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Tigersan's new character Maus makes her debut in a cyberpunk themed video.

Name: Valerie Hinckney
Nickname: Maus
Age: 20
Height: 7'
Weight: 654lbs

Beta TuffBone skeletal enhancement,
Subdermal armor,
Grafted muscle,
Muscle enhancement,
Toxin binders,

Kiroshi Mono-Vision with:
- Image enhancement,
- Targetting scope,
- Teleoptics,
- Thermograph sensor,
- Infrared,
- Anti-dazzle,

Altered DNA,
Pain Editor,
Enhanced antibodies
Built in Weapons: On hands, Wolvers
Bio:  Valerie Hinckney, born in the Heywood area of Nightcity, an area plagued with gang problems. Orphaned after her parents were murdered by a boostergang.
She vowed to help people when she got older.
When she was 18, after saving up some cash from various jobs, she bought her first cyberware enhancement: The Kiroshi mono-vision with
6 modes. She grew up in pretty rough community so  she had to know how to fight and she was VERY good at it. She  started doing little jobs for the local fixer and earned more and more to spend on further enhancements. The bone enhancement was next, it was
the most serious and dangerous enhancement. It had to be done in a special  corporate hospital, and it involved growing her bones longer imbuing
them with special titanium alloy while accelerated DNA alteration was performed. Lengthening her bones had to be done gradually, over the  period of a
week so that all the ligaments and muscles could adapt. It had to be done before muscle mass alterations.
In the end she was over 7ft tall. Next was Muscle enhancement to make her stronger, then Muscle grafts to add mass and sculpt her body, finally peaking at 650 pounds body weight. Little remained of the teen  girl she used to be, except a little belly button heart piercing...
Her mother used to call her Mouse, so she retained the name, choosing it's German spelling in reference to an experimental heavy tank in World War 2. 
The many cyber enhancements took a huge toll on her humanity, to the point where she is on the verge of cyber-psychosis, and has to consciously restrain herself from using violence during any given situation.
Her dream of becoming a hero has been brutally diverged, by her own decisions and she wanders the line between vigilante and assassin.

