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Between feeling sick and crusty... one of my fish died and it was my fault.

I'll need another day but 130 will be written. I won't leave you all hanging again x



How DARE you be human being with human needs and feelings and other gross things. Seriously though, no sweat.


Life happens, no worries. Hope things get better even if only for a moment.


I'm sorry. Hope you feel better soon. Don't push yourself too hard if you can help it, we're patient.


Aw man, I felt that... don't worry about it, we can wait, your health (mental, physical, emotional) matters more. I once had a fish that died as well, that feels so relatable


Take as much time as you need. The story will always be there when you get back to it, no need to worry over it while your unwell and going through troubles.


Thats too bad Stew. Always sucks when bad things happen to you. Hope you feel better soon.


Take your time and get better. We can wait.


I am very curious, why haven’t we heard of some grand prophecy that could foretell grand destruction if you we to make make delta cry, and awaken the sleeping dragons and demon lords that resides in her?


Fish the Dungeon Core.