thoughtful answers. Have a wonderful rest of your week!


Well done on your Irish Citizenship Stephanie. Super Vlog and lovely catch up.


Well, I just wrote Royal Copenhagen, to see if they knew about your channel, so who knows, they might want to sponsor a few new thermo mugs 😂


I think it would be wonderful to post the interview with Selmar as a Sunday video this month. Not only would it lighten your work load a bit, it may also benefit his channel which is just lovely.


I've seen other Youtubers show Patreon video later and call it a Patreon special or preview or similar in title...then you get a bit or cross-promotion ;)


I think it's a great idea to share the Selmar interview. :) It just might inspire more people to become patrons.


I think you should share all of the interviews! It’s the holidays please give yourself some extra free time to self-care (extra long baths, more time for reading, walks in the forest etc.). You don’t want to burn out. The interviews all have their strengths. Oliver was absolutely hilarious. Nati is an inspiring story of changing your life that you’re not happy with and Selma staying true to himself. I loved them all.


Thanks for the beautiful video Stephanie. I am sure everyone will be happy for you to use any of the videos in the Patreon section for YouTube - Selma’s interview would be a hit.


Hi Stephanie, another great update - thank you so much - please use the Selmar interview - welcome to being 'Irish' - which part of Ireland did your grandmother come from ? best wishes from Dublin.


Great idea to launch your self-care routine by using the video of Selmar's interview so you do not need to film/edit a new video in addition to all the Christmas videos. Thanks for the delightful Autumnal walk and talk! Always enjoy seeing Phillip too.


What a joyful walk and talk with you both! So lovely to see more of the grounds and a different view of La Lande. Yes please share Selmar’s interview 😘


Dear Stephanie, as someone who has set up their own news website in March and having to write content all the time (feed the monster!), I understand how you feel. I remember working 21 days straight, having a meeting, and couldn't remember the day! That's when I made sure I take a day off a week for 'self care'. It's nothing exciting, but a break, though I'm sure, like you, I keep thinking of the website. So, the most important thing is use your resources, that's interviews. We'd love to have them shared with the whole La Lander international community. Love (aroha) from New Zealand.


I sort of miss seeing Aloysius trying to head butt people. Only because it did not seem like there was any danger.


Also, I think it's a good idea to share the Selmar interview.


What a lovely way to start my day- watching your autumnal walk. Great idea to use the Selmar interview for a Sunday Chateau Diary


In graduate school I did a substantial amount of research on the phycological impact of being raised an only child. It turns out all the cruel stereotypes and judgments are flat wrong. Barring early trauma and abuse, it turns out they are the most generous people compared to all sibling categories, high achievers, extraordinarily deep and thoughtful, and possess amazing levels of empathy and kindness. Plus they tend to be charismatic in the best of ways, people are drawn to their generosity of spirit, and love of life. Stephanie is one great example of that. Your daughter should be fine!!❤️🌸❤️


Lovely to see the road again. I walked several times i n your woods and enjoyed it so much, picking up chestnuts and making fotos from the mushrooms. Oh it brings back good memory's as a volunteer😃. Please share the video with Selmar because of all your work with the advent calander, off course , but try to keep the patreonvideos a little bit "special" for us Patreons as you will do in the future as I know you.❤


Please do share old Patreon content as and when you wish to. X


I am all for sharing Selmar’s video to save some time It would be good to do one with Phillip to find out a little more about him The walk around the lake reminded me of 50 questions with vanity fair 😍

Evelyn McElroy

Definitely share Patreon videos! People will love the interviews.


Am so on board with you Jill about the sponsorship thing! I think the channel, it’s ‘atmosphere’ and it’s content actually benefits from no sponsored posts rather than being diminished by it!


I loved this video, different surroundings and very interesting content. I’m lucky to live in Limousin (near Bellac), not too far from you actually, and I’m so grateful to be able to enjoy the same autumn scenery in my garden and surroundings area during lockdown. Of course you should free up some time by posting previous Patreon videos, the interviews are so interesting, I’m sure everyone would enjoy them ! Thanks again for your wonderful videos


Thanks for the walk Philip and Stephanie - I’m stuck in a city (lockdown in the UK) so enjoyed it a lot 💛


Yes definitely share the video s


I just enjoyed this video so much! I am more than happy for you to use the Selmar interview, I think everyone will love his art, he is so talented!! You are very blessed to have him with you at La Lande! Lots of Love from Australia. Oh and by the way I received my patron card this week and have been on a high ever since. Thank you so much xxxx


Yes, yes share some patreon videos ( or all of them 😉) with YouTube viewers!


I’m happy for you to show Selmars interview on YouTube. I agree with Jill Jones wholeheartedly. You’re going to be very busy over the next few weeks so it makes sense for you to make life a little less hectic. The woodland walk was just lovely and I felt I was enjoying it with you too! X


I agree wholeheartedly about reuse of Patreon video interviews as they are generic especially in these circumstances. However factors to consider, please note these are not my views as I totally support what you are doing and don’t require extra treatment but 1. Patreons may need to feel they are having a real benefit for their support which would be diluted if all their vlogs went public. 2. Potential new patrons may not be drawn to supporting if the felt they only had to wait to see the insider videos. 3. Patreons May feel they are missing out by effectively having to watch repeats


Stephanie I too am happy for you to share Selmar’s Q&A on the main channel BUT I have a but to it..... I’ve read all the previous comments (including the replies) before I posted this, and although lots of us have said we’re happy for you to repost the interview no one has mentioned or asked if you’ve checked with Selmar that he’s agreeable for you to post it to the wider internet world? I’m fairly certain it’s unlikely you’d repost any interview to the main YouTube channel if you didn’t have the interviewee’s consent to do so, but wanted to flag it as a concern as no one else has.


Also if Selmar does say yes perhaps you could split the ad revenue from the post with him? Extra fuel money for his own road trip videos maybe....


Hi Stephanie, just a quickie... to my knowledge in France, regarding the swimming pool, if it’s above ground you don’t need permission, if it’s dug into the ground it needs permission. You’re probably already aware of this... but I’m just giving you the heads up xx tc


Thank you for a wonderful chat. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I think the Patron videos should be used as Youtube content whenever you need a break, or have other things scheduled. I know everyone will love the Selmar interview and also Gerry's was one that surprised me with his thoughtful answers. I love telling people about what "WE" are doing at the Chateau. You make us all feel so included. Thank you Stephanie, and I do concur, you need to get outside more often!! Stay well, from Vicomtesse Jodie of Australia xxxxxxx


Thank you so much for asking! For specifically the interviews I agree to use them to give you more time for the advent calendar, but for all the Partenon videos besides I would advise against sharing those. Having exclusivity gives people incentive to become or stay paternos. I have sold the idea to a few of my friends becoming patrons because these videos are not available elsewhere. If you were to remove that exclusivity then more people might leave and simply wait for the free publication and maybe only support the renovation by watching the advertising. I am of the opinion that if it is a singular type of video that “premieres ” here first, such as the interviews, that follows farther down the line to public consumption would keep growing the restoration community here. Too many video usage could cause a dip in restoration funds.


No problem using past Patreon videos to free up time for the Advent diary !


I am very happy for you to use Patreon videos on YouTube, but feel there must be a delay (as there would be in this case). The reason being, if Patreon is too close to YouTube, Patrons may not watch again and some advert revenue may be lost. This is only a minor thought as the public view would only increase it, but its just a thought! Keep up the good work!


Yes I’m happy for you to use some of the old previous interviews to free up some time for you over the next couple of months. Just an FYI - I found it quite hard to hear Philip this time .


If you cant see the ganges with Jerry you should come back to Portugal and see the douro by boat and go and see Vista Alegre for porcelain its amazing !!!!!


Hi Stephanie, so enjoyed the walk with you and Phillip. I think that to watch the interview with Selmar again would be good. This will enable you to push on with the Advent calender I think everyone at LaLande gels well together, a perfect mixture of personalities and friendship. I see it as a friendship of like minded souls. Stay safe all of you and Love from the Dordogne xx


I know you will be so busy doing your Advent videos and I think it is a great idea to use a couple of the older interviews on YouTube to free up some time for you. The Autumn walk was beautiful-here in Australia it is spring and where I live it is the pre-monsoon season so your walk was a lovely change. Take care, keep safe and best wishes to you all at Lalande 💐🇦🇺


Post the selmar video, to sundays at the chateau... it would be a great way to get more patrons... lots of love!


I love your hat and happy you are going for a walk :) Happy you are surrounded by lovely people to share your lockdown with :) And clever Dan making paths, and I love seeing him getting water from fountain, as if it could be 18th century as well. And YES you must have LOVELY walks, this will be your new passion I predict :) MY VOTE FOR SELMAR VIDEO IS YES USE IT! Do what you need to be happy and to make us happy via your videos :)


Share Selmar! The walk was lovely ☺️ The Autumn colors are so vivid...I could truly imagine the smell of fallen leaves and feel the cool crisp air. I live in South Florida in the US now and sometimes really miss the change of season. Thank you so much for sharing yours!


I was wondering if you could share the vlog of mummy and Percy because l was so glad to see her well and happy. Lots of people were worried about mummy during their separation and it would be good to see the change in mummy now they are together.


It was very hard to hear Philip so it was great that you repeated the questions! Also, It would be nice to know what happened to Henni. Where did she go? Also, more info about Philip please or Cat......what do they do in their normal lives, how are they able to stay so long.?


I loved this video!


Another beautiful vlog Stepney , thank you.Yes to s


ops!.... yes to showing your You Tube interviews. Stay safe and huge thank you to you and all your Lalande Family.


Lovely vlog x thank you x looking forward to the Advent Callander videos xx loved last years x just a shame Michael can’t be there too x you work so well together x you just bounce off each other so naturally xx what happened to your idea of doing a travel vlog with Michael visiting Chateau’s ? I have no problem with you using the Selmar video xx🥰 an idea also, maybe have an annual Ball depicting different era’s of the Chateau. You could maybe charge for this and open it up to the Patreon’s and/or public and donate to your Chateau fund or a charity x would be lovely to see a Ball at LaLande xx thank you for today’s video xx keep safe and well all of you xx🥰🏰


Enjoyed the walk through the woods with you, and interesting questions, cannot wait to walk through the woods when we visit next June all being well with COVID thank that was a lovely video xxx


Wonderful walk and talk! Really and truly enjoyed this Q&A. Please ,yes, use any video to fill in while you are working on the Advent videos! I know it is time consuming editing, uploading and filming. Self care is doing just that making a little time for yourself and not feeling guilty! Love, ~k


Yes to showing your interview videos ♥️


Yes, I think Selmar's interview would be great for the Sundays at the Chateau on YT. Thanks for the walk in the woods, what a nice path Dan cleared for everyone! Love that rose blooming in the Autumn, beautiful colors.


Hi Stephanie, I must tell you that I love all the videos you make, but I savor the Patreon videos bit by bit. You are so talented at making your Patreons feel special and in partnership with you somehow. I feel as though I’m a part of the process there at LeLande. I’m convinced that this is a gift you have. So, forgive me when I say my first thought in sharing a video with the main channel was, NO,please no. I realize that this is selfish of me😊 and I also want you to be blessed🙂. Just know that I whole heartedly enjoy all your videos!!!! Thank you so much.


Hi. I agree that the Interview films can work really well for filling in gaps such as this. I also agree that as long as there is a decent gap - 6 months perhaps? - then it's a nice way for subscribers to find out more about the longer term inhabitants of laLande. Another lovely film thanks and keep up the good work.


Great to see an autumn walk around LaLande, it really is stunning with all the seasonal colours. I’m pleased to hear that you don’t look at all the comments from various pages/ sites etc as I wouldn’t want any negative comments that a minority of people make to distract you and put you off as the majority really enjoy everything you are sharing and doing. Stay focused on the all the love, joy and positivity you bring people through sharing life at LaLande. Keep up the great work by being yourself! It’s amazing and a great achievement how you manage to keep every vlog fresh and interesting to watch. 😁 Yes I agree with everyone else, by all means share Selmars interview as it will enable content to be put out and free up time for you to do the advent calendar etc. 2020 has been a tough year but not for LaLande! What amazing success has taken place over the last year! I would like to suggest in January doing a review of the past year showing all the progress and achievements at LaLande as it will be great to be reminded how much has changed for the better. Anyway make sure you have time for yourself and everyone stays safe at LaLande. 😁


Yes, please share the Selmar video and looking forward to the Advent vlogs! Enjoyed your beautiful walk today - you should try and take a walk everyday!! Good for the soul.


I have a suggestion for a fantastic projection management/spreadsheet solution. I'm not a detail person and I find it very intuitive, easy to use and efficient. It's called AEON Timeline. You can upload data from an Excel spreadsheet if you wish or enter directly into a project management and cost tracking timeline. Also it's not expensive. I think using Selmar's interview is a great idea (or other formerly Patreon videos, too.) As a Patron I don't mind sharing at all and I'm sure all your viewers would love hearing more about Selmar. This is a fantastic idea!


Firstly, thank you for answering my question about renovating a children's room. Maybe one day? Secondly, I've no problem with you using the Selmar interview. It's fascinating and I'm sure viewers would find it interesting. Thank you for the lovely walk around, it looks so beautiful and peaceful. Try and do it regularly for your own wellbeing x


Yes, by all means show the Selmar interview. I'm sure people would enjoy that. But whatever happened to the first of the month video? I'm anxious to know how things are going financially and what is in the works going forward. I always like to know how "we" are doing. It's nearly the middle of the month now. Sorry to be so demanding, as I know you are doing Advent videos, which I'm sure will be marvelous. That was a lovely walk in the woods! Thanks so much for that. Oh, and I keep asking - what has happened to the satellite internet hookup situation? You still seem to be uploading in your car. As far as solar, my brother has been in the business for over 20 years. He did the highest solar installation in the world on Mount Everest. I'd love to talk to you about the solar for La Lande.


Hi everyone! It was my question about releasing some of the older Patreon vlogs and I’m glad to see that 99.9% of you agree with this. Needless to say half of the vlogs just wouldn’t be suitable or worth realising on YouTube, as they are very Patreon related. But the interviews and special subject I.e fabric, chinaware and museum visits are generic and could easily be shared when needed! As I have already stated on another post, they should only be released when Stephanie needs extra time/breathing space or in the event of any delays or technical problems. They should be edited down a little and acknowledge as being originally for Patreon, a short clip at the beginning stating this and the original date, would be fine. This would mean we still have the full version to or selfs and also surely create interest in becoming a Patreon for other views. They can be edited, uploaded and set to private in advance and then release on YouTube when needs must and with little fuss. I know Stephanie stated she has never not released or missed a vlog on YouTube. But at some point this will happen or she might be unwell and it be out of her control. Stephanie or someone she trusts could then simple go to the account and unprivate the vlog. My work background meant i was always looking out for the worst case scenario and how you can limit that, then putting precautions in place and ready. Always be prepared and ready for the unexpected as my mother use to say....


That wood around La Lande is so beautiful - I would take a stroll there every day. Regarding the Selmar Interview I think it would be fine if you would post that as a Sunday video - I'm sure it would be very popular, those interview videos are such fun to watch and I hope you will do more of them.


Stephanie, Thanks for taking us along your autumnal walk. It was just gorgeous. I’d happily love for you to share Selmar’s interview. Such a great idea😉 My favorite part of this video was your answer to your last question. Very heart felt. Aloha Stephanie xo


Hi Steph, thank you for taking us for a walk in the woods, they are very beautiful. I would be very happy for you to share some of the older Patreon posts, so long as Selma gives permission. Also, a lot of people ask so a lot about Isabelle so maybe release that one first. But ultimately it is your decision and I am happy for you to do as you wish 🥰


Anything that helps you, makes things easier is fine. I think all the interviews could be used as I loved finding out more about your closest family and friends, it was amazing. Just as long as everyone knows these are the extra benefits we have as your patreons. Would be great to have many more patreons and with perhaps the tax issue solved, the more your dreams can come true. We love you so much Stephanie, you are pure joy. I think a goal should be your dream car, the convertible you chaste?? Imagine the wind in your hair, traveling wherever, after Covid. Stay safe and may Christmas finally bring you WIFI, lol. Joy.


Happy for you to share any patreon videos.


Solar panels would look bad for your guests by the swimming pool. With so many acres of woods you might want to take one or more out of the way acres, clear them, and put the panels there. Or you might want to look into solar shingles that look like roofing material. If you like YSL's Paris scent you'd probably like Lancome's Tresor scent, its roses, violets, with a little peach.


I think sharing the Selmar interview is a great idea! Thanks for taking us on your lovely walk!


That was a lovely walk , thankyou ❤️and yes share Selmar interview x


I think it’s a great idea to share some of the interviews if everyone is happy about it. When you said you see the fun in people Stephanie - I think that’s because you bring out the best in people & when we are happy we have fun. Just loved having that walk with you . Thank you x


Hi Stephanie, congratulations on becoming an Irish citizen, you'll have to come and visit us soon. The passport office had such a deluge of applications from the UK after Brexit that I think they got really efficient at processing them. People might not realise that you only need one Irish born grandparent to become a citizen. I say use all of the interviews for Sundays at the Chateau, if the subjects approve. Loved todays video 💕


Shaun, I totally agree with you. Stephanie has been so generous in providing us all with lots of vlogs that I have no issue with her posting a previous patron video when she has technical issues or in the month of December when she is posting something daily. This was a nice, relaxing video and a new view in the autumn woods.


When Stephanie touched wood, I though - why do we do this? I had to check it out ... Search Results Featured snippet from the web It derives from the pagan belief that malevolent spirits inhabited wood, and that if you expressed a hope for the future you should touch, or knock on, wood to prevent the spirits from hearing and presumably preventing your hopes from coming true.


I wholeheartedly agree with everyone about sharing Selmas interview he is such a nice man! Your walk through the woods was lovely and looks very similar to the state parkland behind my home, with streams and lakes and meandering pathways. So wonderful that you live in such a beautiful place. Stay safe everyone and this COVID scourge shall pass!!! Then we can visit LaLande! I love the new logo too!

Gabrielle Baalke

Stephanie, I LOVE your laugh. There, that's said.


The forest wall was lovely, it’s so nice to see the fall colours in another part of the world. I think you should be free to use any past patreon videos, I know of other accounts where they post here first and then later on to YouTube. I am looking forward to seeing all the beautiful things you all have worked so hard for as we move into the Christmas season; you are all so wonderfully talented and inspiring.


Hello Stephanie, I whole heartedly agree for you to show what ever you need from Patreon. I would love to add that perhaps you would love to use the interview with Gerry and Mummy. This will free up some much needed time over the run up to Christmas 🎄


It's sad to hear that some of the volunteers at the chateau are more reticent to appear in the vlogs after reading comments. That's social media, I guess. I can only say that I've had the pleasure of meeting nearly all of them and have nothing bad to say about anyone and I look forward to meeting them again!


I think it's fine to use the Selmar interview for the public channel. I also think you must schedule those Netflix and chill afternoons once a week as part of your new self-care routine! We need you to take excellent care of yourself. ❤️


What a wonderful autumn amble through the woods - I am always up for a turn about the property. :) I think it is a lovely idea to share your interview with Selmar on the Chateau Diaries. I know people will be very keen to get to know him a little more.


So enjoyed your autumnal walk. I think it is a lovely idea to share Selmar's interview. Another Good one would be Gerry's he was hilarious. 😊😊


Good idea to share Selmar or Gerry! I don’t want to be selfish. 🥰


I would love to see selmars video. take some time for yourself stephenie you do so much work everyone needs alone time. Looking forward to all things Christmas with you I love it too. Love from Ireland 🇮🇪


I think posting the interviews would be amazing! We've all had plenty of time to see them first!


I enjoyed the extra views of the lake on your walk. Any news on the survey? Rather than solar panels which would not look good anywhere near the chateau it would be great if the water police would allow you to fit a hydro-electric generator near the sluice gates.


All of the interviews should be shared. Everyone would love them ❤❤💋


Aloha Stephanie ❤️ Love everything you post! Enjoy your time and please post the Selmar vlog if it makes things easier for you❤️ I am just happy that you share with us❤️ Enjoy 😍


Welcome to the rest of us Irish Stephanie. The Irish State has a wonderful policy that recognises peoples diaspora from Ireland due to poverty and starvation. All people with an Irish parent, grand parent are welcome to a passport while keeping other passports too. x

Susan Hagadon

Stephanie, please do what you need to do, for you. How does Gerry feel about you being Irish? LOL


Speaking for myself I’m happy with you doing what you need to do for the better of the channel and ultimately for La Lande. Many creators do a special early release of videos. The interviews have been out for awhile so go for it! Beautiful walk loved this video! Also happy to see the sheep I was just wondering about them. Take care Stephanie and thank you for sharing.


Dear Stephanie. Please feel free to upload these videos to YouTube. I’m so happy to have had the privilege of seeing them first as a patron. You are doing a beautiful job with your programming and the videos. I’m proud of you. You are making a positive difference in the world with your good work.


Great idea about using a Patreon video to ease your work load, I'm for it xxx


Yes, delighted you are now Irish like us!! Go ahead and use any of the previous Patreon videos for Youtube, if it means freeing up your time, I'm sure nobody would begrudge you that! Lovely video, thank you and have a great weekend! Niamh in Dublin


Yes the Selma video would be a great video for all to see


Please share Selmar with the world. ❤ Self Care = anything you do the is for looking after and re-energizing yourself. Very glad to hear you're making an effort to separate work and life. I didn't do that very well in my last job, and I ended up quite ill. I had a little giggle thinking the sheep might be running away from your (gorgeous) coat. "Bahrg! Is that what Mummy Stephanie does with naughty sheep? Run!"


Enjoyed the walk and talk...yes, please share the videos. They are so enjoyable and others will love seeing them. Looking forward to seeing the Advent videos! And take care of you! Love, from 🇨🇦 Canada!


I think sharing the video of Selma is a wonderful idea. And I am really looking forward to the Advent videos🎄. Take care


Cant speak for the other Patrons, but I’m absolutely fine with you using past Patreon videos for regular videos whenever you need them. I think the Selmar interview would be a great choice.


Please use the Selma video! I’m sure everyone would love it.


I think sharing the Selmar video would be wonderful!


Yes please do use the old vidéos ,the interviews in particular would be verry nice since it allows people to know the other résidents and friends of the château better .We are lucky to have them and you do amazing work Stéphanie!!


Posting the Selmar video on YouTube is a great idea. 👍🏻


Yes, use the old videos!


I’m good with Selma video


Yes! Use the Selmar interview. Great idea!


Absolutely feel free to share the interview videos! We’ve seen them first, but they belong to you and I think the followers would enjoy them immensely. Plus you could link to their channels and I think that would be a nice boost to their Ad revenue. As for a self care routine, I think of that as something that brings you joy and is just for you. So for you it might be a long bath or even the research you do for your Sundays at the Chateau (I know you do that for the vlog, but you always choose topics that truly interest you!) Finally, I’m sad to hear that some people are feeling uncomfortable about comment threads on the videos. That’s not fair and I hate that people are avoiding the vlog because of it. Please let the whole house know that we appreciate them and like them just the way they are! Wishing you guys all the best in lockdown- STAY SAFE!


Please use the old videos as you see fit!


It's so funny you said this....I bought some toile curtains at an estate sale just this morning and after reading your comment, I looked more closely and noticed the same donkey! I'll have to think of him going to the vet, too! LOL! Any idea of who the manufacturer is of this specific toile? I've never seen this one before.


I think it is conversation threads from other places that upset some of the volunteers. The youtube comments are usually very positive. I read one of the other threads just out of interest and they made feel sick. If that is how they want to behave, let them but I am sticking to youtube, patreon and facebook fan page. I love this community 😍😍😍


I really like this idea. Makes it easier for Stephanie but also keeps Patrons happy by not releasing all the patron videos.


YES to using all interviews as needed, but definitely starting with Selmar's.


I'm happy for the Selmar interview to go public. Maybe we need a vote ❤


I think that you should use the old videos so you can make your life a little bit easier. :-) Thank you for all the joy that you bring to us!


I'm also happy for you to share Selmar's interview on YouTube.


That forest is just breathtaking 🍂🌿🌳💕 I’m not complaining if you use the Patreon videos to ease your work load during this hectic period. ☺️


Happy for you to share the interview, we did get to see it first so thank you. Really enjoy & appreciate all videos and the joy they bring to everyone. Thank you x


I think posting the Selmar interview is a great idea! If you do a quick introduction it could show your YouTube followers what they’re missing by not also subscribing on Patreon, and could be a nice boost!!


I enjoy these very much but this video may be my last one. I am in Canada and our area has had a covid surge and a new lockdown which means I have lost my part time job and had to shut down my pottery and silversmithing business. Money for extras has always come from these sources so my Patreon subscription is one of the small cutbacks I must make for the time being. Perhaps one day after covid disappears I will have spare cash again. I will continue to enjoy any and all other content. Au revoir for the time being.


Indulgences are self care, :)


Yes! Use the videos! We were lucky to have the first viewing but they should be shared!


When your Estée runs out, try Bobbi Brown’s Beach scent. It has hints of coconut too and much much more. It’s my favourite summer scent. I feel like I’m on holiday when I smell it.


You should definitely use Patreon videos to fill in during the month of December. Very much looking forward to the advent calendar this year.


Im fine with posting older patron videos. It will Give you a break with Christmas coming.


I think of the money I send each month to Patreon as a gift, the videos I am able to see is a thank you for that gift but I don’t feel it’s a necessary or exclusive part of the deal. I give my gift with an open heart and no strings attached. If Stephanie would like to share her videos, that’s her decision and I’m ok with that too. I love being a part of the La Lande community and that’s my reward.


Good idea posting old Patron videos. Might encourage others to sign up too. I like the fact that the Chateau Diaries isn't plagued by product placement. It's a perfect pure channel that is both uplifting and entertaining. I think it's why it's such a success. It's great to see so much progress being made. There's lots of love for the Chateau and it's inhabitants.

Jane Nunn

Stephanie I have watched channels that I loved and then they start doing products in the middle or beginning or the end it absolutely ruins it and reminds me of tv and takes away from content as thats what you remember. PLEASE! don't ever do sponsorship or adverts it would ruin what you have here.. The gifts you are often recieving are already product placement. I hope this never becomes apart of your vlogs. I know so many people that like myself leave when advertising takes over.. Its one of the main reasons I love your vlogs and you stand out..

Jane Nunn

LOLOL..little brown spots.. thats hilarious! I am having trouble hearing questions from Phillip

Jane Nunn

Happy for you to share Selmars video if that helps you out for now xo

Jane Nunn

thats NOT nice! some people are not able. I lost my job with covid! I don't like it on fb when people rub others nose in that fact they are not or make them feel guilty or left out. If people can they will like me even thou its challenging right now.


No problems with you using the old patron interviews


yes, use the Selmar video, its great x

Jane Nunn

Understand Kathy I am in the same boat.. I hope it works out for you and wish you well XO from Adelaide Australia

Jane Nunn

Fantastic last questions! I am so looking forward to the advent calendar and will miss Michael terribly.. I have heard that there is negativity about you and other at Lalande but strangely enough I have never seen it.. That may be because I don't spend alot of time on Fb. I only really read some of the youtubes. I know Micheal Pethrick had some bullying/trolls, that I did not say and I always defend him and stand up for him. All can say is too much time on fb is a bad thing....


i'd love to go metal detecting in the woods x

Emma Young

Rather than solar panels you can get solar roof tiles, so not as obvious. My boyfriend has mentioned Tesla make them but not sure if other companies do.....yet. Then you can put them on some ov the outbuildings (Semars woodcutting 'shed', and the buildings near swimming pool/tennis court)


Using Patreon video's could very well bring more Patreon's!!

Jane Nunn

Thankyou Steph this was lovely xo


I vote “yes” use patron videos especially with the very busy season coming up


How awesome is this?! On the underside of the floorboards of a french chateau, they found a diary written in pencil from the carpenter! https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-44265475


Really enjoyed this candid view into your thoughts and views as well as the lovely walk around the woods. It's a wonderful idea to use the old Patron videos so you can use your time getting ready for the Advent series!


Such a lovely comment ~ (wish I had written it myself as it is exactly my thought)


Stephanie, I am perfectly happy if you use a Patreon video (or 3!) for a Sundays At The Chateau series. You are working very hard to make even more content with the Advent series so please make it easy on yourself. After all you need to enjoy the holidays too and not be filming and editing every moment. I know it's not like work for you but it is good to ease up a bit and enjoy yourself. And showing the interview with Selmar is an excellent idea. My favorite interview is with Ollie. I had tears in my eyes laughing so hard almost the entire video. He is very funny and such a great storyteller. I know people would enjoy them! Thank you for everything you do. You and the LaLande family are a joy; just precious, precious people. Sending BIG Texas hugs to all!


Please use the Patreon Videos as you see fit. I'm sure a lor of the subscribers would love to see the interviews.


I will be very pleased if you use some patreon videos for the main series. It will be a good example of self-care by taking some of the pressure off! Your woods are idyllic.....thank you for taking us on this beautiful walk.


Stephanie, go ahead and show old patron videos!


Really enjoyed the "virtual" walk around the woods. My springer spaniels would be in seventh heaven! Please feel free to use any of the patreon videos. Looking forward to this years advent vlogs...


Stephanie's Hat is definitely French. lol Love the times Philip and Steph spend together. Nice colors in France during Autumn. Nice Philip is staying for a while at the Chateau and helping with the "traditional" Advent Calendar. :-)


You HAVE to have Michael Potts at X Mas as you both have to decorate the X Mas Tree and hung out the sack bags/stockings. lol

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

Definitely. Share that wonderful interview with Selmar...aka "toilet man"! You are a beautiful spirit, and this was a lovely video. My mom just went into a care home for dementia and Alzheimer's. She fell on Monday and broke bones, and had to have surgery on her broken nose and cheek.. This video was a balm and a treat. Looking so forward to your Christmas vlogs. Praying Scotman, M. Potts and Nick, Antoine & Marie swell the ranks there...Merci, Steph!


I think it's okay to share some of the old Patreon videos because they're meant as something special for supporters, and we got that. After so many months they served their purpose and not a lot of people are going to be going back watching them, so it would be a pity to leave them there without others enjoying them too.


Use a Patreon video for the Sundays at the Chateau. You post so often, I wonder where you find the time. You need to enjoy your time, too.


Hi Stephanie Like everyone else I implore you to use all the Patreon videos as you deem suitable. We’ve all had the joy earlier and I cannot see any reason why you couldn’t share them later publicly. I can imagine just how busy you are with all the development and the running of a chateau. Staff management, filming, editing (and the subsequent roadside upload) are all huge jobs. You really must take time out for some well deserved me/care time ! Thanks for the woods walk. Thoroughly love the autumnal splendour, the stream, lakeside, the brown cows and especially I love the aspect of the Chateau as you approached it coming home. xx


Q. How do you overcome decorating indecision, especially when the stakes are high? For example, in the grand salon when you were choosing fabric and you knew you'd only get one shot at making it work because of the expense.... how did make your final choices? Also, have you ever made mistakes decorating and how did you recover?


One of my favorite vlogs! So beautiful to visit the forest in all its autumn glory! Thank you! : )


Why didn’t you take Nic with you on a “forced march”?


Could this possibly effect people who become new Patreons at any given time, for they may want to watch the older videos?


I have no problem with the use of any Patreon videos for your vlog. Post away!😃


Hey Stephanie! Please use Patreon videos whenever you have a need--to get caught up on extra work, or if--God forbid--you have a week where you're under the weather, or anything like that. These are a treasure, and I know the wider audience will LOVE them :) This video was superb. I didn't know I needed a walk in the woods with you and Phillip, and it has brightened my day :)

Denise Behrends

Autumn is indeed the most glorious season for a walk outdoors to enjoy the colorful foliage. Your interviews would be the perfect videos to consider sharing outside of Patreon as a gift to all viewers, and would be a wonderful way to add ease to your work / life balance. You could continue to build on your collection of Patreon interviews with volunteers, family & friends, and then drip them out over time to share on The Chateau Diaries whenever you choose. Since you already have several recorded, you can have a sense of being ahead of schedule, and free up time for the Advent Calendar Christmas Diaries. Another idea for shared content would perhaps be selected videos from Mummy and Percy. I’m sure all LaLanders miss them as much as we do, and it would be a lovely gift for all to view scenes from their daily lives in South Africa. I concur with others who have so eloquently stated that there is a delicate balance between exclusivity and the delayed sharing of select content to engage others in becoming a patron of LaLande. One cannot underestimate the allure of behind-the-scenes exclusive content to draw more people to our group devoted to the loving restoration of LaLande. A glimpse is often more powerful than a full reveal. I’m confident that you will find that perfect balance, and that whatever you choose to share will be joyfully appreciated by all.


Fine with releasing the Selmar video


Stephanie, Consider it a Christmas present from us all to use and post any video you need or want to in December, or anytime you need! I know for a fact that my 90 year old mother-in-law and my 20 year old daughter would both love to see a few on the tv as they watch all of the regular vlogs that way and can only see one of ours on my iPad...and that’s if I share them, lol! You do so much for all of us Patreons and Chanel viewers alike that it is not a big deal! Plus I enjoyed Selmars q&a so much and I’m sure everyone else will. He is truly a gifted and talented person that you are blessed to have there... honestly they all are! Beauty attracts beauty. You are doing a fabulous job spreading your joy and we all truly enjoy and appreciate all you and everyone there does! Can’t wait to come some day myself! Much love and respect! 🥰😍


Please can you interview the Ians (not the feathered ones!!)? Would be so interesting to hear their stories. Thanks


Loved the walk through the woods Stephanie. And personally I have no problem with you using any Of the videos you created for us.


I have that travel mug it’s really nice! Shame about the Royal Copenhagen mugs - they aren’t cheap!!!


Hello! fellow Irish citizen. You will have to visit us here in Ireland soon -and follow your Irish roots.Also concur with everyone here in that I have no problem in you using patreon vlogs whenever and wherever you want. I feel I’m well rewarded for my little contribution.


A big yes to sharing Selmar's interview a good idea. Really enjoyed the stroll through the woods with Q & As did have trouble hearing Philip though. Would love a Cat interview sometime😄. Interesting to hear your thoughts glad you are not out with a begging bowl and if companies send gifts it’s because you deserve them. Hopefully Gerry will be able to get over for🎄🎉 Keep up all these wonderful vlogs.🍾🥂💕


LOVED this - you taking us out for a walk in that sensational Autumn beauty and hearing you give such interesting answers simultaneously I would really enjoy going for more walks with you (and it is a great inspiration to get you out- so reminded me of when i was part of running a manor house (tiny compared with your estate) and how very hard i realised it was to get myself away from the work of running the place and outside - so i so appreciate a little how it is for you) AND VERY HAPPY to have you share Selmars interview- it was the one that first drew me into becoming a Patron as i was so wanted to hear more from him - so pleased i did as i love being small part if this and sooo enjoy the extra vlogs - so maybe it might have added advantage of drawing in others - i too am happy for you to use other old interviews etc to give you much needed break from having to produce so many vlogs a week - the interviews are fascinating and others will love them too THANK YOU XXXXXXXX

Anna Ibarra

I love this Patreon vlog. Love the autumn walk that I wish I had a small bit of it. In regards to share the Selmar vlog, as some mentioned it, yes that would make a nice Christmas gift. But overall, yes please share whenever you feel you want to. You make wonderful choices for your watchers/fans! So share away! 🥰

Anna Ibarra

Also, yea share any of your extra footage and work and life at LaLande! You all really have such exciting things for us to see!


my understanding was the patron vlogs were premiered here ....first....not the updates on the fund ... Stephanie their your vlogs ...if it gives u a break ..use them all ....THEIR yours ...in my opinion best of luck


Yes, absolutely post the video of Selmar's interview..great idea x

Kimberly Dale

My favorite type of video... Love them all but by far this is my favorite a walk about with You Stephanie I can almost feel and smell the wet and wonder of the woods of your Lalande & free flowing conversation answering questions with Philip (?)... I love his presence too... love Selmar s travel about videos too...SelfCare

Kimberly Dale

SelfCare is Very Important and helps be better productive not selfish... you’re loving what you’re doing is great but a hot Bubble Bath, with yummy candles...

Kimberly Dale

In a chateau with tea or a tonic well you should be doing that because you can...🥰 I think I’d be doing that daily... if you are that’s self care... also tea with friends is self care... drinking more water& taking beautiful walks... absolutely self care You are loved... Take care of you🥰Tonic Up. With lots of lime ...+zinc it’s a cov19 cure... So I’ve read... 😉🥰🙏


For sure, feel free to share publicly. Having seen the interview, I agree it would be of interest to your other viewers. So fill your boots, as they say!


For some reason I never see it on time. I don’t mind if you show things like the interviews. They’re different than the business sort of things or patron questions. Everyone would love to see those. Hopefully after the holidays you can pick that little series up again. Especially Kat and Phillip. The woods are so beautiful. It would be nice to sprinkle a few benches about in scenic areas. If I lived there, nobody would ever see me from the first warm night to the last. 😆


I really enjoyed your beautiful walk through the woods. It reminds me very much where I live, which is on The Black Isle, in Ross-shire, Scotland. You do what you want to do Stephanie, it it is fine by me. i love all your vlogs, and please use what ever you need. You have great integrity and You are a great inspiration to me and always take time to take care of yourself and stay safe in your beautiful Lalande xx


Yes, I think it would be great for everyone to be able to see the interviews. So, pick one as you please. lol.

Theresa Romero

Delightful, as always. Thank you so much. 🙏💗 Yes, show the interviews on YouTube.


Stephanie I think you should do whatever you desire with your content. And thank you for making so much. I love following along.


Stephanie please feel free to post any of the patreon videos with the public. That`s no problem with me at all. Just love watching you and the gang. Thank you for sharing your life and friends with us!!!

Theresa Romero

I loved the walk, the company, and the questions and answers. Stephanie, I, along with so many, love the way you see others. Thank you, Theresa

Theresa Romero

And Phillip is adorable and worthy.


Please use Selmar's video, everyone should get to enjoy it!


I believe it’s called Pooh sticks because of Winnie the Pooh. Lovely video thanks😊


If the Patreon money is required to be used strictly for restoration, how will you pay for the swimming pool?


Such a lovely natural video to watch. I love autumn walks and seeing all the beautiful colours around the chateau . I echo many others and absolutely agree they are your videos to share. I am sure many people will love watching your interview with Selmar. And if there is anyone else willing, I’d love to see you do more interviews! Vx


We love seeing the surrounding areas of Lalande, as we have seen in Selmar's vlogs, and we think it is very beautiful. We too also agree that you should use the interview with Selmar, and think if ever you need to use them for whatever reason - even to have a break as everyone needs one - then you should use them as needed :) xx


If you need a 'fill-in' video to help you out, it's a good idea to use the patreon ones, as I'm sure many would love to see your mum, Gerry, Nati, Selmar, etc interviewed, and helps you out with having them there as back up.


Please do post Selmars interview. I think everyone should enjoy this not just Patreons.


I am totally fine with Selmar's interview being used, and more generally re-using as you wish.


I totally agree that you should post the interview with Selmar


Such a beautiful relaxing walk. And I think it's a good idea to use Selmar's video (or any others if you need ). Everyone would really enjoy it I think.


What a beautiful walk with you & Phillip! The crunch of the Forest floor, the color of the trees & the sounds of nature & the river ahhhhh relaxation! That as so nice of you to ask but as we all probably agree please do share the interviews when needed. Stephanie you will never know what a role model you are to so many. You remind us of a time when life was full of laughter & happiness. A time when we lived in our own magical LaLande’s. It has given me incentive to return to those days & state of mind. THANK YOU! Ummmm what is Jamaican Cake? Hugs from the Mitten (Michigan, USA 🇺🇸) 🤗


Sharing a Selmar video for time for Advent is a generous exchange! I'm all for it, and would love for others to see that!


i love that idea shannon its a gift of time that we can give stephanie for christmas....and time is what she needs with all shes doing..please use th videos any way you want stephanie......ill enjoy rewatching them very much when they air on the youtube channel


Georgette watching Stephanie and Isabelle open your gifts was one of the most lovely and uplifting things I've seen all year. It may sound a little sappy but I wanted you to know the kindness of your and Reinette's gifts spread joy far beyond Lalande.


I think it would be nice to publish the video about Selmar! We’ve had first crack at it, so why not let everyone else see it?

Karen Young

I think everyone will love the Selmar interview.


Yes I think you should show Selmar’s interview- great idea! I loved your autumn walk video, thank you x


Absolutely use the Selmar interview! Might even entice a few to sign up for Patreon, but more importantly to give yourself a breather! Also, congratulations on the Irish passport! Where in Ireland was your grandmother from?


Thank you Stephanie I always love videos around the woods and lake that Selmar has done and this was lovely. I only joined as patreon in August so have not seen Selmars interview yet I think after a considerable time it was be ok to post patreon videos to help you out. Also it would be good for your soul to take walks like this now and then without filming xox


Lyn if you want to you should be able to see all the older Patreon videos here. You can find them by clicking the month drop down above the posts.


I think it’s absolutely fine to post old Patron videos as the Chateau Diaries. I don’t see being a patron as being an exclusive club but rather as being a “helper” to help with chateau development. I don’t see it as a “them” and “us” situation at all, so share away please😊.


McVitie's Jamaica ginger cake is one of those British foods that's been in the shops for decades and that you find yourself missing when you've been living abroad for a while. I like it with custard. Someone sent Stephanie a whole case of it in one of the early 'Cadeaux at the chateau' vlogs. I need to give that person my address in France!


I think most of us can agree that what can make things easier for you (i.e. using a patreon video to ease your vlogging work) is absolutely fine. I don't support you to be exclusive. I support you and Chateau De LeLande plus the Le Lande family because you are kindred spirits. See... I knew you were Irish! Nevertheless, We are here to help and support you and your work. I can't wait for the lockdown to be over and we can all make a roadtrip to Chateau De LeLande! Though I think my French will need MAJOR improvement! We are all family and all kindred spirits together! God Bless you on your amazing journey Stephanie! Much Love! <3 And Like I said before you and my sister in law Jackie are almost twinsies. She's half Irish and half French! All the Best!


I think using the videos are fine! Especially the interview ones! Before I was a patreon it was a real treat to get to see mummy's interview when I knew that patreons had more!


Selmar should definitely be shared! And who can forget Ollie's hilarious story... I actually watched it 3 times... Share away, Stephanie!

Annie Davis

Hi Stephanie I would love to see the new courtyard added to your introduction as well ad the old one. Cheers Annie


Whatever makes it easier for you! I loved the interviews and have zero concerns about them being shared with others have some time has passed for patrons.


Stephanie please know that you can post whatever videos you wish they are yours to do with what you wish..I think if it would help to post the Selmar interview then I say go for it


Stephanie, You can do with your videos what you want. I think we all agree that you can post them if you want to.


I would whole heartedly say share the Selmar interview. It is such a great interview, and would be a great service to share, and could even be a great promotion of the amazing content and love that we all get as patreon's.

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

I don't know how I'd function without this vlog and all of you. And that includes the bunches of us who follow you sweet people at Lalande. When you say those heartfelt words at the end of every vlog, and blow us a kiss, I blow you one back. I hope you feel the love as we do being "silent partners in crime"! Love you all! Love your beautiful home!


I hope this does not come across as rude for I see both sides to this topic. As I just became a Patreon two weeks ago and am trying to watch all of the old videos. To see any of them shared on YouTube kind of takes away from the benefits of this channel. It is easy to watch ads to help with the restoration as I have done for almost a year. But to come out of your own pocket during a pandemic is much harder. Yes we all do this because we love the chateau but you have to be honest in saying the perks are nice too. Yes Stephanie works hard in producing these videos and it has become a full time job but that’s to be expected. If you do take away things here it’s only fair to add some new ones in. I wonder if the next small goal you set could possibly be for better WIFI or a part time assistant? Both of these could help greatly reduce the amount of time you spend on tasks such as paying bills, uploading, scheduling things, phone calls etc. I know that the housekeeper and gardener have relieved a lot of the stress in those specific areas. As I said I can see both sides since we have all been on each side and you will constantly be gaining new members. But if they see that the private videos from here are being shared on YouTube they may become discouraged. Please don’t think that I’m cruel or lack a heart I’m just a realist and like to be open to all sides. We all just want what’s best for the whole Lalande family.


I'm not a fan of Miss Brooks viewpoints - lots of us having been watching and patroning for a while - it's about helping, not keeping an eye on just what we are getting ourselves. You say it's a job and all to be expected but Stephanie pumps videos out at a rate that most youtubers dream of. Lots do one or two per week, girl is at like 5 including the patreon vid? It sounds like Anna-Alicia hasn't been watching all that long or maybe not seen much of the vlog but I've probably seen every episode at least twice, if not more for some. The Advent Series is LONG, and Stephanie looks exhausted talking about all of them! Anna-Alicia, Stephanie HAS a personal assistant type helper in Nati....plus has talked about progress setting up better WIFI multiple times.....all of which will NOT be happening before the impending advent filming....I'm mostly wondering how many videos have you actually watched?? Why would a patron feel discouraged about a video we all saw a while ago being shared to let up time for more awesome future vlogs? The whole thing is win-win, because it's win-win for Stephanie, of which we are patrons to HELP her, so if it's a win for her it's therefore a win for us. I am not counting each little patron gift like pennies. I simply just feel like you're either not much of a fan or haven't been watching long and your heart is not in the right place for Stephanie or the series. ? Lots of patrons would do anything to help Stephanie, this is such a small thing to grant given all that she does to share joy and is going to reinvest that free time into making bomb advent calendar vlogs. Dunno Anna. I really don't see your viewpoint or heart-point on this.


Stephanie, YES!!!! By all means, share away on Selmar's interview. As I said in my reply to Anna-Alicia Brooks, "The whole thing is win-win, because it's win-win for Stephanie, of which we are patrons to HELP her, so if it's a win for her it's therefore a win for us. I am not counting each little patron gift like pennies." I think it's really important the overall fan base can be counted on for upholding the overall sense of care and appreciation that we rely on Stephanie to exude in her channel, and we lose nothing to see Stephanie have more time to make an awesome advent calendar series. Don't get the closed-heartedness of not wanting the interview shared when basically EVERYTHING about Chateau Diaries is remembering to live with an open heart, remember to give, remember to grant wishes, and realize how time can be spent reinvesting yet more special things for us all to share and treasure.


Just want to say thank you to Stephanie and this group for giving me the confidence to follow my heart and redecorate using a William Morris designed wallpaper that I have loved for over 30 years. Previously been swayed by family to keep things far more plain. So excited now paper is ordered hopefully it'll be on the wall soon. Thank you!!


First my name is Anna-Alicia not Anna as you clearly can see. Second I have been watching for over a year before I even became a Patreon. Third I want nothing more then Lalande’s family to be happy. If that means only having 1-2 videos a week then do it. I know that she loves making the videos but her peace of mind matters more. I don’t care if the interview is shared and apparently you did not comprehend my message. However, I am an adult and can understand that people can have different opinions. Just because you do not agree with mine does not make it any less valid. It is rude to assume that I am close hearted, ungiving and don’t want what’s best for Stephanie. But you know what they say when you assume! Belittling someone just because you have a different viewpoint is low and frankly uncalled for. I also know Stephanie would not stand for you calling me names and your tone. I will not respond again for bickering back and forth was not the purpose of this topic.


Absolutely agree with the others-- please post Selmar's interview for everyone to view on YouTube! In fact I already wished that you would, because I've long thought your viewers would enjoy it so much. I see it from two entirely positive angles: 1) For those lucky viewers for whom Covid has not hurt the pocketbook, it would be a lovely glimpse of what is in store for them if they decide to become a patron! And we all want that for Lalande. 2) For those who cannot become a patron during this difficult time, it will be a generous gift for the holidays and much appreciated. <3


Selmar's interview was so interesting, definitely share it! It might even gain some new patrons, if they see what they're missing out on!

Theresa Romero

Thank you so much, Stephanie, and all you lovely La Landers, for sharing so much with us. I cannot find the words to express how much your vlogs uplift me. You, your delightful natures and ever interesting exploits are quite amazing.


It's a yes from me x

Kimberly Dale

I love & are behind whatever you decide Stephanie... 🙏🥰Always thankful for the joy & escape you offer to thousands of people...I’m a patron because I want to be. I love the walks ... and the chitchat ... all the nibbles and “ You Be You, Stephanie” you’re the reason...we tune in You’re insight and kindness 🙏😊🍁 Release your interview w/ Selmar absolutely 😃


Of course you can share one of the interviews on the YouTube channel for all to see! It's a yes from me :)


I have just watched this video, l am so overwhelmed l don't know what to say first. Your judgement, grace, kindness, thoughtfulness shines through. Certainly use the Selmar interview, it's a blessing for all to enjoy. What particularly touches my heart is that in the crazy world of lockdown, political situations around the world and one issue after the other is that this channel is here to enjoy the beauty of friendship, family, love, joy, laughter, wonderful food, culture and much more. It uplifts our collective souls. Such touches as the 2 minutes silence and Ian ringing the bell. It all touches my heart and makes me feel very emotional. Lots of love from Melbourne Australia


I believe everyone will enjoy Selmar's video. Share it!!


Yes definitely share the interviews. They were so sweet and very uplifting. I am sooooo looking forward to your advent videos


What a joy to watch , thank you x


This was a lovely stroll and chat. I think you should absolutely share Selmar’s interview on the vlog. At the start of your interview with Oliver, you did say that the interviews could be used for the vlog when you were e.g. on holiday. As patrons we’ve had access to it much earlier than everyone else so I cannot understand any objection, plus as others have said, it could encourage more patrons.


Of course you should share, we were just privileged to see it early.


New Patron here, I've been watching the videos for ages but finally took the plunge to become a Patron. Had a lovely time over the last few days binging the Patreon only videos and it was lovely to see the behind the scenes and how things have developed over the last few months. If you struggle with the idea of using a spreadsheet, using something like Trello https://trello.com/ might be helpful. It's essentially a super fancy post-it noticeboard for organising projects. You can set up a column for each project, and then add post-it notes to which you can add notes, tasks, photos etc. and even assign tasks for someone else to do as a team. I think you'd find it really useful for juggling all the different projects and ideas that you are holding in your head.


Loved your autumnal walk and, as always, the ease with which you express yourself. I think sharing Selmar's interview with the wider world would be wonderful. He's a multi-talented, fascinating man, with an interesting background - I think that deserves to be showcased! :) Keep up the amazing work - you bring joy, enthusiasm, and a love of life that we all need right now. With great affection from Port Hope, Ontario, Canada xx


I think you should use the selmar interview for the main channel. I think it is fine to do that whenever you want. Patreon members still get to see it first. I also think you should use the one of Jerry at some point. That was a very interesting video.


What happened to your channel with Michael where you visit chateaux and give us tips on what to look out for? And chateaux that are for sale?


No problem if you use your Patreon posts as needed. Loved our walk. Hugs 🤗


No problem. Of course, you should share, you have so much work with the videos.


I think it’s a great idea to share the Selmar interview!


Yes, use Patreon videos when needed. The access to extra footage is great but the money is for the chateau not necessarily the extra content.


Pooh sticks from Winnie the Pooh!

Daniel Hammond

The nice thing about living in a palace is that if your EasterEgg Hunt/Treasure hunts are rained on, you can always rearrange them as indoor events. Plenty of space inside to hide the treasures!

Sharon cole

Stephanie looks beautiful sat there her yellow jumper is picking up the yellow on the leafs 😊xx


What a beautiful facet of the Chateaux a much needed walk in the woods. Dan does tons of work!


Love your dancing. Danmark


Aww Stephanie and Philip, had to giggle at "self care routine, I don't think I have one." Very important to take time to rest. I love taking walks in nature, your forest is a boon to your mental wellness. I like to do utiseta and just sit outside and meditate in nature.