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well.......another week has ended. Thank Jebus. Here's a small list of what we've done.

-I have (finally) finished re-rendering every podcast, to be smaller in size and include new intros. I also have all the new artwork and (some) of the new intro/outro music. My goal of having everything back online by May should be 100% doable! Thank you all so much.

-As some might have seen on Twitter, my PC decided to be even worse and lock me out of my main profile. I can still access all my files, but I'm stuck using IE, and I can't download anything. Yay. I am currently working on some projects, and once they are done (and I find the time to organize all my files) I will FINALLY get a new PC. I don't expect this to impede work too much, but please bare with me over the following weeks/months.

-We started recording the Mighty No. 9 LP today!  Recorded by gamesEnlisted, featuring him, me, TJ and TwixMix, with Ryan from BSC in one part. We recorded 3 of 7 parts today, and should get the rest recorded soon.

-Yes, we plan to also do the 4 hour credits as its own part. Pray for us.

-The projects I mentioned earlier are finally editing the BBFA3 (Big's Big Fishing Adventure 3) panel from TMG '17, and 'From The Outside Looking In: Comics'.

-The upload plan for the next few weeks is: This week - Forces part 7  & Johnny Gioeli TMG panel. The follow week: Bee Movie parts 6 & 7. Following week: BBFA3 & Comic book panel. Week after: MN9. All weeks will include an All-Star Gaming video as well.

-As some of the may have seen in this weeks 'Turkey Dazzle Yes, Friend!' episode, we are not going to TMG this year. It was a decision made out of myself feeling very burnt out, and kinda stressed with all the projects I'm juggling, and also the money we would spend on the con could be used to better help the channel in other ways.

For the next week, I will be focusing on: finishing the 2 panels/getting the podcasts back online/fixing up and organizing the YouTube channel/cleaning up all the libsyn web pages for all the podcasts.

I also plan to do a recording of Shadow The Hedgehog this week, please let me know what days would work. Tuesday might be best for me, but let me know!

Thanks again for your continued support. I know things have slowed down a tad over the last few weeks, but I want to ensure you that we are all working behind the scenes to get as much content to you as possible. Things might still be a bit hectic/slow on updates up till about June time, as June 9th is the official 11th anniversary of the YouTube channel starting, and let's just say we have a few things planned for that....



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