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Hey howdy hey!

So, YEETZ BEEN another slow week on FTCR. Our apologies, we were going to record more Wind Waker on Friday, but myself and Smoovies weren't feeling great.

However, we now have 4 raw LPs recorded:

- Croc: Legend of the Gobo's
- Gremlins 2
- Super Mario Land 2: 6 Golden Coins
- New Ghostbusters 2

All of these will be open to our $50+ members who have 4 months banked! I'll be making a post for you to claim your LP!

Due to having nothing else to show, I thought I'd share something. Attached is an frame of animation for a show idea TJ and I have had for almost 3 years, and this year (God willing) we'll finally get it online.

If you guys enjoy seeing an even bigger peak  behind the curtain with unreleased commentaries (like last week) and unseen artwork, please let me know, and I can share more.

Thanks for all you guys do to help keeps us around!





Keen for this future LP line up, especially Mario Land 2. That was my first video game ever! Very cool seeing that frame - I be always open to the idea of seeing little behind the scene peaks etc if available.