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Hello everyone, I come here to ask your opinions on this decision, please read and give me your thoughts on this.

I have been thinking of removing the $3 tier and merging it with the $5 tier, making the $5 tier the minimum tier to get rewards such as the artdrop.

Why? Because of one thing, the NSFW packs. When I implemented the nsfw packs, they were going to be a tiny addon to the basic artdrop rewards. For as much as the nsfw packs are rare, I still wish to make them and give them to patrons as content, but I wish to make these nsfw packs part of the normal artdrops as well.

Is this something I'm debating, and on the discord server is getting positive feedback, but for the ones who aren't there, feel free to talk about it here, or DM me, as I'll read my messages too.

If the majority is ok with this, I will do the change before the end of this month.