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I know I'm late with posting. This is a mammoth project with almost 250 gigabyte of raw unedited footage (about 4 hours), and I had to more or less start sorting and editing all of it to figure out an audiovisual language for the contest.

But now I'm proud to announce the new contest! And what a great show it was this year. Held in a gorgeous palace and featuring returning champions and promising newcomers, this was an event to remember.
The contest will be split into 3 or 4 videos, plus one for the afterparty, which focuses a lot on the many beautiful spectators.

I went for a neoclassical music style for the contest to match the palacial location. Also I used some new lighting effects which were inspired by the film "Barry Lyndon", which takes place in similar locations (Great film by the way if anyone hasn't yet seen it)


2023 SLBA Olympia Parts 1 and 2