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As some of you Patrons can clearly see, I haven't been the best when it comes to making content for you guys. I've been kind of in a bit of a rut. I'm always trying to think of a pinups that are at least somewhat interesting and not using the same poses all the time, while at the same time can work with the NSFW variations. However, I haven't been having as much fun or motivated to keep making the pinups. 

So I tried experimenting with quick and fun drawings. Starting off with the Peacock pic awhile back, and just last night, the Lapis drawing from the most recent SU episode. And the thing that I noticed immediately is how fast I was able to make those drawings. So I wanna start making those kinds of drawings more.

THIS DOESN'T MEAN THAT THE NSFW PINUPS WILL STOP!! I'll still make at least 2-4 NSFW pinups every month. It's just I wanna make these fun drawings in between those pinups.

Its just that I wanna make sure that I keep the creative fire in me to keep burning while still making content for you guys. 

And I REALLY need to remember to keep making the patreon requests for you higher tiered guys. I feel guilty for not making them lol.



Have at it buddy, here to support ya in what you love doing! Though I do notice you draw better when it's stuff you're more in the mood.


Thanks dude! I also noticed that when I made the Lapis pic, so it makes sense that it would look better if I cared more.


Second verse same as the first, man! I've never felt cheated or skimmed for content from you. Hell, your latest Lapis was the final shove I needed to check out Steven Universe. I'm always happy to see new content from you, no matter the length of time because, I know love and effort went into every line you do.


Thanks very much dude! Seriously, you’re like a big chunk of my Patreon payout lol. But yeah, please check out Steven Universe! It starts off kinda slow, but REALLY picks up later on! Once you get to the most recent episode, you’ll see why I just HAD to draw that Lapis moment. Lapis is my fave btw.