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In Episode 5, Starry's growth really kicks in as she conquers her local gym. However, she also draws attention towards her without considering the consequences...

Oh, in case you're subscribed to tigersan's page fem-powerextreme.com , I shot some footage of his character Maus for the new clip there :)


Starry 5


Rainer Kurth

She looks incredible strong.


This gym is well equipped. Maybe good enough for a fat to fit 4 update. Those big weights are crying out to be tested by the next goddess.


I feel like these last two posts were re-posts of older clips...no? Youtube indicates April 2019


I keep a pretty large backlog of story videos, yes. For some of them I still have effects planned, which dont quite pan out, or I keep them as backup for when I run into a wall with a project, a harddrive dies or something else unforseen happens. This summer for example I had to almost exhaust my backlog, which I'm starting to fill up again. I don't sleep well knowing I don't have at least 4 videos ready to post.