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Patreon October Q&A Part 1



Sending you some gorgeous fabric tomorrow for the sofa (possibly) !!! hugs xxxx


Yes...the Winter Salon library! I would place that as high priority for guests and proper book storage/use.


Great questions, great answers, great filming, great editing, great Chatelaine, great vlogs and great team at LaLande! As always really appreciate you taking the time to update and answer questions. Much better grouping similar questions together to save you time. Fab job, and so exciting to hear all that is underway and yet to happen at LaLande and with the various plans you have. So pleased you can do what you love doing, have a passion for, and are getting better and better at! It’s lovely to see a dream coming to life every day. Amazing to see how things have progressed since your first vlog! Well done and keep enjoying all that you do. 😁🥂


Stephanie...LaLande needs to have Ryan as a daytrip planner/concierge. He would be amazing. I love his videos and appreciate him very much. He seems like a perfect daytrip guide/host.


Wonderful job with the q&a video! I wonder if next week, or another time, you could interview Dana, she seems like such an interesting person and carries that same effervescence that drew me to you! 🥰


Where has David been? Miss his cooking!


What fun, thank you so much for the updates. For some reason it has seemed over the last few weeks as though everything had stopped or at least arrived at a 'holding pattern'. I am glad to hear that it is moving. I absolutely love the idea of the library. It was exactly that and the paneling that made me decide to become a Patron.


Fab Q&A and courtyard vlog! Thank you Stephanie. It’s great to hear you say you are doing well because that is how it appears. The positivity radiates from you and affects all the Lalanders. In these crazy times it’s a great tonic to watch good people doing good things. X


Thank you so much for the A’s to our Q’s! I always enjoy your input and feedback. I look forward to part 2 & even part 3 I imagine!


So wonderful, Stephanie!!!!❤️ Great stories at the end! I always have too many responses to these videos!! Suffice to say...so happy to hear that you’re well in the parallel universe. I applaud your decisions at the chateau and encourage you to keep following your instincts. Love you so much!


Please give a hug amount of love to Mummy. She has looked so 'down' and unhappy lately. I know that she misses her darling Percy so much, perhaps knowing that we all care and are a little concerned for her will give her the extra support that she needs right now. Many many virtual hugs to you my darling friend.


Projects you’re looking forward to.... redoing your bedroom & sitting room suite? Volunteer to remember.... Grant from Australia?


What a wonderful uplifting Q&A! I thoroughly enjoyed this little behind the scenes glimpse - thank you! I understand your feeling of being in a dream state - so much has changed since I began watching your videos (half of them were still on instagram). You seem to have found a wonderful balance of gratitude and excitement which is so authentic and lovely to watch. I am so happy for you. (onedandylion)


Thank you for sharing more of your thinking and answering our questions. It is amazing to see the growth in you as much as in the forward movement at the Chateau


So exciting all the day trips coming up 🌻 and your big heart 💜is awesome ( bats) 🙏🏼 Such a good vibe everything and your kindness to all 😇outstanding 🥰


Wonderful answers! I don't know about anyone else but I can't help thinking how LUCKY future generations who own Lalande are going to be if they have access to these videos hundreds of years from now. Imagine if you had videos from Henri's time( or even from the 1930's and forties) and could say "Oh THAT'S how this room got this wallpaper" etc etc. Watching them pick it out, saying why they chose it. What additions and repairs. It's more than entertainment it's a historical record...for somebody. Lucky them.


A library in the Winter Salon...perfection. But oh the china pantry too, that's going to look heavenly🥰


Thank you Stephanie, it feels like we’ve just had a lovely catch up. It’s so inspiring not just to see the wonderful group you have in the house right now, I mean the raking party was fabulous, but to see that you KNOW it and are appreciating it in real time.


Have you ever considered getting all the chimneys working so you can have cozy fires through the cold months in more rooms? I know it would be a huge project but is seems so cold everywhere.


G'day Stephanie! Thanks for your fantastic Q & A Part 1. Such lovely goings on and progress in your chateau. I really hope your heating gets fixed asap as we are now mid Spring and turning ours off! As you're going into the coldest part of the year in Europe being warm is essential for health and wellbeing . And hot water bottles are not really practical unless you're in bed! So looking forward to seeing the courtyard with it's new design and surface of gravel. A great job by all on raking the stones by the way! Until next week, au revoir from down under in Tasmania! xx

Garrie and Cindy Garrison

Please share what you can about Isabelle and Percy? So happy about the China room being on your horizon. Is there something we could all make to separate the places, etc? As you open gorgeous teacups, I always think you should look at the brocante for a delicate wood and glass cabinet with mirror backing and lighting to display some of your favorites! How lovely would that be? Love you, and appreciate all you do! X


Brilliant update! Love right back. I had a little tap on my right shoulder and a tiny small voice told me to seriously save for a trip to France for a stay at Lalande. It's going to take a few years, but as my French improves and my vacation savings account grows, there will be plenty of vlogs to watch to feed my dreams in anticipation. Hugs. C

Jane Nunn

Hello Stephanie, Yes! I loved the advent calendar last year maybe you and Michael could alternate. They don't need to be long, I watch a few other channels and they do excellent 10 minute very satisfying vlogs.. Esp when well edited.. Love to your mummy and all

Jane Nunn

Could Michael do one from home and you do one from Lalande? maybe do the last one together near Xmas?

Jane Nunn

I thought Frances borders are closed. How did the couple get in from NZ?


My heart exploded with joy to hear you'll be doing another Advent calendar! Thank you for another enjoyable Q & A.

Jane Nunn

Fires? I don't know why people were so worried, I am sure you are very careful with your home? Do you have a fire drill for you and the workaways and staff?

Jane Nunn

I am sure you are very careful with your home Steph


Stephanie you are such a ray of light! Your Q&A segments are so enjoyed. You are a true angel here on earth xo Aloha🌸🌼


This group are very talented and congenial. I've seen all the vlogs for the beginning and am always amazed at the gifts each of the work away volunteers bring at the right time. There was a young southern man from USA who was particularly funny. I enjoy every personality.

Jane Nunn

Selmar was very naughty! and I hope Isabelle doesn't see it! He didn't tell him off! Selmar is too soft with him hahaha


Thank you for the great update. Now, I am really worried about Isabel. Is there anything we in the LaLande community can do to help her... ? To help Percy? Everyday seems like a struggle for her now... the separation and worry about Percy seems to have finally taken its toll on her. Wish we could help her....


Stephanie, you are SUCH a ray of sunshine, you more than deserve all the good things that are coming to you!! Please don't work yourself to burn out, we need you for the long term! I love that you mentioned your Dad, he must be THRILLED to see all the amazing things that are happening for his incredible daughter!! <3 <3 <3


Stephanie, you deserve all the joy of living in your parallel universe! I don’t think you quite realise how many of us you have rescued from the extreme emotional effects of the pandemic. Your relentless enthusiasm, creativity and positivity have inspired me in so many ways and kept me from spiralling downwards into a dark place. Thank you,. 💕👏


Amazing! Thank you 😁❤

Jane Nunn

Stephanie, why do you do ETTC DIY when it limits your control of what you can show and you are not paid for it and you said in the past you had no real benefit from doing it..?

Jane Nunn

Thats very humble of you Steph. I remember Selmar arriving after things were shut down,I remember when you had such a small little channel and actually miss it.. seems like eternity ago and its all exploded, I followed you from the beginning and its crazy how its grown. You are handling the sudden success very well not easy online. I do understand how you must feel as it was quite sudden. Thankyou for your time.. xo

Jane Nunn

You are very welcome Steph xo


Thank you so much for your time Stephanie really enjoyed listening to the questions many of which I had thought about I love these little Patreon vlogs makes you feel appreciated and part of things even though we are not there I really do appreciate your time my son is a videographer so I know the hours and hours of editing it involves ! Waiting to see the courtyard bet it’s stunning and such a lovely view from your window - one of my sons says he will bring me to stay next year so here’s hoping ! Take care xxx 😘


Hello Stephanie, this one gave me so much happiness for some reason. I always love them but for whatever reason, tonight was joyful. Can't wait to see all the up coming vlogs and the projects they show. I love you all... Ginny Viehe from Indiana


Oh Stephanie what a great Q & A ‼️ 🥰. I remember with you many of the memories you shared as well. I seldom comment on your vlogs these days due to the volume of new commentators. Don’t get me wrong I loooooove reading through all the comments lol but like a pretty curtain framing LaLande’s landscaping from the inside I enjoy silently watching. Looking forward to part 2 😍


It's hard for me to explain how I feel about Chateau Lalande and the people residing there. Since March of this year, it's like going to a happy place whenever I see one of Stephanie's vlogs. I feel privileged to be a small part of it. Stephanie produces some of the most intelligent, informative and entertaining pieces. I think Stephanie has helped so many of us through the last 8 months. Thank you Stephanie 😊 💓 ☺ 💗 💛


This was so wonderful in a way that's hard to describe in a few words. I loved about the sense of being in a parallel universe - all the good things preserved from the past, plus the possibilities that come with the support of so many of us around the world! I feel almost as elated as Stephanie! hahahaha <3


Stephanie I send so much love to you and Mummy who is missing Percy so much..I truly hope all continues to go well at LaLande 😊


Wonderful video, Stephanie! Thank you for taking the time to answer our questions :) Could we have an interview with Dan The Gardener?


Gosh..I got a little emotional at the end there. You're such a beautiful soul Stephanie. I hope the future is even bigger and better for you and your lovely chateau. Definitely work on storage ! It's important to have a place for all your things. I imagine you'll be overwhelmed before long ! :)


Thank you Stephanie once again for the gift of sharing your life, memories, Hope's and dreams with us, we are so lucky as your patrons. I am concerned though about the heating system and how you are going to manage in the winter months if it keeps breaking down, is it time to think of an upgrade? Isabelle and Percy's separation is also a concern and I hope they are reunited soon. Whilst it would be lovely to see Percy at Lalande, maybe Isabelle going to SA for the heat would be a better option. Looking forward to part 2. Thank you once again ❤❤


Loved the Q&A update! If it wasn’t for the pandemic and travel restrictions I would be applying to come do a work away. I adore organizing and am a quick learner when it comes to renovating furniture :) Someday! I’ll keep watching the videos and dreaming until then. Love to all in the chateau!!

Kimberly Dale

I’m so happy you’re going to do the Christmas videos


Thank you Stephanie. Your Patreon videos are as lovely as those you produce for your YouTube channels. I know many of us have expressed our deep gratitude to you for providing us the perfect escape from the bizarre and tragic events happening in 2020, but you and the other Lalanders have also given many of us hope, inspiration and motivation. Marie and Isabelle motivated me to plant more flowers in my garden this year; Dan and Selmar are constantly giving me hope that my husband and I can get all the outdoor projects completed with a little creativity and some connections; Gerry and Kat remind me to believe in the healing power of humor, dance and singing, and you are constantly giving me faith that my dreams can come true with ease, joy, determination, patience, and optimism. Even the generosity of our fellow viewers has inspired me to send more gifts and cards to friends and family. I am happy to support all of your endeavors in this magical place. Bonne courage and merci bien.

Kimberly Dale

sooo fun I’m going thrifting tomorrow for pretty glasses to fill with wax, a wick... gold leafe and I’m going to add a bit of essential oils... You saved me and many’s sanity by keeping dreaming alive ... cheers to you all ... air hugs for Isabelle, Gerrald, Percy , Selmar, Desel and all the Ian’s

Kimberly Dale

May Lalande... Don’t become so famous that you for get us... 🥂🍾🎶🥰🦋🍁


I think that's part of what she's working on with the chimney sweep.

Kimberly Dale

OopsAt Lalande... spell check needs spell checking...


This video outlines why I love and support what you do. I hope to be able to come by one day and visit! 😘


Could you possibly consider using some of the ad money from Present opening to donate to Thomas’ mothers charity for the poor in Brazil


thank you Stephanie- x


As I said, on Michael's channel, I'm so excited about all of the sudden progress on your spaces!


I’m so glad you’re going to make bat houses! They do eat mosquitos and actually eat between 6,000 and 8,000 mosquito sized bugs a night! They’re really wonderful creatures!


You are such a genuine and warm person. Every time you vlog it shines through. Speaking personally it is this and your wonderful historical information that sparked my desire to participate in helping the chateau. Thank you for all the positivity you bring to the world.


Thank you for the Q&A! It’s so lovely to see you’re thriving! You’re doing a wonderful job and it’s all wonderful fun for me! I really feel like a I have friend in France and she’s working on her chateau, and I am a part; because while I can’t be there, I send a little money to help. I am so grateful to get to be involved. It has become a part of my life and I am so much happier for it!


I just love the way you speak about those you love!


I so enjoyed all the questions and especially the thought and care you put into every one of your answers. I love everything you are doing and wish I could come and volunteer. My husband and I have been building houses for over 30 years and I would love to build your china pantry. I wish I could send you a picture of my blue and white and yellow kitchen with a blue Aga and liberty of London yellow wallpaper behind all the blue and white Spode and English China. I have a terribly awesome addiction to blue and white China and I am so glad you agree that there can never be too much! Love from Victoria B.C. Canada


You definitely also need another display cabinet in the Winter Salon for all the gifts ;)


Hello there. Janis here! A neighbor of yours here in Nanaimo! I loveeeee these vlogs! I too am a blue and white China collector!


Can you please interview Kat!


This is a dream because you, Stephanie, are a dream! Thank you for the A's and and I'm really looking forward to the next. Great questions to those that asked them, well done! This all makes me so very happy! Thank you!!!!!!!


Thank You So Much for this wonderful video, You are such an inspiration to me 💗


What a delightful Q & A session Stephanie, thank you for your thoughtful, delightful responses to all the questions. I so enjoy your intimate fireside chats, your charm and enthusiasm just shines through. The projects and plans that are “in the works” all sound so rewarding and worthwhile. The wonderful team at LaLande are truly inspiring and such great fun! Blessings to each of you. 💖


Thank you Stephanie, continued success with all your projects.


I can't wait for the china pantry.


Thank you for the update date!China pantry and library,will be great to do and watch. There is a part of me thinking the Water Mill!!


This is how she became known, its international advertising I guess ❤️


Glad your getting more help with editing etc!


Stephanie, you are an absolute delight. Love watching your videos ♥️📹


Hi Stephanie, thank you once again for the Q & A. What lovely things are happening at LaLande. You have been so lucky with all the lovely people who have visited and of course stayed with you. I can remember them all. It feels like my family as well. So much is happening and it’s so lovely all work is progressing. The lockdown in France and everywhere has had an effect on everyone but watching and listening to you all has made me so aware that we all need people to make us happy. Thank you so much.


I'm recognizing that dress 😁 I'm excited to see the finished courtyard, and now is actually the perfect time to plant roses 😁


Thank you Stephanie, so informative as always. Appreciate all you do, but do what you can when you can, never worry. ! The day trips sound a great idea and can’t wait to see the courtyard, be safe in France, numbers and restrictions rising here in Scotland too 🧡


I would so be interested in an interview with Kat and Philip. The volunteer experience and point of view is so interesting. I used to work-study this very summer at a craft school in North Carolina and the stories from My fellow crew members were all so diverse and fascinating.


I'll bring a spare helmet on my next ride up to Lalande, shall I Stephanie? I've also got a ladies' leather motorcycle jacket somewhere.


Wonderful updates!! Can’t wait to see the courtyard. It will be beautiful, especially when it’s completely planted. It will make such a gorgeous statement when entering the Chateau. 🌸🌳🌸


Its great lalande day for me! My card arrived and you answered my question! I can't wait for the china pantry either. Not a huge fan of porcelain but I love organising and pretty things being displayed.


Wow those autumnal colours looked so lovely on you 🍁🍂 your vlogs feel like wonderful chats with a dear friend, thank you for sharing. The increase in COVID cases is concerning so please stay safe and healthy as the winter months roll in. Looking forward to next weeks YouTube vlog and seeing the court yard finished - Dan is another blessing for the Chateau. Always enjoy watching your life stories as our life in northern Australia is so very different - where I live if a building more than 75 years old they call it historic 😉 🇦🇺💕


We cant wait to visit/stay one day, keep doing what you're doing and stay safe. Thank you :)


You are good at spotting those rare folks who bring people together because you’re one of the best. Good people join you because of your generosity and willingness to invite people in. My short time with you showed me how special you are and how deserving of everything.


Hello Stephanie. Seems to me you should pass your bike test, then perhaps the purchase of a 400 or 600cc red Ducati. Can you imagine how cool that would look in the new courtyard ? You know it makes sense !


Thank you so much Stephanie! Wonderful Q&A. It is always fascinating to hear even more insight from you. You are such a delight! A sunny spot in these dreary days. Keep up the brilliant work!


Thanks Stephanie, you are a joy. It’s so lovely to feel part of life at the chateau x


Kimberley-that pretty much sums me up too Thank you💜


My card just arrived this morning-so surprised as I was happily resigned to it taking much longer given how much you do Stephanie and your amazing commitment to handwriting every one -I also hadn’t quite got that the cards are limited editions and different-what a treat-I always appreciate real letters/cards in the post even more so as they get rarer ( I am 56 so of a generation when my friends and I from holidays used to write letters to each other 🤣🤣) AND this card is extra extra special THANK YOU


Hi Stephanie, thank you for the Q&A. I remember you mentioned previously as well that videos allow you to express your creative side. The videos you put out have been marvellous and informative, and I hope that you will be able to take some time for yourself to rest and plan for more fantastic content for years to come. However, at this point, for you to arrange the filming of and for Natty to organise the gifts’ opening does not seem sustainable. I hope that you can consider sending special thank you notes instead to those who sent gifts, and do away with the videos. For others to give back (in light of having ad revenue on those usually given to charities), you can direct your viewers to links set up with charities. Gifts are meant to be enjoyed by the receiver and I’m sure that those who sent gifts will understand and support your need for more time to plan for great content! I hope you can consider the above!


I LOVED the advent videos even though I just found your channel in March. But still so excited!


Hi Steve. Was that you there doing the editing recently? If so, we met briefly the day you arrived. How nice that you may be able to leave your mark at Lalande with the St. Cecilia window.


Thank you for the update, it is so interesting to know more about all of you and Lalande ☺️

Theresa Romero

Hi Stephanie, The quality that you said you appreciate in others - of bringing people together and making people feel good - is one you have in great abundance. It’s one of the many qualities that make us all adore you and all the La Landers.


That was a great update - I was happy to hear the update on the shutter dogs (is that correct?)! If you are able can you give us an update on how Percy is doing and if he will be able to fly into France at any point to join Isabell at Lalande?


Love that dress on you Stephanie. . . great find


Hi Stephanie. Please don’t fret over the Unwrapped videos. A simple voice over will suffice. There’s no need to refilm or go into detail with voice overs. Keep it simple, upload and move on. Be good to yourself. We understand 😺😺


Thanks for the update sweet girl! You always brighten our days and sometimes late nights when we can’t sleep!


What a generous offer!


Always love the updates! The heating is absolutely the most important thing right now. Here in Florida you can hop on your friend’s Frankenstein bike made out of junk yard parts and ride without helmet over the highways at 70 mph to the Cooter Festival in Inverness, Florida which celebrates racing “cooters” or, as normal people call them, turtles, that are endangered in every other state... one of the most Florida of activities.


So glad you got yours. I am sad that I might not. I just recently moved. I did have my mail forwarded so praying that it does not get lost during that process. I would be so sad. 😊🙏🏻


Here in the USA as well Catherine. We have a good friend who lives in Adelaide! Hoping your country is healing after all the wildfires. California and Colorado are currently battling wildfires. So devastating. My daughter said that Stephanie would look lovely in a tow sack, but I agree with you. Those colors certainly suit!


We love you Stephanie. We suffered a sudden death in the family recently and it's been difficult. But, when we watch your blogs, it brings a peaceful moment. Thank you


My sympathies to you and your family. I know that is extremely difficult even under better circumstances. But like you said about finding a peaceful moments watching the vlog, I totally understand. Its been a difficult time for me during this lockdown but every time I watch the videos it lightens my heart and soul with a more positive outlook on life. I actually can't imagine my life without Stephanie and the wonderful people that live there. Best wishes to you and your family.


I think we need a Spotify gravel-raking playlist!


Great video, as always. I think of you and Lalande every morning with my cup of English Breakfast tea. I wouldn’t be opposed to learning more about tea; I guess it’s more of a British tradition (and we here in the States are likely more coffee people) but I would definitely like to see more about why tea is such a gathering event and the delicious looking snacks that accompany it (and the gorgeous tea cups!!). I’m definitely doing to have to break out my elephant tea pot for the colder months ahead!


Me too, I can't wait forever for the china cabinet! I just have my china and curio cabinet which enables me to see and enjoy my plates, cups, and serving platters! There is something special being able to view them arranged and displayed beautifully.


Enjoyed the Q&A. Also I like reading all the comments too. Looking forward to the China Cabinet with display areas. You seem to have your priorities in order and know what is best. The court yard looks wonderful! Please don't fret over the gift opening videos. I for one enjoy them to a point; but, they are gifts. Maybe display them on a table and voice over with a thank you and brief acknowledgment of the sender. I'm more interested in videos of the daily life at the chateau. You really do have a wonderful group in the chateau. Many of your videos I have viewed several times and see how wonderful the outstanding work aways function in making the work even more fun and exciting. Thank you for the genuine love, for sharing your lovely chateau life, and all the amazing infectious laughter! ~k


Thank you Stephanie for your lovely comments. We loved staying with you, Isobel, and the Le Landers! Great group of lovely people! Love Tracy and Nic from Romantique, New Zealand xxx


Whereabouts are you from in New Zealand? I am currently in Wellington.


Hi Jillian, we are in Auckland and have a French furniture shop in Devonport, North Shore and Grey Lynn


Great Q&A , it's been great to see you as you used to be showing us your creative side so much fun. Really enjoyed this vlog looking forward to number 2 - thanks.x


Looking forward to seeing all of yor plans for the ch


chateau especially the china pantry and the library in the winter saloon.


I have a house in Devonport although I am based in UK. I think a friend of mine took me to your shop in town last year. It was full of lovley


You are such a delight. Love you. 🤗




Very emotional at the end, Im so happy you're doing well, you are truly one of the nicest people on this earth x


So excited for all to come. Stephanie your videos are beautiful.


Disfruté mucho Q&A. Saludos desde México.


I am so grateful for the day I discovered you and your most beautiful chateau.I think first because you and your story, this journey you are on gives the feeling of hope.Also I am reminded of a designer who I studied with and remain in contact with she taught me many things about floral design.We had a conversation about how we will move forward during this pandemic, she said her mother told her once "the world needs beauty". That has become my mantra. So dear Stefanie you and all the lovely people of Lelande bring beauty into the world. I dream of the day I will visit.


Yayyy for the advent videos!!!


yay china pantry !!

Denise Behrends

Looking forward to the renovations of the library in the Winter Salon, as well as the creation of your dream china pantry in the chateau.

Annie Davis

So glad to see your dreams coming true, you deserve all the happiness that comes to you❤️


Thanks for your thoughtful and enthusiastic answers to all our questions. It’s so exciting to have watched all the wonderful work that’s gone on and to feel a part of the lovely Lalande family.


Interesting to see the Patreon money is quickly disappearing $5000 a month down in the last two weeks. All to do with so many no shows on the vlog fronts I suspect. Such a shame.


does anyone know the paint brand and color for the winter salon?


Ok, after watching the end of the last vlog (Sunday) I am just going to go on record and say that the next target project should be ...........Lights on the outside of the Chateau !!!!!! .........just sayin .....lol


Hello Stephanie, We watch your channels as a family as my children 15 and 17 years of age are your subscribers. I am also your patron that we can access for more content on Patreon. Yesterday we watched several episodes of cadeaux at the chateau and one thing made me cringe; opening of gin bottles with” oohs and aahs” commenting how you want to make a G&T immediately, how good it smells, giving the brand name etc. Is this kind of behaviour necessary? Do not get me wrong, G&T, glass of wine, a shandy during opening is perfectly fine, drinking responsibly is one of the joys of adult life, but surreptitious advertising is not. My children look up to you as a role model. I understand that appreciating (even boozy) gifts is necessary, but it still remains something that tends to function as advertising whether or not that was purposeful. YouTube videos have become a significant contributor of alcohol marketing and in an era of social media and smartphones, parents are often behind the curve with their children. Please consider taking responsibility of your underaged viewers and not accepting alcohol as a gift in your cadeaux at the chateau channel. Yours sincerely, Harri Raasakka


Stephanie, Thank you so much for always being so cheerful (even when uploading is a chore). I am very interested in what you have planned for a library. My husband and I are creating a small private liabary in our 1905 home in Oregon, USA, and have amassed a lot of ideas on how to display and organize and would love to know what sort of space you are looking into converting, Ours is the old housekeepers quarters, which is small 7 feet (2.13 meters) x 9 feet (2.74 meters), with 2 windows. We want a cozy daybed with shelves.


Harri, I understand your reluctance to profile the alcohol. I personally do not drink, but as they are not promoting getting drunk, it is like chocolates, everything in moderation.


Stephanie, I haven't commented in a while but wanted to congratulate you again on doing such a fantastic job! You juggle so much and keep up wonderfully with a fast pace of videos, and still think of special treats for us patrons. The Behind the Scenes are fun, and your answers to the recent questions very thoughtful. We are all behind you and so many are staying and maintaining their patronage month after month to see the Lalande renovations through! We're at your side with Henri and your artist father! I'm so glad you're doing the Advent Calendar again this year, that you have so many wonderful friends living with you to warm you up for winter, and can't wait to see all the festive vlogs for the holidays. Wish I was there with you all! xxx


Question for future Q&A: why does patreon cap the quantity of patrons at the $100 tier? You'd think they would allow an uncapped limit


Hello Nicole, i don’t think this is a Patreon thing. I believe that creators have an option to limit the number of supporters in a tier as a way of keeping their tier benefits offered, and perhaps the exclusivity of the tier etc., within a reasonable amount of control.


What a lovely video :) Also - I think I speak for others when I say I certainly don't mind fewer present-opening vids in order for you to film your advent calendar videos! I've saved last year's so I can watch them this year and now I'll have twice as many! :-D


I love Stephanie so much and I am grateful for the lightness of heart and the teaching. I am better for watching all this joy and reverence for the old and the new. Silver and Gold <3 Thank you thank you thank you!! Blue and white forever <3

Jodi and Scott Barck

I love the present opening videos. It's very fun. And I live how kind people are.


How is mummy!!? Did she make it ok? Please share a status report - I know we are all so happy Percy and Isabelle are reunited!!!


The safety changes make me happy, I get so worried about the Lelande Community.


One of the best.


May I ask, what type of ivy grows on your terrace that is behind you during your gift opening videos. Your more recent videos during autumn have shown the wall and it has the most beautiful fall colors 🍁


Hi I believe it is called Virginia Creeper. I was also admiring it!


You are simply adorable and inspiring! I particularly love your inspiring answer to "How you're doing". I'm so happy for you and all that is transforming at LaLand. S'wonderful!


Please do the Advent Videos... they were awesome last year and gave me lots of inspiration for this year.


Comment regarding numbering the episodes. I noticed that you stopped adding it to the title starting with THE CHATEAU DIARIES: WONDERFUL CHAPEL NEWS!, which would be episode 115. I understand that in the playlist they are in order but I know when I was binge-watching everything months and months ago it was so nice to easily know what episode I stopped at. I would encourage you to consider adding the numbering back in.

Daniel Hammond

I can endorse your position, there is no such thing as too much of something, china or books, if you love it. People try to tell me that I have too many books. Hideous and outrageous blasphemy!

Sharon cole

This vogs made me cry when you was saying its like a dream awwww you deserve this enjoy stephanie 💖🙏💖xxxxx

Heidi Panella

Yes I agree, I filled with tears as well. She's really a rare breed, I'm so thankful I found her and that I'm helping in a small way to contribute to the chateau dreams she has. I'm a new patron and getting caught up on videos, love the lady and all her peeps!!