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You certainly noticed I disappeared. You're probably angry at me. August broke me. This was one of the worst months of my life. Some of you may have seen my post on Deviantart. I almost lost my mom. A heart issue went undetected for way too long and she needed emergency heart surgery. Luckily everything went well there, and she is almost fully recovered.
Then a week later my Grandma died. Peacefully, but it hit me.
Then I get an eviction notice from my landlord. Rents in my town have more than doubled in the last few years, and naturally he wants me out. Tenant protections are strong in my country, so he accused me of a bunch of nonsense, and it will likely lead to a court battle.
Then in the 3rd week of August I got hit with a nasty case of pancreatitis. What caused it? Don't know, I never drink and eat healthy. I'm assuming the stress. I just broke down.

I tried to post something the entire month, but could barely work at all. Now the past 2 days I've been doing better again and have been working like crazy to catch up.

The next few days I will post a lot to do just that. I'm so so sorry to let you down. This year has been brutal. But rest assured, I won't stop ever.


Andre Brock

Sorry for your loss, I will keep you and family in my prayers.


My deepest condolences on your grandmother's passing and best whishes for the health of both you and your mother. The landlord attempting to kick you out is a massive dick move, but you should be able to weather that storm. Just remember to visit the Mieterschutzbund before consulting a lawyer, they can already help you with a lot and for a lot less than what a lawyer would take for a counseling session. P.S.: I doubt anyone was angry with you, especially long-term supporters who are aware of your various health issues. We know you will deliver what cou can when you can and will patiently wait until some new content arrives, no matter if it takes a bit longer. So there really is no need to apologize from my perspective, life happens to all of us and that is perfectly understandable.