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We....Akapami... Thank you for the support of all dear patrons. 

without you guys We can't draw this long. Thank you guys so much your support It allows us to draw pictures that we really love.

 And we will repay you more and more as we can.

This is a new year gift from us. You can load all set images and PSD files here > https://www.dropbox.com/s/tdn1na917jptabd/Happy%20new%20years%202022%20Tiger%20year%21.rar?dl=0

 Happy New Year 2022 Year of the Tiger! 

May everyone be happy!




Omg, I'm melting away. What a super sexy, mouthwatering gift. He looks absolutely gorgeous! Thank you so much for this sweet surprise and all the best for 2022 to you! <3


Awesome gift! Thank you ✌


His nipples are too erotic to hide! The fact that he has 2022 written on his dick is also sexually wonderful, adding to the perversity.


//// It took me longer time to paint his nipples more than Draw his face twice! Glad you think like me it's sexy! panther's nipples


Your art is just 👌🏼


Oh also. Did you do a Yami from Black Clover? 😯 I swear I thought I saw one of him on your twt


Hello, I started subscribing to yours in December, but I haven't received my December reward yet. Could you please take a look? thanks


January is ending and there is still completely no news or update whatsoever on the December rewards. How many weeks is this pack going to be delayed?


I will be cancelling my subscription at the end of January (before the next billing cycle). I would like to make sure I will receive my December reward whenever that is finished. Thanks.