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You thought Mass May didn't have any more surprises? Behold: Juli!
I know, it's not nice to call her monster, but she knows it's meant purely as a compliment :)
She has grown a LOT more since this, but even here her vein covered traps rise far above her head, nestling her face in a wall of muscle.

Next week or the week after we will likely launch into contest season, and some summer themed videos as well. Thanks to new software, the outdoor shots are starting to approach photorealism in terms of how the light reacts. I can't wait to show you the results!


Black Dragon 405 2022.04.23 -

This is "Monster" by GameGirlPower on Vimeo, the home for high quality videos and the people who love them.


stan copperfield

Incredible 💪🏻🔥🔥🔥👀👍🏼

Juan Santillan

Nice video. I have two questions 1How can I make a hyper model of Jessie? And finally, when could we see Laodyse y Hottie in action?


Wow, absolute madness! I would't have expected this. Juli is incredible. She's a pure mountain of muscles. I love her giant trap and chest muscles surrounding her head. Also her absolutly huge and wide back is amazing. Together with her body covering veins she's quit perfect. I think if Hyper Jessie will see her, she will be challenged to grow far bigger and musclar than Juli... Maybe there could be a competition between the two (maybe a project for the future?). I hope we all will see more of Monster Juli and hopefully some more monster size girls. She can't be the only one.

Dr. Whoopass

I think I found my limit lol


Beware, this is a long one. It is also, annoyingly, the second time I had to write this, because apparently Patreon decided to let my first post disappear into the void. It seemed like it was posted correctly, I could even edit it, so I didn't save a local copy of it. But after the next hard reload, it was completely gone. Yet another hard reminder to always have a backup and never trust a react app that fails silently in the background. :-( Anyway, enough venting about bugs and on to my actual comment... where I have to vent about the matter at hand: I actually cannot join in the overall positive sentiments in this comment section. Not at all, in fact, as I have to agree with Dr. Whoopass here, this is way past my limits for both taste and suspension of disbelief when it comes to over-the-top physiques. This one goes not just over the top but right into the stratosphere, which usually results in suffocation. So, in my opinion, this one was simply aimed way too high and thus missed the sweet spot up to which an over-the-top muscle lady can still look like a human being and as a result it does nothing for me at best and actually puts me off at worst. My main points of critique are: 1. The muscles no longer look like muscles at all. Almost nothing on her upper body seems to be an exaggeration of actual human body physique anymore, it is more like a bunch of differently elongated spherical shapes (with some indentations in them, often at very odd places and then exactly mirrored from that seam onwards) that have been stitched together and placed roughly at a spot where a more developable muscle might be located, but would never take such a shape. This can be seen best in the shots of her back, but basically nothing on her upper body looks like it belongs... There are also very visible texture seams all over the place which further adds to that. To put it a bit harshly, it actually looks more like she was covered in uncontrollably grown ballooning tumors instead of muscles. I also get the feeling that the absolute ridiculous amount of veins might have actually been added in such high numbers just to break up the ballooning shapes underneath, in order to distract from their misshapen nature. I get that impression because those veins themselves look very randomly plastered all over the place instead of reflecting anything that can actually be seen in physiology - except maybe for certain dangly parts of the male anatomy, which doesn't make the situation any better. But that distraction doesn't really seem to work and what happens instead is that they tend to exaggerate the chaotic, unnaturally grown look of everything even more and thus further strengthen the impression of weirdly grown giant tumors. Granted, I was never a fan of overly veiny models anyway (I prefer all those nices curves to actually be curvy and not broken up so much, which is why I never liked Razor, for example, as well as the girls that have only pecs and no more smooth boobs at all), so my own biases are definitely strengthening this aspect of the off-putting impression I got, but I think there is still some validity from a point of craftsmanship in here as well, just maybe not as impactful as I made it sound in the previous paragraph, due to my personal preferences. Sorry for that, but in these matters nothing is ever just purely objective anyway. 2. No tissue deformations and muscle contractions. This is always one of the biggest strengths of your usual work, that the models were not static robots that could only move at the joints, but their muscles were always animated to a certain degree to make movements seem more natural, changing their shapes based on joint articulation and flexing tension. Here, it seems like all of that progress in animation work was discarded and instead a bunch of balloons was just tacked on a skeleton, which moves only some joints but everything that moves with the bones is just static, which further strengthens the unnatural impression of it all. Not necessarily unnatural as in "artificial", even though that is also the case to an extent, but, again, more like something out of control, straight from the uncanny valley. Stuff not behaving at all in a manner that one would expect it to. When dealing with unnaturally oversized models like you do day in and out, I know that you are aware of how important it is to use every little trick in the book to make things look and behave a bit more natural, as it helps to strengthen the suspension of disbelief that is necessary for the material to gain the minimum amount of believability needed to make a virtual figure radiate enough immersion to feel at least at least a bit life-like, despite all the unrealistic exaggerations. The bigger the exaggerations, the greater the need for compensation with animations, and sadly that second part of this formula was apparently completely discarded here. I suspect that this might have been the case because there wasn't enough room left between all those balloons for animations anyway, but that would then again just be a logically following result from designing every part of the model to actually be too large for its own good. This complete lack of shape adjustments, together with the over-exaggerated sizes of everything above her hip, is leading straight into the next point, because the combination of them worsens its impact tremendously: 3. Clipping errors on top of clipping errors. The extreme ballooning shapes already don't seem to fit together very well without any animation taking place, cutting into each other at multiple places. But as soon as movement also happens, this problem is even further increased, by a large margin. Everything is clipping into one another and at most times I can't even tell what I am actually looking at. It all looks basically like an indiscernible blob of flesh-colored matter, like - again - a tumor. Or, to use a different analogy instead of always repeating this one, at times when her head is visible, it can look a bit as if a woman was currently eaten by a big amoeba and only her head is still sticking out. I know that clipping is and was always a big issue when it comes to extremely exaggerated, super-sized bodies, but it was never this extreme, not even close. There always is a limit to the amount of exaggerated muscle matter, no matter how realistically or artificially designed, that you can apply to a body before it would become completely unable to move because of everything getting in the way of everything else (and that is the case even with deformations and contractions in place, at a certain point), thus turning a character that is supposed to radiate pure power into an inept one with a severe disability... and that is clearly where I draw the line. And yes, clipping issues are unavoidable to an extent and always break immersion a bit, but there is always a point when there is so much of it going on that it completely breaks down all suspension of disbelief. That's for example why I always have to limit the size of my Amazon warriors in Skyrim (from the "Amazons of Skyrim" mod that can be found at LL) at a certain level, even though I technically could push it a lot further. The underlying animation system in Bethesdas engine clearly wasn't made for this and on top of that also has no capabilities for joint-movement-based deformations, so at some point clipping just becomes too much of an issue that can't be "unseen" anymore, so I always try to keep it below that. Phew, that was indeed a long explanation to why I don't like this one at all, but with such a harsh critique I felt the need to adequately substantiate my claims. And hey, at least I now have a much clearer idea of where my limits are, so thanks for that lesson, I guess. But I would still like to end this long post on a positive note (knowing fully well that this makes it even longer), because I don't want you to feel discouraged by this admittedly very harsh critique. That is simply because of course I still like the majority of your work and as long as the girls look like they can still go about their lives with a relatively unimpaired range of motion, are exaggerated in a more anatomically believable way and the clipping errors are kept to a minimum, I am still very much in the "the bigger the better" faction. So, to sort of prove that I by no means want you to steer back from very large sizes, here is my top list of all the girls you featured so far, and you will notice that quite a lot of them are amongst the biggest ones out there: 1. The absolutely stunning redhead from the "A shy admirer" videos and the old "Muscle Monster" version of Tori, which I believe are using the same base body model. While not being the biggest of the bunch and the model itself being a bit old and low-res, there is something about its shape that intrigues me a lot, it is like the proportions of almost everything are just right to fit my taste: Big in every direction, but without the over-emphasis on width that used to make Tori less believable in later versions of her. A beautiful hourglass figure with massive back, lats, chest and thighs, but a nice, comparatively small waist (that still packs very defined Abs) in between. A lovely pair of huge, firm boobs that actually look like they are a part of her and even might follow gravity to a certain extent if there actually were physics, instead of looking like tacked-on rock-hard balloons with plastic nipples, which again happened to later incarnations of Tori. And to top it all off, that version of Tori has a really pleasant face that goes through a lot of nice expressions throughout that clip and the face of the redhead I don't know the name of strikes me as even more beautiful, even though she doesn't have as many expressions and all of them are quite serious compared to Tori, who comes across as really happy and friendly in the MM clip. 2. Jenn Oh in her fully grown form and the one before that. I did like the version fresh out of the UV tanner most, but that might also just have been because the lighting in that scene was better at compensating the low texture quality and thus made her skin look more smooth and natural. 3. Anya Corrin. To this day, this is in my humble opinion the best model to prove that cute, relatively natural-looking boobs don't have to be completely dismissed when the model has absolutely extreme pecs, they can still go together even if the pecs dwarf the boobs in comparison. I really wish you would use that base model more often, especially for the next evolution of Jessie. 4. Chrissy in her "Luxury Spa" and "Lucky Day" versions. Also proved very well that a massive physique still goes very well with cute, natural-looking boobs that do not have to be sacrificed for pec size... Which really makes me wish she could have kept them in her otherwise extremely impressive "Red Room", "Giga" and "Über" incarnations. 5. Hottie (name says it all) and fully grown Minniva. 6. Starry, at least before she lost her boobs in her last growth spurt in episode 6. 7. Almost all of the girls from the 2017 heavyweights competition, except for that over-exaggerated anime character with the plastic-looking skin and the girl without any boobs whatsoever. 8. Mass Monster 2017 and Chrissy with implants. While their boobs are looking very unnatural and tacked-on, they are still better than none at all and luckily the rest of their bodies looks a lot more more believable to compensate for them. And that while still being just absolutely massive and somehow avoiding the worst clipping issues, even though they tend to become unavoidable at those sizes, which is an impressive feat. 9. The ultra-wide recent incarnations of Tori. There were a few older instances where she looked completely off (seemingly using the body model of Razor, like in her character sheet clip) which I didn't like at all, but her super-sized 2019+ version from the "Love" and "Waterfall" videos are very impressive, to say the least, even though her ginormous boobs look too artificial and cause some nasty clipping issues a lot of the time. But because you explained on multiple occasions why that technical problem exists, I can still accept it as long as the rest of her doesn't look as artificial. Those ultra-wide versions of her are very close to the limit, though, always scratching at it, sometimes bending it to the point it almost breaks. That is not only due to a) the completely spherical boobs that look like they have plastic nipples but also by b) being almost too wide to still look human and c) having become so large that a lot of animation is needed to prevent the worst clipping errors, while still quite a lot of them are unfortunately happening because of the impossibility to avoid them all at that size. But somehow it worked out so far, sometimes just barely but it never threw me completely off, like the video above does. This is only a top 9 instead of a top 10 because none of them can beat Jessie, who I consider to be in a league of her own, no matter her current body model (as long as it still has cute boobs, that is). That is almost exclusively because of her face, of course, so she wouldn't quite fit into the above list which is all about size anyway, but that being said, her "Absence of Light" episode and "Jessie gets big 2nd cut" are still my top videos of all the ones you produced so far. tl;dr: This video was a huge miss for me, but do not stop aiming high because of that, just take a more measured approach next time. I still love the majority of your work, so this one mishap won't drive me away, not by a long shot.

Jacob East

^ I had the same impression. Love you GGP but this looks like a fleshy blob. 🤷🏽‍♂️

Melissa Muscles

No offense to these guys but hyper mass monster look like monsters. That’s the point. GET HUGE!


was very hard to watch. did not make me want to continue subscribing. was hard to see any of the model or what she was doing. big Chrissy i think is most peoples limit. I love the Chrissy , Nephytes(sp) and Mehgan models.

Melissa Muscles

I will never not want bigger girls. I understand there’s a lot of effort going into making a body that large look proportional, but that’s kind of the thing with massive muscles- they aren’t proportional. I love the sheer size and the videos intensity.

Col Drelik

Agree with some of the comments above that the aesthetic value of a muscular physique is completely lost and this video is now in the realm of the grotesque (which may appeal to some). However the extreme vascularity effect is intriguing, perhaps could be applied to some of the more aesthetic models? (for example 'Lexi',)


Juli was always going to be divisive, but yes, as with all experiments and concept works, there is much to be learned. I'm already working on a super vascular skin for some of the other big girls. There are still a few bumps to smoothen with it, but I think the final result will be good.


Oh wow, this was a long read indeed, thank you so so much for the feedback. If this video helped inspire these musings, then it indeed more than fulfilled its purpose. To clarify a few things: I knew beforehand that this video would be controversial and probably not to most people's liking, which is why I posted it within this themed month. This body (or the modifications) was designed by Juli herself, who is also an artist on deviantart who goes for absolutely extreme sizes. She doesn't want to look human anymore, she wants to get not as big as possible but as big as imaginable. As an artist, this is something I absolutely respect, because it does what art is supposed to do: challenge our preconceptions. Whether the result is objectively beautiful is secondary to its ambition. When you aim for the impossible, it's inevitable to miss, but you still tried. And that's what I love about her work and her passion for this. It's palpable in her writing, too, you can tell that it comes from the heart. As an artist, that matters most to me. Juli is a friend. I wanted to do her proud with this clip. Clipping, lack of flexing animations, indeed, all this is true. I did my best to hide this with camera work, which was a learning experience, for me, too. In many ways, this mirrors a concept car. They often lack safety features, are not street legal in any way, are way too wide, low and impractical to ever be sold. But the goal is not to sell the car, but to test the limits of technology and learn from it. In this case much knowledge was gained. As you notied, the boobs on Chrissy's old Mass Monster look (ca 2017) used a similar technique. This eventually evolved into my HD skin, which I've been using in some recent videos. A lot of the girls you mentioned use the old body model, which - as you again expertly spotted - is lower resolution, but has a very nice shape. I have tried to bump up the resolution of those bodies by applying custom textures, but it never really worked. It's a darn shame, because the shape is so good. I may even be able to bring that body back with some of the lighting used in the Juli video. That was one of the tricks learned here actually. You'll be glad to hear there are 3 new Jessie videos coming, and she will never lose her boobs in her normal look. I'll always try and variate the bodies and styles. Some people love the pec chest, others love boobs. Demographically, I'd say it's split nearly 50/50. Some like super huge, others prefer the more realistic style of Alina etc. I must be lucky, since I love all of them. Thank you again for taking the time to write down your thoughts, such feedback (and criticism) is much appreciated and helpful. Especially when experimenting.


She might take that as a compliment :) Joking aside, I'm sorry you didn't enjoy this one and hope the next ones will be to your liking again.


Apologies to you as well, madfox. As stated in the other replies, I knew Juli would be controversial, but as an experiment I'm quite proud of this, and on a personal level, Juli is just a good friend and an artist I admire. We'll be seeing Chrissy again quite soon, Meghan and Nephy may take a while, but fingers crossed for them.


I'm glad you enjoyed this so much :) This is a love or hate video for sure, there are very few indifferent reactions. Even hyper Jessie can't compete with Juli (also Juli is a LOT bigger now), but there may be one challenger out there. Given the controversial reactions, I'm not sure when we will see this level again. Probably not for a year, and then probably only as a bonus video or in combination with another character. Or maybe something experimental, like a slim Giantess who suddenly gets outsized and outflexed by "normal" size Juli who then grows to mountain size? Who knows :)

Dr. Whoopass

I think my max (and faves) are Midnight Workout, Jenn The Catgirl Part 4, Tina tearing her dress/beach