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Some of you have complained about not being able to access vimeo.
For months I've tried to solve the issue. I contacted support, they said everything should work fine. I even subscribed to myself from an account on my laptop, tested it with any browser, and never had any problems. But I think I found the problem:

Set content filter to "show me everything"

If you don't have a vimeo account, it may (but not always) block adult rated videos.
And my upload defaults were set to adult, because of visible breasts in one or two videos.

See here for more.

To solve the issue, make a vimeo account (it's free) and

1. Navigate to the Viewing preferences tab in your Account Settings.

2. Under the Mature content filter, choose between Show me everything

This should do the trick. If this still doesn't work, it's a browser or device compatibility issue with the streaming format. In that case, contact me directly, and I will send you either direct link.

How to download videos:

Unlike Youtube, Vimeo has a download option. I generally set the videos so that within the first month of upload you can open the vimeo page directly and download the videos. Just click on the little vimeo icon at the bottom of the embedded stream to open the video in a new tab, then click the little downward arrow icon:  


This option goes away after the first month, but the video remains streamable in patreon.

Why no more youtube?

I wish we could go back to the days of youtrube hosting, but they are insane.
Just this week, they even gave me a community guidelines strike for a Street Fighter gameplay video, which is a game rated Teen. https://gyazo.com/d6c9790a4723920058e1142de537c361
I got the video reinstated, but the strike remains. Video is here in case you're interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6FCSFbO-3_g

Unless I put the girls in raincoats, the videos will get either deleted or rated adult, which means the videos can't be embedded into patreon, and puts the entire youtube account at risk of deletion if I get too many strikes.

Besides that, the youtube compression is awful and degrades the quality of the videos. Vimeo offers much higher image quality.

Still having problems?

If you have any trouble viewing a video, then it's likely a compatibility issue. Happens with mobile users sometimes (usually also related to the age filter) Please write me a direct message, and I'll send you a direct link.

I hope with the above settings vimeo will work well again for everyone. It can be a little fussy, but the quality is really outstanding, there are no advertising breaks either, and so far they have no problem with muscle content. Yay!

Enjoy the videos and have an awesome summer!


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