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Thank you all!



This made me lol; “Delta wouldn’t let demons into her dungeon, well besides Miss Ruli... and Mister Runilac... and I guess maybe that mime I’ve heard about...” Kemy trailed off for a moment.


You think Ruli was bad, wait till you see the pygmies


thanks for the chapter

Bryan wiggins

I know the identity of those terrible demon she is talking about, it delta’s cute little angles the Pygmy guys. So sadistic she had to ack them to be more kind.


Thank you for the chapter. I'm not sure if you intended the doc to be view only, but as it is, we can't help with editing and our general gratitude for writing such an awesome story (as well as making the occasional bad pun XP ). Up to you what you want to do, and I completely understand if you don't want the chaos we tend to add to the doc, but if you're getting less input on the story, that's why.

D J Meigs

I was just starting to feel my heart break during story time when Dev interrupted. And I love how Grim can feel Delta scream XD