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We're back once again, thank you all for baring with us. We want you guys to be the first to officially hear the good news: we're re-monetized, baby!!!

We can finally start setting our terrible content live again, starting with Spyro 3 next week! 

We haven't done anything new just yet, but we are recording an extra long Turkey Dazzle Yes, Friend! this weekend, and hopefully more Hit & Run.

We currently have 4 open LPs left to finish: Rayman 2, Wind Waker, Sonic Unleashed, and The Last of Us. We aim to get at least 3 of these done before starting any new ones. We'll come up with some ideas and throw up a poll for you guys to decide what we do next.

I'm about to link the final 2 parts of the Zombies LP, and first 2 of our Sonic Unleashed LP for the $5+ tier!

Thanks for everything you guys do for us!



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