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Heya, folks.

Well, this month wasn't very productive in terms of number of completed works. I did Nora, Ezria and soon there will be Nyotengu. But, the good news is - I did a lot of studies this month and learned many cool things I can now use in my works. You'll see, it was worth the wait.

----New tier----

There is new limited tier, which allow you get guaranteedsmall pin-up commi like this one . Example is quite old, but you get the idea.


I didn't had time to edit these (didn't speed up or anything), but they will be ready to download in few days. All of them.


After Nyotengu, I'll hop to finishing Korra commission. With my new skills I can work faster and better, so will see how it'll go. Then new raffle. I'm also thinking of taking average non-patreon commi, if I'll have time. I'll keep doing studies, but I'll make sure that I'm spending enough time on my patreon work, to make more people as possible happy.

Comics plans on hold for now, until I'll generate enough cool ideas in my head. Tho, I want to draw illustration with Tara-chan soon. But, again, if I'll have time.


251 patreon and $1,449.51 per month! Wowie! That's A LOT. Can't describe how happy I am with such impressive support. You are the best, guys. I mean it.

----New tumblr blogs----

I have two new blogs
Sketch blog
Futa blog

Check them out, if you want to!


Eh, 2016 soon. Damn, Time. Y u so fast? Sthap, pls.

Anyway, see you in next month, folks. I'll wait you on streams.

Ask me questions here or PM.

- Sincerely, Tarakanovich



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