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Hey guys, I'm actually house sitting for my parents so i'm finding it hard to get in the zone, but everything will be back to normal in a week's time.

Apologises for not telling you guys sooner. 



"Silence" in title made me think it was another chapter lol. Thanks for the heads up and take whatever time you need! :)

Joel Bullock

No problem mate see u in a week

Daniel Gesualdi

Sad but that is life. Have a nice dinner with your parents or something. Bake a pie... pies are good. Enjoy life and then get back to making wordsmithing magic.

Carl Mason

It's cool, thanks for letting us know about expected delays. Some authors don't, so I personally really appreciate it.


What everyone else has already said. 😊


it's cool. You take care Stu and continue when you're up to it


Cool, I don’t really care how long it takes you to write I just want to be kept up to date with your situation


Just relax once in a while! You threw out like 3 chapters a week recently, so enjoy some time for yourself.

Hamasake Gagf

realy anoying you post this after month is up tho so we cant cansel in time