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 I've been playing with the idea for a villain in the main story for a while now and I wanted to ask you for some feedback. Do you like the idea of an antagonist for Alina, Stormy, Jessie, etc? What would you think is a good motivation for someone to take on the girls of Sunset Club? A few ideas that came to mind:  

- the new mayor is angry about the constant damage to streets and seismic activity due to Stormy's workouts and shuts down the club (But really may harbor a more sinister motivation).
- Someone marketing a super strength formula attempts to show off what their product can do by having a (slightly unstable) girl overpower the sunset girls.
- Someone holds a grudge against Stormy or someone else from long ago and seeks revenge (simple and straightforward)  I like all of these ideas, but I'm not 100% sold on any yet. Let me know what you think.

I just added the finishing touches to another fun episode with Stormy and Jessie. 11 minutes runtime! Starry's story should be ready to be posted soon as well, currently working on episode 6  (currently trying to figure out how to portray vehicular destruction).   And I'm editing a new story about Manoua, a goth girl who's life changes dramatically after one bad day.  Also the heavyweights of the April contest will be posted this month.

Lots of fun stuff to look forward to! 



Jordan Lew

Super strength formula and mental instability!


All three sound sublime... But the inner sci-fi nerd of me is very interested in the formula, though my twisted mind does see how all could fit together. But my head explodes thinking of the behind the scenes logistics for that. X.X'

Joe Snuffy

How about someone who has brawn and beauty? Stormy has a very masculine body without boobs, at least to a certain perspective, so have another trainer with large boobs and a big ass butt into their session and offer to help Jessie get big but stay "feminine". A rival to stormie.


Interesting idea. Hyped up bimbo vs brute strength. I could see the themes behind that working, especially if I could make Jessie somehow have enough of Stormy's "abuse" (as will be seen in the next few episdes). Although one of the episodes actually really shows the two being close friends. Question:, why would this other trainer target Jessie specifically?


Well there will be some scenes with a formula. That is already in the works, and yes, setting those scenes and the theft of the formula up is extremely hard. But it'll work :) I also have a backstory on how the formula was made. Still not sure who is behind the theft of the formula though. That is the role to be filled by the new antagonist.

Jacob East

I’m dying to see a FMG stage contest between two rivals. Like a F2F but these two have a grudge and want to outdo each other.


Can't do that with this contest (I think), but there will be a rival FMG video. I'm definitely doing that!


the first one is probably the most interesting. the 3rd is not bad, but it's also a bit too cliched in my opinion.


I'm your villain 🌹


A villain would certainly be a good excuse to show some other forms of feats of strength, like tossing cars or destroying buildings. Plus it would certainly be a good motivation for the girls to fight fire with fire, making them train with more intensity then ever instead of just for fun.


i m for the super strength formula


I'm actually working on those. Have been for months now (with the help of some people, I couldn't do this alone). The Starry series will have some destruction scenes. However, destroying buildings is still not working out the way it should. Eventually it will.


The old dick dastidly character and Penelope pitstop type tied to railroad tracks saved by a she-muscle.


But of course not by ripping apart the chains, but by stopping the locomotive? I see that working :D


Oh also puny struggles by victim whilst being lift n carried.villian laughes at puny attempt.and heroine posing whilst saving the day.and carries off our beauty into the sunset..the end lol

The Mole

Thanks for the very interesting suggestions. I think I Like the background villain idea best, shutting down the club. In response the girls will have to look elsewhere for their exercise equipment - cars, trucks, aircraft, ships... Thy could go on a quest trying (and failing) to find a challenge. And this backfires on our mastermind as his property is amongst those damaged or lost. But a superstrength serum could also work well with the protagonist showing it off in an increasing impressive series of challenges - with perhaps one of our other heroines joining in to challenge her? But anything with big, super-impressive superstrength will be most welcome. Thanks.


You read my mind ;) That was precisely my intention. I needed to get the girls out of the gym for a bit. There are some really cool feats of strength coming up :) Happy to see you are excited about it!

Lily Morrigan

You can use me as villain:)