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It might be a a while till I upload something here again. This is because I have a MAJOR problem, and it has to do with my laptop. My hard drive randomly stopped working and it kept crashing my laptop. So I sent it to a tech shop, and they said they're gonna try to save the files in the hard drive. They replaced my laptop with a new hard drive, so EVERYTHING has been erased. Right now I'm encountering new problems, which is trying to install updates to my laptop so I could download Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Flash for school projects, and personal projects. Right now, no luck. Hopefully all my files or at least my most important ones can be recovered. If not, then I'll have to rework and redownload everything all over again. And that can take a long time. I really wished that I had backups, otherwise this wouldn't have been a problem. Oh well, lesson learned. I sincerely apologize to my patrons. I know you guys expect the most from me, and believe me I'm doing my best to get stuff out for you guys as much as possible. It's just that right now, a wall is in my way to move forward. Just be patient, and I'll make sure to come back with guns ablazing. Anyways, I still wanna thank you for supporting me here. It's only 3 of you, but you guys still mean a lot to me. I'll try to come back as soon as I can!



Computer issues suck, I hope they can recover as many files as possible.