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heres the next one!


103: Pop goes the Slime?

Poppy turned a page. "Gentle!" came a deep growl from the book. Poppy turned the book around and her blank expression meet the cover of the book where an etched face made of symbols and ink glared at her. "Tom, I can't go any gentler.



9 pages in and I never stopped laughing. Each part is like a thrown pebble that start an avalanche only you have thrown so much in all directions that all the sides of the mountain is now ONE avalanche. This story is so great.


I love it


I love this story


Thank you. This is good stuff Stewie. I hope you can use patreon and your writing to get back up on your feet. 👌


Delta: What will this effect? Answer, everything.

D J Meigs

Thank you Stewie! I know you're having your own difficulties, but I have to say I've missed having regular doses of Delta.


My quandary: I'm a addict and I want you to create faster, on the same token I want you to take care of yourself so you can feed my addiction for years to come. Also you know human compassion and all that. So take care of yourself first. *damnit*


Those skeletons are a hoot and a half. I’m glad that the story shifted a bit to the other characters purely because you have put so much love into them. I do hope Selma is not too bothered by an orange slime dragging them to see delta


Slimes, both the least if Monsters, and potentially the greatest of them.


Wondering what the Circus Challenges and Tests are going to be. Am also Wondering if Delta will be creating some Fair Ground Games.


What area will Delta move onto next to improve? The Flower Garden, the Hot Spring, ????